
Chapter 144: Two Worlds Part 3

Chapter 144: Two Worlds Part 3

The underground shopping center.

The crowd was scared and in panic before, but right now, they are all watching the big screen full of nervousness.

These criminals who are causing goosebumps to appear on their skins, what exactly do they want them to watch?

It\'s unimaginable.

In the bright sunlight, the LCD screen displays dazzling colors. The curtains in the image have been fully opened. And on the stage, there are actually six people sitting.

Six individuals who don\'t look anything special.

On the very left, it\'s a fifty or so year-old man wearing a quality suit and leather shoes. He has kept his looks well. Even though his face is red and his expression is nervous, his facial features carry elegance and nobility. It\'s easy to tell that he\'s someone with high social status.

Beside him is a thirty or so year-old man. He\'s also wearing a suit and tie. He\'s handsome but his face is pale and he\'s trembling from fright.

A woman is sitting in the middle. She seems to be in her early thirties, wearing a red long dress, making her look beautiful and captivating. Her high heels are 10 centimeters high and it\'s obvious that she\'s one of those exquisite yet money-spending women.

To her right sits a young man who\'s about thirty-two to thirty-three years old. He\'s wearing glasses, looks refined and seems to be well-schooled. He has his head down all this time as if he\'s refusing to look at the screen.

Moving to the right is a forty or so year-old man. Compared to the previous individuals, he has a much worse demeanor. Regardless of how expensive his clothes are, he has a large stomach and a brandy nose. His chubby face is red and purple as if he\'s scared to death.

Last but not least, is an elderly man who looks older than the first individual. But he seems out of place. He\'s wearing a thick green army coat with an old looking shirt and long pants underneath. His running shoes look worn out as well. He looks like one of those seniors who usually work at the factory.

The audience is watching them but doesn\'t know what\'s going on. A\'s voice comes on, "Why don\'t you introduce yourselves first."

It\'s unknown what kind of threat he used, but all six individuals raise their heads one by one.

"I\'m……" the first noble looking man says slowly with much effort, "He Jing Lun, the CEO of the Peninsula Hotel Group."

The moment he reveals his identity, the audience starts discussing among themselves.

And the identities of the other individuals make the audience\'s jaws drop.

"I am He Ya Yao, the General Manager of the Peninsula Hotel Group," the prestigious looking young man sitting beside the old man says.

"I am Chen Su Lin, the public relations manager from Peninsula Hotel Group," the beautiful woman says in a shaky voice.

The well-schooled young man raises his head, "I am Ji Zi Chang, an architect designer," he pauses before continuing, "I am responsible for all the architectural designs for the Peninsula Group."

The middle-aged chubby man follows after him and says trembling, "I\'m……I\'m Zhang Fu Cai. I\'m responsible for some of the construction work for the Peninsula Group. I-I\'m the contractor."

The last elderly man says with his face flushing, "I\'m Zhou Feng Mao. I used to live here. I am a retired factory manager of \'Hongying Textile Factory.\'"

Someone in the audience lets out an, "Oh." It\'s because Hongying Textile Factory used to be located at the peninsula. It was only taken down recently.

It has only been a few minutes since the audience has been held hostage.

Qin Wen Long and the others are speeding through the road in police vehicles while watching the image transmitted to the computer screen full of doubts.

"What exactly do they want to do?" a criminal investigator murmurs. They\'ve basically kidnapped all the core personnel of the Peninsula Hotel Group, haven\'t they?

Qin Wen Long\'s face turns gloomy as he stares at the screen without a word.

Zhou Xiao Zhuan thinks quickly. He suddenly remembers a previous case from the seven-member organization. He remembers T and says almost losing his voice, "Could there be something wrong with this Group? Could it be that they want to be like T and bring justice by carrying out a grand punishment on them?"

From the way things look, it sure seems like so. But the moment he finishes, Xiao Zhuan feels that it\'s quite unbelievable. These people viewed other people\'s lives like they were nothing before, so how is it possible for them to turn around and carry out a moral trial?

This isn\'t possible, is it?…..

But what exactly is their goal?

Everybody is staring at the screen without blinking. Qin Wen Long says suddenly, "From the video, A\'s reaction and his interaction with the civilians, this isn\'t pre-recorded. It\'s live. Look up all the information on the Peninsula Hotel Group immediately! Find out where they have a stage set up! And let our people search the area carefully!"

Everybody\'s eyes gleam, but Qin Wen Long then asks in a cold voice, "How long do we need to evacuate the civilians safely from the area?"

