
Chapter 133 - Taste Of Blood- Part 2

There was still time for them to reach back the Carmichael mansion, holding her close to him he saw her eyes droop to shut close.

The next time when Vivian opened her eyes, she flinched when she tried moving her leg which had been bandaged. Trying to recollect what happened, she remembered the rush of water that went through her ears, struggling to get her footing right which she slipped when one of her foot landed on a mossy stone making her slip and pushing another stone which was there to cut through her leg. The curtains were closed, fire burning in the fireplace which made her wonder if it was the time of night already.

Hearing the door open, she saw it to be the housekeeper who entered with wooden logs in his hand.

Seeing the lady up, the housekeeper put the logs down next to the fireplace and went to pour a glass of water before giving it to her.

Vivian took it, her eyes still dazed from sleep. It seemed that since two weeks she had been spending more of her time in the bed that outside.

"What time is it?" she asked the housekeeper.

"It is past four in the evening, milady. Master Leonard must be here soon," as if at the mention of the name, Leonard stepped into the room, taking the glass from her, the housekeeper went to add the logs to keep the fire of the heat in the room. The weather had begun to change, from the rains that brought in the message of the oncoming winter which was going to freeze the lands.

Leonard came to her side of the bed, asking her, "Try not to move your leg. I have to suture the skin in the carriage so it might take a little longer time for it to heal," he did it himself? thought Vivian to herself, "You were losing a lot of blood and it didn\'t stop initially. I didn\'t want to wait long for the doctor to come and see you."

"Okay," she answered, her tongue feeling a little lighter after drinking water. At the thought of her brows went to concentrate, "Did you make me drink your blood?"

"Pureblooded vampires have healing blood. Did it taste bad?" he asked her knowing that her human self wouldn\'t have been comfortable to take in the thick blood.

"I uh," she trailed not knowing how to answer what she felt. She flinched when she tried to move her leg.

"Stop moving, Vivi. The wound is fresh and it will take time for the stitch to mold in with the skin," he lightly scolded out of worry. What happened there?" he asked Vivian, his anger hadn\'t faded at the scene of what he had seen.

With the sudden fall and rush of water and Leonard coming to pick her up in his arms, she could faintly remember him saying something to Eleanor before carrying her to the carriage. With the pain she had felt back there she wasn\'t in the position to concentrate anywhere else.

"I fell down."

"I know that. How did you fall?" his gaze burned into hers.

She shrugged her shoulder, her head shaking as she replied back with, "The bridge must have not been built strongly to hold so many people at a time. Lady Shirley will have to rework on the bridge again," she chuckled to see the man standing in front of her with an unamused expression.

"It isn\'t a laughable matter, Vivian," the smile on her face died down. Leonard wasn\'t in the mood to listen to her humour and it didn\'t look like she could brighten up his mood. She must have caused him quite some worry, not to forget that she herself had gotten worried by looking at the blood around her.

Remembering she wasn\'t the only one who had fallen into the river, she asked, "What about Lady Shirley? Is she alright?"

"She\'s fine," his answer was vague. It wasn\'t Lady Shirley but Vivian who had been injured at the part of the water where the other woman had fallen had been safe.

He looked at her leg which looked fluff on one side as he had aided to her leg before and after coming back to the mansion. After making her drink his blood, he had pulled out her hairpins to push it through the skin to close the wound temporarily. Having done a decent job, he didn\'t see the point to call the village doctor and fixed her leg by himself washing it with diluted alcohol.

He pondered over the scene he had come across where his second cousin stood with a smug like a smile on the bridge with her eyes looking down at Vivian who was looking around her surrounding. To think that instead of helping the women who had fallen into the water, she had stood there idle as if it was a play in the theatre, the thought infuriated Leonard to no end.

Eleanor had been a sweet girl when they were young, possibly sweeter and nicer than Charlotte too and it turned out that she had changed in time.

Not wanting to rest anymore, Vivian went to get up from the bed moving as she placed both her feet on the ground, Leonard came to her side to support her.

She sat in the same position, staring at the wall to which Leonard didn\'t question her. He knew exactly what she was thinking without her speaking about it. Looking at her sideways, he saw the colour that had returned back to her cheek, the reason being his blood running in her body now. He was glad to have thought about it, as repulsive the taste was for a human, he had hoped to get some amount of it into her which he achieved successfully. She finally asked, "Why did you feed me your blood?"

