
Chapter 977: A Plan to Strike Back

?Chapter 977: A Plan to Strike Back

Translator: Sean88888 Editor: Elkassar1

The robot\'s head hung at a weird angle as it staggered back from the strong impact, then lost its balance. Dazzling bluish-white electrical currents sprayed out from its facial orifices.

But the tremendous force of the impact was not exhausted yet. It pushed the T-800 along the ground for more than a dozen rolls before sending it crashing into the next room in a storm of dust and smoke. Based on the loud rattling noises it made, there was probably no furniture left intact in that room.

Sheyan was not fighting alone!

Brother Black was right behind him. When he saw Sheyan had his way blocked by the T-800, he did not hesitate to bust out the new killer move he just obtained -- the pulse shot from the MIB world! The power was amazing indeed.

Brother Black did not stop firing after that. He alternated between ricochet bullets and special bullets to form a dense bullet net. Sheyan leaped straight down from the second floor of the hotel. Although he was constantly attacked, leaving a trail of blood and ragged clothes spattering behind him, he did not even bat an eye. Some contestants attempted to chase after him but a grenade from Mogensha was enough to temporarily delay their pursuit.

The pursuers did not give up that easily. There was a man who ran after Sheyan like a wild animal, scaling walls and obstacles maniacally to get to Sheyan. His eyes were bloodshot and two jets of thick white gas which lingered in the air like steam were ejected from his nostrils.

This guy, Deco, was a formidable contestant on the Terminator\'s side. He was actually a concocting alchemist, with an ability somewhat similar to Sheyan\'s. His ultimate concoction was something that could make his blood boil and enable him to obtain the fighting instinct of a crazed beast. He really stood out in the previous fight and caused great trouble for the defending side.

Mogensha\'s bullets could not hit him at all; they were always a step late and always arrived behind him. It was the first time that Mogensha had encountered such a strange scenario. The reason for this was that Deco had a strange passive ability which would refract the light acting on him. It was similar the way some pools would look shallow even though they were deep.

Of course, he would not be that hard to deal with if it was just that passive refraction. The real problem lay in the fact that the refractive index of his ability was constantly changing, which led to the need to adjust to his refractive index all the time.

Deco moved as if he was ignoring gravity. He easily scaled the eaves and walls in his way, leaving behind clear footprints and raising a trail of dust in his wake. The distance between him and Sheyan kept getting shorter. He looked up at Mogensha and smirked, showing his sharp canine teeth.

A group of contestants followed behind him, firing as they ran. There were at least eight people in the group. Their shots were surprisingly accurate.

Although Sheyan was running with all his might, he did not forget to check the movement of the people in his rear. Suddenly, there was a sharp braking sound from the road nearby. A large tanker truck, in an attempt to avoid a stray dog, had lost control and overturned.

The giant tanker truck slid forward carried by its momentum, scraping meters long of horrible sparks on the road as it crashed towards the spot in front of Sheyan\'s group! It hit a building and exploded, engulfing an area of almost 1000 square meters in flames!

The scale of the explosion was as magnificent as the detonation of a large napalm bomb!

Although it all happened in an instant, Sheyan clearly saw that both the stray dog and the driver of the large tanker truck were not under the control of contestants. But it was precisely the combination of the two which caused a seemingly accidental event that greatly hindered them.

These kind of things, which cannot be explained with science, were often called: misfortune.

Sheyan had already suffered a "fate" attack in the previous world, so he was sensitive to these kind of weird occurances! In this short instance, Sheyan was not thinking of how to escape the danger in front of him, but had come to an important realisation instead. A realisation which sprung up in his mind right after the tanker truck had overturned.

If there really was someone manipulating all this from behind the scenes, why not set the crash site of the tanker truck directly at their location? That way, there was no doubt that it could cause them more trouble.

This mastermind must have something malicious planned! Was he enjoying the cat-and-mouse game?