A criminal investigator answers reluctantly, "Boss, everything has happened too suddenly. If we consider the time it takes to remove the bomb on the bridge as well as arranging for boats and helicopters to help evacuate this many people, it\'ll take at least five to six hours if not more……"

Qin Wen Long\'s expression is stiff as he remains quiet. Everybody lowers their heads and watches the screen. It\'s because A has started to announce the next act.

"First Act: Father and Son Love and Hate Relationship," A says in a lazy voice outside of the stage.

Only three out of the six are left on the stage. The other three walks down from the stage carefully.

Those who are left are He Jing Lun, who claims to be the CEO of the company, He Ya Yao, who\'s his son and the Young CEO, and the beautiful Chen Su Lin from public relations.

The people at the square are both nervous and curious at the same time. The police officers, on the other hand, are full of tension and alertness. And far away on the internet, there are even more people watching the scene unfold from the "live" stream. Perhaps they also feel scared, but the majority are curious and excited.

This scene is full of absurdity, yet it happened. It happened amid our ordinary and boring lives!

On the stage, there are two couches and other home furnitures like tables and chairs. The Young CEO, He Ya Yao and Chen Su Lin walk to the couch and sit down. He Ya Yao bites on his lip and says, "Baby, do you have to go to the old man\'s place again tonight?"

Chen Su Lin lets out a, "Mm." She hesitates for a second before leaning on his shoulder, "Ye-……Yes, he\'s still strong and healthy even at his age."

He Ya Yao places his hand on her shoulder and says with a bit of a stutter, "Then tell me, w-who\'s better in bed…me or that old man? Who makes you happier?"

The crowd at the square are in shock.

Quite frankly, their "performance" is quite horrible. It\'s easy to tell that they\'ve been forced to do it, but the contents of their speech are shocking. Anyone who is watching this "performance" right now feels an urge to continue watching to find out what happens next!

And then they hear Chen Su Lin respond, "Of-Of course you\'re better."

He Ya Yao speaks again, "When you go to his place today, remember to do some pillow talk and let him agree……to the \'super project\' proposal."

Chen Su Lin answers, "Okay."

She then gets up and walks to the other side of the stage toward the father, He Jing Lun. She reaches out her arms and hugs him.

The curtains close slowly.

The first act ends.

And in the "audience\'s" heart, they are all wondering if the criminals\' goal is to reveal a shocking inside story.

At the same time, underground.

Han Chen, Su Mian, and the others are watching an LCD screen. It\'s just that the person on the screen is a man who claims to be L.

After greeting them, L stops smiling. Those pair of dark and gloomy eyes look as if they\'re boring into them from the screen, "Long story short, there are 6 people who have been held in captivity underground and are in the same area as you guys. This should now be obvious what your task is this time. This is such an exciting labyrinth brigade. Our captives, please come introduce yourselves."

Han Chen and the rest of them are staring at the screen without a word.

And then they see the image flash. must have switched the video stream as six different squares of the same size appear on the screen. Every one of them contains a person.

A person who has been tied up.

Su Mian feels her heart pound as she raises her phone and starts to record the image.

The first person is sitting in a vacant area with a white wall behind him. It\'s impossible to make out where it is. He\'s a fifty or so year-old man who\'s very well dressed but looks very stressed. He raises his head and says in a raspy voice, "I am He Jing Lun, the CEO of the Peninsula Hotel Group."

The second person is sitting in an extremely dark place. It\'s hard to make out. His facial features show a resemblance to the old man. He\'s a young man in a suit, "I am He Ya Yao, the general manager of the Peninsula Hotel Group."

The third person is a woman.

The fourth person is sitting in an even darker room with only a light shining on his face. He\'s panting as if he\'s trying to catch his breath, "I-I\'m Ji Zi Chang, an architect designer."


If Su Mian and them could see what is happening above ground, they would have discovered that these six individuals are entirely different from the six individuals who are appearing on the screen above ground. But they have no way of finding that out right now.

At this moment, a loud "boom" appears above their heads. Another bomb has exploded! Su Mian\'s heart shakes. Han Chen, who\'s beside her, embraces her. The individuals on the screen also cry out in shock. They\'re also frightened from the sound of an explosion. Ding Jun and Xu Si Bai jerk their heads up.

Everything returns to silence very quickly. The LCD screen in front of them flickers and L\'s mask comes on again. He\'s clearly getting a bit impatient as he murmurs, "I\'m very sorry, A must be having a good time and detonated another bomb out of nowhere. Don\'t mind him." A smile flashes across his eyes, "Next, we will announce the rules of the game. You will have 30 minutes to find these six individuals, otherwise, a bomb will……BOOM!"

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