The little sunrays that the clouds had le pass through had begun to fade. Birds chirping as they began to fly back to their nests. The sun setting to darken the lands slowly.

"Pureblooded vampires have medicinal elements to heal humans wounds."

"They do?" seeing him nod in confirmation. How strange, thought Vivian to herself, "Wouldn\'t that mean that part of my blood tried fighting whatever was responsible for turning me to a human then?"

"It\'s very much possible but whatever caused it must have been something really strong. It\'s not easy to change a pureblooded vampires structure of DNA. It includes the corrupting of the core of the heart. The witch who produced it used something very rare and effective enough to break every component that is part of the core before dissolving into the system and diffusing the core into blackness."

"Is it true that a pureblooded vampire\'s heart core is like red candlelight?"

"It is. It isn\'t the heart but the core which keeps the pureblooded vampires from ageing quickly. Once the core loses its light, everything starts shutting down in the body. It washes the mind and unable to keep up with malfunctioning, the core finally corrupts to give out a new kind of a vampire. The corrupt hearted vampires who are useless and are killed before any form befalls."

The housekeeper arrived back at the door, knocking it for attention to which the couple turned to look at him, "Master, Lady Eleanor is here to meet you," but before anyone could say anything more, Eleanor burst through the guestroom door who had been asked to stay in the drawing room until Leonard would be fetched. The housekeeper trusting not to react to her sudden appearance after instructing to stay, he bowed his head not making eye contact with anyone, he disappeared outside.

Eleanor\'s hair looked wild, her red eyes livid which didn\'t bring out the emotions she held deep down. She had come to meet Leonard so that she could apologize to what mistake she had done but she hadn\'t expected to find Vivian resting in one of the mansion room. She didn\'t understand what the human girl was doing here.

"Eleanor," Leonard wasn\'t pleased with her presence not near him nor near Vivian. and his expression was as clear as the day of the South.

"I think you mistook my actions, Leo. Please allow me to explain. I was too shocked when she fell and didn\'t know what to do. At the same time, Lady Monica said something unnecessary which was funny but it was wrong of me to indulge in it instead of helping Vivian," she stated anxiously. Her eyes held visible tears which threatened to spill out of her eyes. Turning her gaze at Vivian who had only stood up from the bed she bent her head, "I am sorry for the inconvenience that has been caused and for not coming sooner. Please forgive me for not coming sooner."

Leonard was ready to snap back with his words but Vivian held his hand, to receive a questionable look from him. She shook her head so that he wouldn\'t be rash with his cousin.

"Lady Eleanor, please raise your head," spoke Vivian with the same politeness before she had come to see the way Lady Eleanor had smiled at the plight after she fell into the water, "It was a mishap no one could prevent. The workers didn\'t do their job well in building the bridge firmly."

"B-but it was my fault," she cried remembering the way Leonard had used his sharp tongue and eyes that had been filled with anger, "If I didn\'t invite you in such unfamiliar place, you wouldn\'t have hurt yourself."

Vivian smiled, "Please don\'t take the blame upon yourself. It wasn\'t your fault and I was glad that you invited me so fondly," Leonard clutched his hands together before walking past Eleanor to exit the room.

She saw Eleanor\'s eyes follow Leonard who had turned slightly as he had walked by to turn back to look at her, "I am sorry," as if wanting to test her she said, "You have been hurt that you aren\'t able to travel to your home. Should I perhaps contact your family for you so that they don\'t worry?" asked Lady Eleanor.

"That wouldn\'t be required. The Duke has put in a good word so that they don\'t worry. He asked me to rest the night today and go home tomorrow," Vivian cautiously put in the words to see Lady Eleanor\'s face slip slightly before she nodded her head.

"Of course. Rest is important. All that matters is that Lady Shirley and you are well now," Eleanor walked to her and took hold of Vivian\'s arm so that she could help her sit on the bed, "Does it hurt?"

"Just when I move it around a lot," Vivian answered to while making sure her dress didn\'t put pressure on the wound. She was still in the dress which she had worn before leaving the mansion.

And it was then that it happened, something Vivian had been trying to achieve since she had been invited to Lady Sheryl\'s private mansion. In the intention to apologize more thoroughly, Lady Eleanor took hold of Vivian\'s hands in hers.