Sheyan immediately overruled this possibility. Anyone who could survive until now must be one who advocated efficiency above all else and wouldn\'t do any unnecessary things. Just like the way veteran soldiers in ancient times wouldn\'t perform any sword techniques that were purely for aesthetic purposes.

Therefore, Sheyan concluded that if there really was a mastermind behind all this, the person could not - or could, but needed to pay a great price - to use this way to directly affect or attack their group. The person could only indirectly weaken them!

More precisely, the person could probably dig a pit on the path the group would traverse through, but they probably couldn\'t dig a pit directly underneath the group.

The shock wave and explosion from the tanker truck had stifled the speed of Sheyan\'s group. The contestants in pursuit were about to swarm them.

Sheyan threw the body of Sarah Connor away. He did it in such a skillful way that the body rolled a few times when it hit the ground. Even if she was still alive, she would not have felt any pain.

At this point, at least half the pursuing contestants had shown different symptoms of illnesses such as coughing and chest pain. Deco was lucky to escape the disease. He pounced towards Mogensha like a bolt of lightning. Mogensha managed to dodge Deco\'s initial strike, but Deco immediately swept upwards with his foot. Sharp claws had inexplicably grew out of his toes. The claws almost tore a deep wound on Mogensha\'s chest.

At that moment, however, a curse-mix landed next to Mogensha\'s feet. No matter how amazing Deco\'s refractive illusion was, it could do nothing against an AoE stun effect unless it could mislead other\'s vision for an error of over ten meters.

Brother Black swept his gun across to fire a fusillade of shots in Deco\'s direction. The bullets were scattered over a large area like the shot from a shotgun. The bullets easily penetrated through the "Deco" in their sight without any resistance, but streams of blood spurted out two meters to the right of the image. That was Deco\'s real location.

Sheyan lowered his head and rushed through the midst of a few Growth Hunters on the enemies\' side. The nightmare imprint on his chest once again showed the image of the fist and the shield! He fended off the attack of those hostile Growth Hunters and dashed right up to the unawakened Deco. With the \'Zergling Rush\' activated, he landed three consecutive punches on Deco.

A crisp sound akin to glasses breaking was heard around Deco\'s body. That was the sound of his refractive ability being destroyed by Sheyan\'s \'Strength of the Sky\'!

Deco regained his ability to move. Although Sheyan was right in front of him, he couldn\'t help looking at the highway, because a red Ferrari had just burst through the residual flames of the tanker truck!

A woman, long hair fluttering in the wind, full of elegance and dignity, stood proudly on top of the Ferrari.

The mage dagger she held in her hand, curved like a crescent moon, was already shining with a terrible light.

The light of death!

The light of destruction!

Deco, who had his refraction ward shattered, felt like he was standing there naked.

To meet Zi at this moment when he was the most vulnerable was as if he was standing naked in public with a sharp dagger held to his groin. He could almost feel the chill in his balls!

Zi\'s eyes were closed. Her curved silver dagger cut rapidly through the air. Each cut would produce a sharp, lightning-like trace in the air. Finally, the traces formed into a powerful and bizarre symbol -- the crest of the Sith Republic in Star Wars.

The powerful and bizarre symbol flew to a spot a meter in front of the Deco and suddenly turned into a huge hand with jet-black skin and protruding joints. The hand had only three fingers and extremely long nails. It wrapped around Deco\'s neck.

\'Force Suffocation\'!

The ability which summoned a Sith demon claw to strangle the enemy and terminate the enemy\'s life with suffocating agony! The enemy killed by the Sith demon claw would turn into a certain amount of MP and fed back to the caster.

When Deco\'s refractive ward was broken, he had already lost all fighting spirit. He had turned tail the moment he saw Zi coming. He knew that as long as he could run back to his group, he could be saved! But he had just run for a few steps when he suddenly felt a sharp pain around his neck. The terrible giant hand had tightened its grip. Deco\'s vision immediately darkened. He groaned and screamed painfully, and even spat a few mouthfuls of green bile.

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