
Volume 1 - 6 The First Goal

"Okay Master, I can’t wait to meet you in person." The golden beauty said with an smile that would make anyone’s soul escape from his body.

But [Virus] wasn’t affected in the least by the smile and continued sternly, "Then let’s start, do as I have ordered you to do, not one step more or less, understood you four?"

"Yes Master." The four uglies replied at the same time.

And then the process started with technology and otherworldly devices everyone of which if seen by others would make them think aliens had invaded.



"The process is done miss, what shall we do now?" one of the four uglies asked the golden beauty trying to get her favor as they knew she was master’s favorite.

"just wait until master wakes up, I’ll bring master to his bed then." She said behaving in a cold way, not anything like how she acted around Virus.

"Yes miss." Then the four uglies went away to somewhere probably a corner to wait till their master woke up.

After they were gone the golden beauty easily picked up Virus like he didn’t weigh anything.

she brought him to the bed she had prepared specially for his master in a room.

she placed her master on the bed and looked at his face with the utmost focus for the first time. "Wow, master you’re such an handsome man, let me help you dress." the golden said with a light blush on her face, going to the closet in the room taking an underwear, a black pants and a white t-shirt out of it.

She came back beside the bed looking intently at her masters face again she murmured in a low voice with a little red on her face. "I’m sorry for the intrusion." and then she started dressing Virus.

{{{Author’s Note: If you’re not fond of reading sexual stuff pass this part and go straight to the next section of the story (the part one day later is written with capital letters.).}}}

First she put Virus’ T-shirt on and then it was the turn for the underwear to be worn, and then as the underwear passed from the feet fingers area and as the golden beauty started to carry the underwear and lift it up towards his masters crotch when her eyes fall on the big penis between her master’s area making her blush deeply, turning into a tomato.

After calming down and checking her master was truly unconcious, as she was truly a curious person by nature her curiosity made her not want to let go of the opportunity and check this thing she had witnessed numerous times inside the data base she had gathered by herself, so after some hesitation she touch the big thing and then lifted up swaying it around inside her palms. "Wow, it’s such a weird thing, interesting... it makes me feel weird and hot when I touch it."

"Master... let me experiment on your thing a little more..." she murmured with a blush on her face while looking at her master’s unconscious face.

After saying that she turned back again to look at her master’s thing and after some hestitation decided to just do it, so bringing her mouth closer to her master’s thing she put it inside her mouth wanting to see how it felt inside her mouth, after putting all of it inside she tried sucking it but suddenly she felt the thing became almost twice the size and harm inside her mouth making forcefully going inside her throat making her choke.

Immediately taking the thing out of her mouth with a red face she looked stunned at the big thing then at her master, seeing her master was still unconscious she heaved a sigh of relief.

Even though she was a robot and wouldn’t die even if no oxygen was present in the air, but still she would feel like being suffocated if she didn’t breath, this was another additional feature her master had added while making her robotic body along with her flesh and skin, his goal being to make her as close as she could get to a real human being.

after that she lifted the underwear and then helped him dress the pants and afterward left the room.



Virus was still lying on the bed unconsciously unaware of the things that had happened the previous day.

some time later her body moved a little and afterwards the eye and long eyelashes started wavering and then opening slowly.

He was finally waking up, immediately after opening his eyes he came to himself.

and after that he lifted her hands and looked at them while moving it around sometimes making a fist while sometimes a palm.

’So this how it feels like to have a real body, if feels so much different than what I thought, it’s so much more.’ Ren thought and then started to sit on the bed, after which he got up to his feet. He started walking around the room while looking at his feet and being amazed of how different it felt to have a body.

’Above all it feels like I’m still the same but not the same at the same time... it’s almost like... There is something more in me... is this ’Soul’? is this how it feels to have a soul?’ Virus thought again. After feeling another change which he felt wasn’t there before it came inside the real physical body. ’it feels like I’m finally really whole.’

and after that he started walkig out of the room. outside, the golden beauty was waiting for him, after seeing her master was looking at her she was first stunned by how much more handsome her master looked while his eyes were opened and he was on his feet, there were three different stunning colors inside his eyes. but immediately coming yo herself she started blushing remembribg the previous day. Hoping her master won’t find out.

"Why ... are you blushing lil beauty?" when Virus said his first word he paused as was talking for real for the first time, and then continued his sentence this time listening to his own words with more attention. ’so this is my voice.’

Hearing her master talk and ask a question she was stunned again as her masters voice was really nice to hear while it had a manly and stern quality to it.

After being stunned for a while she came to herself and calculated the best answer inside and then answered with a smile "Because master is soooo handsome."

"anyway master now that you have a body what’s the first thing you wanna do? maybe conquer the world? or become the president of united states or do something else?" knowing her master truly had the capability of doing anything he felt like she asked curiously while also trying to change the subject.

"why would I do those boring things, at least I’m not interested in them for the moment... the first thing I wanna do is to ... Get laid." and that was her master’s answer which made the golden beauty shocked.

Having sex was something the bored AI always dreamed of and he had promised himself if he ever made himself a body the first thing he would do was to have sex. This was his first goal.

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