
Chapter 57 - 56: Insanity

Chapter 57 - 56: Insanity

She walked with big steps towards the fire exit but before she could hold the doorknob, her body was pulled backward and a hand held her chin tightly.

Her eyes swelled, watching Evan moving closer to her.


Irises changing into grey, Daniella felt the softness of the familiar lips and his refreshing scent while the images of her childhood flashed in her mind.

She blinked, felt as if the time has suddenly stopped.

When Evan pulled, his brown eyes were looking at her with perplexity, his lips slightly parted curved a smile.

"Silly, are you going to follow me to my office or should I-"

Daniella didn\'t let him finish, instead, she turned and found all the employees on the floor looking at them.

Her face immediately reddened after she realized how many employees they were.

She gulped hard, rustled to his office like the wind.

Evan blew a sigh, watching Daniella running towards his office like she was being chased by a grim ripper.

The smile on his lips stayed, eyes shining with amus.e.m.e.nt.

Noticing the eyes gawking at him, his smile faded, he turned to his employee with a stone face.

One eyebrow-raising, he said, "am I paying you to watch me? Get to back work!!!"

And he rushed towards the office, not bothered by the confused look on her friend\'s face.


When Daniella entered Evan\'s office, she sat on the couch and brushed a hand over her face.

Heart pulsating, breathing hardening, she felt nervous, for the first time in her life, she felt embarrassed.

The door opened, without looking back she knows its Evan.

Daniella got up, turned to face him.

When he walked closer to her, Daniella lifted a hand to stop him, "1 meter, stay one meter away from me," she said with panic.

She doesn\'t trust herself when she\'s around him, so she needs him to be at least a meter away from her.

"Why are you avoiding me?" Evan asked.

Daniella was scared to meet his eyes, so she focused on his chest.

"Didn\'t you hear Matthew?"

Evan shrugged, walked one step closer.

"Don\'t move," Daniella warned him.

He lifted both hands in the air, "then answer me, Daniella."

"Why are you avoiding me like I have some kind of disease? Why would you go so far as disguising yourself just to avoid me? I just want to help you."

Startled by his words, Daniella\'s body frost, she gulped hard, wanting to reply but something was stuck in her throat, she finds it hard to reply.

"You are so mysterious," he continued.

Daniella smirked, a bitter expression flashed in her eyes removing all the confusion in her mind, "mysterious?" She shook her head, amazed by his words.

Is that why he kept kissing her? Because she\'s mysterious to him?

What would have happened when he finds out the truth about her? Would he run away? Stay? Daniella was unsure of the answer but she knows that right now, she can\'t trust him.

Not when she knows that his father took her mother\'s corpse, not when his father suddenly disappeared like a bubble.

"Good luck finding out the truth about me," she walked with big steps towards the door, twisted the doorknob and pulled it open.

But Evan held her hand on the doorknob, with the veins she saw popping out in his neck, she realized that he\'s suppressing his anger.

"Do you know that you are seriously driving me crazy?" he said with a louder voice, eyes were looking intensely at her.

"I have never been so confused in my life than now."

"You made me question myself, my belief, my goals, and my sanity. That\'s why I need to know you."

Veins were popping out in his neck, he pushed the door closed, lay both hands on Daniella\'s shoulder and with nose wrinkling with emotion, he moved his face closer to her.

"tell me if it is just me,"

Daniella\'s lips pressed, she could feel the pain on her shoulders as Evan pressed it tightly.

(No, it\'s not just you Evan) she said in her mind

(Not able to read your mind is driving me crazy as well)

She parted her lips to say what she had in her mind but all her words were sunk down her throat when Evan spoke again.

"I could see images every time I kiss you and I don\'t why so I went to a freaking psychologist to have my insanity checked," those words were low but Daniella could feel the pain and confusion strained in it.

She shut her eyes, (so it\'s just not me) she said and somehow felt as if a rock has been lifted off of her chest.

She took a deep sighed, lifted both hands and covered Evan\'s cheek, warming it up.

"I need to leave Mr. Su but we will talk later, alright?"

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"I just need to think and pick up Selena."

Evan nodded, but his hand stayed on holding her shoulder.

"I will come with you," he turned to close his laptop but Daniella stopped him.

"No Evan, stay. You need to clear the misunderstanding to your employee before they spread the rumor that you\'re gay."

Evan smiled to hear her voice calling his name, he stood a few meters from her with his back leaning against the edge of his desk.

"I will see you later Daniella," he said, half grinning.

Daniella left the office, walked towards the elevator with head down.

Outside of the office, leaning on the wall next to Evan\'s door, Glen, Ken, and Matthew were eavesdropping.

Evan\'s office was well-soundproofed that they couldn\'t hear their conversation, but for a moment, when it was opened, they heard Evan\'s confession.

Ken and glen were both speechless while Matthew was chuckling silently, he knows the truth but kept it to himself as a revenge to his cousin.

"Damn! He\'s really gay!" Ken stated as he watched the man his friend kissed waiting for the elevator.

Glen rose an eyebrow, eyes focused at the man in front of the elevator.

His built and face shape, his delicate and small fingers, Glen almost mistook him for a woman.

"Should we go inside?" Glen hesitated, looking back to his friend.

"No, he must be embarrassed now. Let\'s give him space." Matthew replied with a smile. He tried holding himself but he just couldn\'t stop himself from smiling.

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