
Chapter 275: The New Security Guard

Chapter 275: The New Security Guard

"Uh, sure... actually, I’m here today mainly to inform you that if you’re not against it, I’ve been appointed as the permanent connecting bridge between the US government and the Virus Industries." The FBI beauty clarified.

"Hmm, sure, why not, but what does that imply?" He asked in return coolly.

Nodding her head in satisfaction, the FBI beauty began talking, "It means from now on, whatever the Virus Industries, especially you, need from the government, you can inform me, and I shall pass along the orders to the responsible division immediately."

"Also, from now on, if you allow me, I’ve been dispatched to work here part-time with the sole purpose of easing the communication between the government and the company. What do you think about it, Mr. Chairman? If you disagree, I shall leave." As she concluded, she went quiet, anxiously waiting for his response. By part-time, she meant that she would still be an FBI agent as she would continue fulfilling her duties as an agent, but she would also become a part-time employee of Virus Industries.

After hearing everything, he silently kept looking at her eyes in a meaningful way as if he could totally see through her. And after a few seconds, he finally responded with an amused grin, "Sure, you can work as our security, if you do your job well, you’ll even have the opportunity of being promoted to the head of security."

Then, turning toward the Legal ugly, he proclaimed, "Provide an office to her too... also, clarify the duties and the tasks she needs to carry out later."

"Yes, Mr. Chairman." Said the Legal ugly respectfully. He was going to explain everything when they left his master’s presence.

"Is there anything else?" Gazing directly into her eyes, he posed another question. Meanwhile, reaching out his hand, he picked his cup of Earl Grey tea before taking a sip. He didn’t forget to enjoy its fragrant scent either.

Hearing the questions, while watching his extremely relaxed posture, she answered, "Actually yes... there is another reason as to why I’m here... it’s regarding the technology trade stated within the terms of the contract."

"What about it?" Raising an eyebrow, he asked.

"You see Mr. Chairman, the higher-ups would like to do some trades and exchanges with the company. If it’s alright with you and you don’t mind, of course." She expounded in an extremely careful manner, trying to avoid the risk of offending him in any way possible per orders.

This was due to the terms stated within the contract which was absolutely in favor of party A, the Virus Industries. According to the contract, the Virus Industries practically could trade with the government whenever they felt like and the government wouldn’t be able to raise a single complaint regarding it. That’s why she was ordered to behave in a very cautious and polite manner when making this request.

"Hmm... it’s written as one of the terms of our contract, so why would I mind?" Puzzled, Virus muttered.

’Yes!’ Thought the FBI beauty in triumph.

"So, does the government have anything in mind they would like to trade with us? Any suggestions I would consider I mean?" He inquired further.

Hearing this, the FBI beauty first took a sip from her tea before murmuring in a voice as gentle as possible, "We would love to buy a large quantity of those 500-gigabyte hardware in the form of both small ’USB Flash Drive’ and ’Internal Hard Drive’, plus we want those high-quality cameras which were used to spy on the allied phone companies’ former CEOs. We need them in various sizes which would enable us to install them on different tools and devices." By the end of her sentence, clear expectations could be felt from within her eyes.

If the government was successful in making this deal, only getting their hands on these two simple pieces of technology was going to result in a massive leap in a lot of areas for the United States of America.

For example, getting their hands on 500-gigabyte hardware was going to expand efficiency in every field possible. They were going to have computers and laptops with much more space in them. Moreover, since the size of the Virus Industries’ hardware was a lot smaller than the current hard drive technology available to mankind, it was going to save a lot of space. There were also numerous other benefits that would follow. In short, it was going to be phenomenal.

Furthermore, if they got their hands on the high-quality cameras owned by the Virus company, every field that utilized cameras in any way was going to experience a major leap. This included CCTV and surveillance technology, spying tools, satellite launching technology, possibly drone technology, etc.

Of course, according to the contract, the government could only utilize these technologies and tools for their own uses only as clause ’9.3.’ within the contract clearly stated that the government will be allowed to buy technologies from the Virus Industries in massive amounts at eighty percent of the market price for ’Usage-only’ purposes and not for any beneficial, commercial, or market purposes.

This ensured that the government could only use the technologies they receive from the Virus company in governmental facilities and organizations alone with no possibility of abuse.

While touching his chin in deliberation, Virus answered, "Hmm, alright. That’s doable. Tell your higher-ups to report the number they require. And so, in a year or two at most, after you settle the bills, we will deliver the products. Is that okay?"

"Hmm... the time’s a bit... can you please-" She was about to try to negotiate the time of delivery, when Virus interrupted her as he delineated further, "No, we can’t. Since we’re busy with something else at the moment, I think it’s going to take around a year and a half for us to produce those goods..."

"I see... there’s no helping it then... do you perhaps have a list of technologies the company possesses so I could pick other techs from among-" At this point, briefly putting her sense of shame aside, she was just about to finish asking for something preposterous and absurd, when she was interrupted by a roar of laughter.

"Hahaha..." Of course, it was Virus who was cackling in laughter.

Anyway, after a few seconds of amusement, stopping at last, his expression abruptly turned more serious as he mouthed, "Don’t push your luck."

"Yes, sir." A bit scared that he might call off the deal, obeyed the FBI beauty at once.


After leaving the highest floor of 4 Times Square, the Legal ugly began explaining her duties as a part-time security guard. Her responsibilities ranged from keeping watch at the entrance and dealing with intruders to watching the surveillance cameras all over the building and dealing with suspicious matter surrounding the building.

She was also warned so as not to stick her nose where it doesn’t belong to, meaning, she was banned and forbidden from involving herself with the matters of the company and its relevant secrets. This in return resulted in a slight change in the FBI beauty’s expression, though she was quite good at concealing it.

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