
Chapter 483: A wonderful beginning

Chapter 483: A wonderful beginning

Translator: Translation Nation Editor: Translation Nation

Nevertheless at this instant, Sheyan ferociously hurled a curse-mix flask over! A dizzying poison fog enveloped the area, instantly sinking the marines into fright. Naturally, Sheyan had already bestowed his pirates with his very own ‘blessings from the east’ - buffing up their strength and agility by 3 points with his gene-mix.

To these pirates whose base attributes hovered around 20 points, the gene-mix’s 6 points basic attribute boost was exceptional. Every pirate could clearly perceive their strength expanding, and their bodies turning agile. Furthermore, they further enjoyed the buffs from the ‘Pirate Ringleader’ title, as well as the roar of Captain Chevalle.

Undoubtedly, Sheyan’s plan had been perfectly orchestrated, leading to a wonderful beginning. So much so, that every single pirate successfully scaled to the enemy’s deck without perishing. This could already be deemed as a miracle in naval warfare. Personally witnessing the birth of such a miracle, the morale of the pirates surged exuberantly.

Having their formation thrown into disarray, the flustered british marines within the poison fog scrambled to flee. The pirates brandished their rusty hatchets, barbed wooden clubs, fists, planks, splintered wreckage and whatever weapons they could find. Laughing loudly like maniacs, they ruthlessly lunged forward; howling like wild dogs chasing after frightened hares!

The fighting on the deck developed rapidly, but concluded even faster. Meanwhile, the other team of british marines raiding the pirate ship were still locked in combat, and were totally incapable of reacting to a sudden ambush! Under Sheyan’s command, his malicious underlings were practically like an invading turbulent tide. In no time, they utterly drowned the marines left behind for safeguarding.

Without a doubt, when facing such a perilous situation, the flustered and exasperated raiding british marines would inevitably return to counterattack. Besides, having one’s home seized, being outflanked and attacked from the rear wasn’t a comforting thought. After Sheyan had consecutively chopped off three temporary gangplanks* connecting the pirate ship and the british navy ship, he hurriedly took cover after being engulfed by a pouring hail of bullets.

(*TN: Gangplanks are like temporary linking boards placed to provide a ‘bridge’ to the other ship)

Although there were still two gangplanks providing a channel for the british marines, Sheyan had already ordered his underling pirates; commanding his equipment deficit pirates, to plunder the british navy equipments cleanly. In particular, some veteran pirates quick wittedly and skillfully hauled several partition boards from the ship’s cabin, employing them as shields against bombarding bullets. Hiding behind those partition boards, they retaliated in resistance against the marines with manual muskets.

Although the low fire rate of muskets couldn’t be compared to automatic rifles, they still dealt massive damages at one go. This lead to an immense headache on the side of the british marines. Truthfully, the common failing of pirates laid in their lack of discipline and organization. Instead, under the command of a boss they were fully convinced of, these bandits of the seas unexpectedly, acted in a neat and orderly fashion during combat.

On the opposite side, a british lieutenant marine was enraged, as he organized his marines to unleash several rounds of assaults. Nevertheless, with only two gangplanks remaining, it was simply impossible to invest the majority of their forces in; leading to them jamming up at their present deck.

If he could launch his forces fully, even if Sheyan could still attain victory, it would surely be a bitter triumph of many fatalities; merely a tad better than a devastating defeat. Actually, Sheyan was conspiring openly against them, when he hacked away the gangplanks. With the thickness of his flesh, several dozens of gunshots still wouldn’t put his life in jeopardy. If he intended to chop away the remaining two gangplanks, why wouldn’t he be capable of doing it?

Instead, his goal was to entice the enemy to invest their troops into such perilous conditions, leading to a scenario of gaining more while fighting less. This method played the similar tune as a china warfare stratagem, of ‘encircling the enemy on three sides while leaving the fourth unblocked’.

Hence, with the state of affairs unfolding, the ball was now in Sheyan’s court after seizing the enemy’s ship. Atop the slippery ship deck, those british marines would imminently face a pincer attack by both pirate sides. Their only option now, was to seize back their own ship. Apart from that, there was no other alternative.

Sheyan had exactly identified this point. Therefore, to prevent widespread casualties on his side, he immediately switched to defence instead of offence; resorting to a position of gradual ‘grinding’.

Under such circumstances, the british marines were seemingly coerced into an awkward situation; but having fought till now, it was impossible for them to stop halfway. They could only press on, they had to press on. In theory, there should still be a way out.

Within a split second, two gangplanks shorter than 5 metres were dyed in blood.Any marines who leapt onto those gangplanks, were blown overboard like dumplings in a pan! It was impossible for them to even traverse past the middle region of the gangplanks.