As Eleanor began to apologize, Vivian was taken back to the memories of years ago that had taken place, transporting her to a room where two young children sat at one of the top of the room looking at the stars where the sky was clear.

She identified the blonde boy to be none other than Leonard who must have been around the age they had met. Next to him sat a girl who must have been Eleanor. Unlike Vivian who was two years younger to Leo, Eleanor was the same age as her cousin pureblooded vampire. The children spoke something amongst them. With the door open from where she had come, Vivian walked closer to them to see the difference in their seating positions.

Young Leonard sat in the front with a book in his hand and Eleanor sat a seat behind him. It was something that caught her eye.

"Leo. Leo!" the little girl called him as his eyes had gone back to reading the book he had got along with him.

"What is it, El?" his voice seemed bored but that didn\'t deter the girl. With her knees brought close to her chest, she rested her head at the side so that she could look at him.

Lifting her head, she turned herself completely so that she could look at the boy who was special to her, "Will you be coming to the Winter\'s ball next week?" she asked hopefully. For a vampire of her age, the girl was as matured as Leo himself.

"Yes," his answer was short.

"Will you teach me to dance?"

"Ask your brother Christopher. I am sure he would teach you well," his suggestion disheartened the girl, a defeated look forming on her face.

"Okay..." she whispered, and then stood up to finally get the boy\'s attention who gave her a look, "I don\'t want Chris to teach me but you. You have taught me all this time, are you mad that I am his sister?" she cried, her hands clutching into two loose fists.

The boy looked at her in a frown and then sighed, "Fine. I will teach you."

Little Eleanor blinked at him, "Really?"


Vivian was then transported to another memory, taking her to the Carmichael\'s mansion where there was a party like gathering being held by Mr Carmichael. It was as if she existed here in this memory yet at the same time she didn\'t. She was an invisible shadow that was part of the past.

People passed through her, the greetings taking place by the vampires and some of the humans who were invited. She saw Mr and Mrs Carmichael who looked just the same before they had died, smiling and talking to their guests and for a minute Vivian wished this was real. She wished she could make things right. To go back to the past and warn them, warn them on the plight that was going to fall in the future but those were only wishful thinking of hers.

She then found Eleanor who stood next to a woman and man whom Vivian guessed to be her parents.

Looking around she wondered where Leonard was, she searched for him in the crowd but was unable to find him in the hall. As she turned her head, she found Eleanor walking out of the hall and she quickly caught up with her. Little Eleanor walked through the corridors which Vivian had come to become familiar over the years of her stay in this particular mansion.

Seeing the girl stop she looked ahead to see that she had come to stand in front of the door which led to the glass room. The door wasn\'t completely open, therefore hiding the girl from the other children that were inside who were having a merry time.

When Vivian peeked in she saw Leo, Charlotte, Rhys, Julliard and herself in there. Leonard patted her head as if she were a cat over something Rhys said. Little Eleanor looked jealous over what happened. Leo had been hers all this while and some unknown girl had taken her position. Leo had always been quiet not showing his emotions but every time he spoke to her, there was a smile and a tease which the other children didn\'t notice. Eleanor stood there for a long time, listening and looking at them as she stood alone at the door.

When the children began to disperse, Vivian went to meet Billy, petting the sheep where Eleanor saw her from afar.

Turning around, she went to seek her brother. Finding him, she tugged on his sleeve.

"What is it, El?" he asked looking at his sister.

"I heard Leo telling you were weak compared to him. Is it true?" she asked him with an oblivious look, knowing the dynamics of her brother and Leonard, she saw her brother look at her irritatedly at her.

The boy then asked, "Where is Leo?" Eleanor led the way to only stop to look at the window outside where she could see the sheep, "El?" she heard her brother call.

"He must be outside with the girl you said he is sometimes seen with. I heard they bought a sheep which means a lot to them," the little girl hinted, as if her work had been done, she retraced her steps back to where her parents were.

After the fight took place, Leo\'s belongings had been packed on to the carriage.

Vivian who had been around waiting for the scene to play out couldn\'t believe that a girl of such small age could have such devious intentions but then pureblooded children were two steps ahead compared to the human children. She knew that Leonard and Christopher didn\'t get along but the reason why Leonard was sent away from his own home was Eleanor.

She had been the one to push her brother in hurting the sheep in an intent to hurt Vivian.

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