
Chapter 81 Rumours and Threats

" Hello Hello, mic testing, mic testing, one two three one two three. Damuda, Damuda, if you\'re there give me a sign, can you hear me, Damuda."

" The ugly duckling stays quiet, give me a sign that you could hear me, Damuda Damuda. If you don\'t respond, I\'ll curse you that your future husband cheat on you. " the voice in her head continued.

" Fine, fine, you win. Now tell me what is it about? " she said, while looking at a screen, that displayed the picture of a young man driving a car.

" I want to know what do you want in exchange for... " his voice trailed off, before continuing again: " letting me bring my wives along with me. "

Damuda contemplates the word she had just heard, then she asks: " Is there really a need to bring them with you? I\'m sure they will become your liability whenever you face a dangerous situation. "


Jayden on the other side, chooses his words carefully and then continues after a short break:

" I won\'t leave them here, even if I have to distort the reality like last time, I\'ll take them with me. I don\'t want to grow stronger alone, I want them to grow alongside me.  " Jayden said, his tone solemn.


Damuda took a few minutes, before replying:

" And what do I get in return? "

" What is it that you want? " Jayden replied instantly.

" It\'s nearly impossible for them to go there with you, but we can always find some loopholes, but The question is, are you ready to pay the price? " she said, her voice sounding a little playful.

" Yes, I am. " Jayden replied without thinking much.

" Fine, I\'ll think of something by tomorrow~," she said.


It was early in the morning, and the day Jayden had promised to go on a date with Sasha. Before going on the date, Jayden decided to take Emma out for some fun.

He first took her to different shopping malls and bought various clothes and accessories for her. Then, Jayden and Emma played console games, before entering a horror house.

" My princess, do you want to see our company? " Jayden said, looking adorably at Emma.

" Yesss!! T-Thank you, brother. " Emma said, in a hushed tone, sitting on Jayden\'s arm.

" About what? " Jayden asks.

" Everything. " Emma said and wrapped her arms around Jayden\'s neck, while resting her head on his shoulder.

After spending some time with her, Jayden found that Emma is a person of few words. She never clearly expresses her feelings, and with all the things she had experienced so far, her attitude had turned a little meek.

" Emi, if you want to do ANYTHING, or you want something, just tell me. I promise I\'ll always be with you. " Jayden said while stroking Emma\'s hair affectionately.

" Mmm " she nodded and closes her eyes.


Leaving all their shopping bags inside the car, Jayden walks into the Night corporation building, Emma sitting on his arm. While they talked and laughed, everyone stared at the duo in astonishment.

Ignoring everyone\'s gaze, Jayden showed Emma around the building and then brought her to his office. Emma sat on Jayden\'s lap and began to play games on mobile.


Jayden presses the bell and calls for his assistant, who came running into the office a minute later.

" Hello, sir- who this beautiful girl might be? " Kate said, staring at Emma, a bit longer than needed.

Jayden glared at Kate, before speaking: " She is my Emi. One month salary cut for you, and no bonuses for three months, and- " Jayden began to shoot death glares at Kate, while pointing out the punishments for his mistake.

" W-W-Wait, even someone as great as me can\'t handle anything more than that. " Kate said in a panicked tone, he didn\'t dare to refute those punishments, as he knew he was wrong.

But Emma was just too cute, she looked like a little fairy, innocent and pure. After becoming a vampire, Emma\'s charm had increased dramatically, if not for her young age, she would be a natural femme fatale.

*Knock* *knock*

Jayden heard a knocking sound, and then two men walked inside, rather rudely. They looked around the place, as if it belonged to them, their face full of arrogance and disdain.

" Are you the new owner of Night Corporation? " said one man, sitting in front of Jayden, looking at him with contempt.

" Yes, I am. " Jayden said and then noticed their gazes, which were focused on Emma for quite some time.

" Sign these papers and we\'ll transfer the money to you later. Since you\'re too young to handle such a big business, my elder brother Hans, is willing to shoulder the responsibility in your stead. You should feel proud of yourself- " one man began to speak arrogantly while pointing at the other men.

Jayden looked into their eyes and found that these two brothers were quite popular in the underworld and they had quite a reputation for stealing businesses from others.

" And what if I don\'t want to? " Jayden said, his expression turning frosty.

" Well, that\'s an option too, but let me warn you, if you did choose that option, you might be able to save the business, but the people around you won\'t be so lucky. " Hans said, staring lustfully at Emma.

Jayden took in a deep breath, a smile appeared on his face, He placed Emma on the chair and spoke:

" This is not the right place to discuss something so important, why don\'t we go somewhere more private?  "

Hearing Jayden, both the brothers had smirks on their faces, they were sure that Jayden was scared and would sell his company at a very low price.

" Okay, as long as you understand. " the younger brother said, before the both of them followed Jayden out of the room.

" Hieeek, will the boss be alright? " Kate yelled in panic, running around in circles.

Emma looks at the retreating figure of Jayden and then turns back to her game. She had no doubt in her bother\'s ability, after all, he was the strongest in the world. With him around, she felt that no one could harm her, Emma had blind trust in Jayden. Despite being with him for such a short time, he has become the most important person for her.

Five minutes after Jayden left, three more men walked inside the office, but they were much more sophisticated than the two brothers.

" Uh... Do you really think it\'ll work? " said the man with the shortest height among them.

" Of course, it will. He is new, and if we give him some money, he\'ll happily hand over the business to us. We can always use force if money doesn\'t work. " said the boss of the other two.

These three men were from a company called, \'Robins\', which was a rival company of Night Corp. They planned to purchase Night Corp, after hearing rumours about it.


After ten more minutes, Jayden walks into the room, wiping his hand with tissue paper. There was blood over his hands, and his expression looked menacing.

The three men were instantly scared, they looked at each other and came to a tacit understanding.

Jayden stood beside the three men and asked:

" How can I help you? "

" Cough, we\'re here to show our support for the Night Corp. And also we want to warn you about a man named Xander, who is spreading various rumours about your company. " one of the men replied.

" Thanks for the info, If there is nothing else, you can leave. " Jayden waved his hand, and the three men ran out of the office.

" Haa, Xander, just how badly do you want to die? " Jayden sighed and decided to return back home, it was time for him to go on a date with Sasha.


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