Alas, despite the astonishing fatality rate, the slow reloading mechanisms of outdated muskets finally exposed a vacant interval between their firepower suppression. Several fortunate marines managed to seize this opportunity, and successfully climbed aboard the deck. Instead at this instant, a black cannon mouth slipped through a partition board, and aimed over.

The most apprehensive affair of the British Royal marines finally occurred. These rustic pirates had actually managed to locate the ship’s 2-pounder* cannon, and even loaded the cannonball in! (*the cannonball is 2 pounds, not the cannon)

BOOM! A concentrated call of steel and rust catapulted out crazily, causing the abrupt demise of those twelve valiant soldiers; as they scattered about in complete disorder. Even if they could survive, their fighting spirits would’ve plunged to rock bottom! Reef then swiftly led the pirates to bind them up, tying up their upper bodies.

Evidently, the opposing marine officer was a muddleheaded simpleton. Under the state of consecutive defeats, he actually roared and personally charged forward for the next wave.

Naturally, the trio definitely wouldn’t pass on such a golden opportunity. When that courageous lieutenant gusted over, Mogensha proceeded to shoot down the other gangplank; causing the path of the reinforcing marines to narrow further. As for Reef and Sheyan, both were standing at the forefront to welcome this courageous lieutenant……

According to Sheyan’s probing, the health value of his lieutenant was approximately 8,000 HP; apart from possessing an advanced ability ‘Western Sword-arts’, he also had a halo ability known as ‘Appeal’ which bolstered nearby allies. His offensive capabilities were outstanding, and seemingly reaching the standards of a tier-1 legendary creature. What led one to marvel, was that his every straddling step was nimble and acute, creating an impression of impossibility to defend against him. Naturally, that was probably a specialty of his ‘Western Sword-arts’.

Nevertheless, the combined might of Reef and Sheyan didn’t find it challenging to dispatch him. With both joining up to tie him down, in addition to Brother Black’s occasional gunshots, Sheyan didn’t even require his saber to slay the lieutenant effortlessly.

After he perished, the lieutenant surprisingly dropped a black grade key. Instead, their luck ran out, and only obtained a dark-blue grade ring that increased agility +2 and block (resisting capability) +1%. Brother Black and Reef had better rings as compared to this, and thus it was given to Sheyan without contention.

With their lieutenant dead, the remaining dozens of exhausted british marines undoubtedly crumbled. Most chose to surrender while a few of them directly jumped overboard. However, with the cruel state of naval warfare, chances of escaping freely in this boundless sea was close to impossible!

Either be victorious, or face the fate of death and surrender! The only privilege of the defeated, was to slash their own throats, or walk the plank and drown……

After triumphing, Sheyan couldn\'t help but heave a long sigh. As the saying goes, the beginning is the toughest. In reality, Sheyan had been gambling before the battle commenced; with his proficiency in the field of maritime, he definitely understood how far-fetched it was for a single-masted boat filled with 45 unreliable pirates, to capture a military 3-masted ‘Galen’ Galley ship. The chances of success was only half, and Sheyan truly hadn’t held much confidence in this!

Besides, naval warfare and land warfare were two totally different matters. Putting it bluntly, a person’s individual prowess would be limited in naval warfares. On the contrary, a vital deciding factor for victory would be a magnificent crew as well as an excellent ship.

If this 3-masted ‘Galen’ Galley ship had discovered them way beforehand, and bluntly unleashed their cannons from afar…with the violent swaying between both sides, Mogensha could at most singlehandedly act as two cannons. Eventually, the outcome wouldn’t need much deliberation - it would surely be the single-masted boat of Sheyan’s side!

At this moment, a vulgar monkey-looking head poked out from the ship’s hold of the opposite pirate ship. Surveying his surroundings, that head instantly released a cheer, and yelled towards the interior.

"Sir Alonzo, your tactics have succeeded. We’ve successfully lured the attention of those wretched englishmen, and slayed them!"

While yelling that sentence, the hearts of Sheyan and his crew became extremely indignant. In this skirmish, Sheyan had lost 5 of his ‘abducted’ pirates. If those cowering pirates were truly intelligent, they would’ve initiated a pincer attack; speeding up the process of the collapsing marines.

Unsatisfied notions welled up in the hearts of Sheyan’s pirates.

"Whaddya mean you’ve successfully lured the attention of the marines?"

"If we weren’t here, yer bunch of cave rats be facin’ death!"

At this moment, a middle-aged male strolled out from within. His features appeared rather feminine yet unkind, as though he was squinting his eyes and judging others all the time. He was possibly that Alonzo. His gaze swept through Sheyan’s bunch of pirates who were dressed in tatters, and immediately revealed a disdainful countenance. He hadn’t even attempt to conceal his contempt, but practically appeared as though he was eyeing a pile of dog feces.

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