
Chapter 115: And Now the Departure

Chapter 115: And Now the Departure

… …. …

The next morning, Satsuki went to Rio’s room.

「Say Haruto-kun, will you eat all of these bread and sausage? 」

Satsuki is asking timidly while looking at the dishes that lining up on the table.

A fresh from the oven round shaped bread, beef and vegetable soup, sausages, scrambled eggs and fresh fruits.

The breakfast menu became relatively simple at Satsuki’s request but, it was a luxurious breakfast when comparing to the commoner.

The ingredients they’re using for it is also first class.

「If you want some, I’ll happily share it you know」

Rio is showing his consent.

Thereupon, Satsuki is showing a bright and clear smile in the next moment.

「Thank you. Since it’s a waste of food if you are not finishing it. Should I say that the food of the castle is too oily, or too dark with their seasoning right」

Thus, Satsuki quickly presented a plate to Rio while grumbling about the meal in the castle.

「Even at our best, a woman will only eat a little for their breakfast」

While saying so, she is receiving several bread and sausages from Rio.

「I’m considered as a heavy eater even amongst my generation you know. Since many girls skip their breakfast and only eat yoghurt and fruits as their breakfast」

「And then, they’re holding out just like that till lunch time right

「As for that, well I wonder if I’m actually not girl-like? 」

「I see」

Rio was admiring her “As long as there’s faith, there’ll be a way out” reply while smiling wryly.

「Well, shall we eat our breakfast then? 」

Satsuki is telling him that after he is done with sharing his bread and sausages while chatting about those topic.

「Yeah, well then――」


The two of them are exchanging gaze and then said those words at the same time.

After matching their hands for a while, they’re taking the cutlery.

「I thought about this since last night, your table manners sure are pretty aren’t they, Haruto-kun」

Satsuki said so in admiration.

「No, maybe it’s because I feel nervous since your table manner is elegant. That’s why I’m caring about my table manners more than usual」

「Is that so? 」

「Yes. Satsuki-san of last night was completely focused on your meal but, it seems you’ve calmed down this morning. Since you have the composure for light conversation too」

Rio is saying so while showing an impish smile at her.

In front of her japanese food that she tasted after a long time, Satsuki of last night was completely enthralled by the food that already became her dream. Even when she wasn’t eating in the public place, her well bred still appeared.’

「S-Shut up. Yesterday was japanese food, so it was a speacial case! 」

Satsuki is sticking her tongue a bit in front to him. She is nimbly moving the cutlery in her hands as if to hide her own embarrassed feeling and then scooped the soup with her spoon.

「And then, where are you going to go after leaving the castle today? 」

A while later, Satsuki asked that question to change the topic.

「I’m heading to the west. Since I’ve a promise with my acquaintance」

Rio just obediently riding on the topic.

「I see. You shouldn’t do anything dangerous you know」

「Yeah, I’ll try to do that as much as I can」

After Rio is consenting to her request, Satsuki’s movement stopped,

(As much as possible huh. Maybe it’s already in his character even without me asking that. Well, I can only pray in order for him to not involved in strange events)

She glared at Rio.

Rio who noticed Satsuki’s gaze is tilting his head with a puzzled expression.

Satsuki is heaving a long sigh and then,

「Well then Haruto-kun, before you start your journey, may I say something to you? It’s the continuation of last night. In regard to Miharu-chan’s matter, I think you should convey what you feel to them」

She is staring into his eyes while asking for his answer

「Yes, no problem」

Rio is nodding while staring back at her eyes.

Thereupon, Satsuki spoke with a timid tone.

「I have no intention to fix upon the mistake that you made. But, I want you to do it for the last time. Haruto-kun, do you agree with the current situation? 」


Rio is replying without hestitation.

「Really? 」

Satsuki is chewing her lips and then asked for the second time.


Satsuki is looking at Rio who is nodding in no time.

But, she can’t detect the fluctuation of his heart from his action or eyes.

「I see………..」

And then, Satsuki who is showing a giving up face is reacting as if she is still not convinced by him.

「It seems Satsuki-san still won’t believe me」

Rio said those words while smiling lightly at her.

「I mean………..」

Satsuki is at loss for words.

「Maybe I have a lover……….. No, lover was only when you have someone who you love. Miharu-san is going out with Takahisa-san right? 」

「That is true, but still………..」

「In that case, my love will only become an illicit love. Though I wish for her to become my lover, it’s only natural that I can’t do that since she is already going out with someone else」


Satsuki was at a loss for words―― Since she is also thinking the same thing as Rio. Since even for Satsuki, there’s no way she can answer someone’s feeling for her when she already has a lover. If she accepted that confession, it’ll become an affair―― In short, two timing.

If it’s coming from Satsuki’s japanese sense of value, she would consider that there’ll be no two timing in a normal situation.

「I have prepared myself in hearing the fact that Miharu-san is Takahisa-san’s lover. But still, I wanted to settle this regret of mine. That was the reason for my confession. That is the reason why I can go that far. That’s why I won’t intrude further just for my self-satisfaction」

Satsuki just bit her lips in vexation when Rio is frankly telling her that.

And then, she opened her lips.

「………. I think you are correct. Your rational train of thought that is considering the other party’s feeling was that of an adult. But――」

Satsuki is gaining more confidence the more she talks.

「As for me, I really want you to tell her about that properly and seeing it till the end. Even if Miharu-chan can’t answer your feeling toward her. Because, you and Miharu-chan are my important friends. I really don’t want to see both of you putting something in your heart which will prevent you from talking properly to each other」


Now it was Rio who is at a loss for words.

Satsuki is conveying her honest thoughts about this matter to Rio.

「Doing something like moving around without considering anything is childish but, too much consideration without taking any action is what I call as LOSER[Hetare]」

Rio’s slightly bewildered in hearing such straight forward words from Satsuki.

「………… That’s harsh isn’t it」

So, Rio muttered those words to mock himself.

「So what, I’m the student council president after all. Aren’t I giving advice to my junior who lost his way 」

Satsuki is saying so with a puffed smile.

「But, please don’t misunderstand. I’m telling you this doesn’t mean that I’m forcing you to take on my opinion. In order to let Haruto-kun to show me his own thoughts, I have to show my own thoughts to him」

While their gaze mingled together, Rio was listening to Satsuki with a serious look on his face.

「I’ll be cheering for you. I’ll be supporting in what you consider as the best choice. I really don’t want you to have such cruel consideration on yourself but, no matter what happens, this is your decision」


And then, silence descended upon them for a few seconds.

Though they were staring at each other for a few seconds, maybe because she felt embarrassed, Satsuki turned her blushing face away with a awkward expression on her face.

「Well, that is all of it. Please take my advice as one of your options」

「Yes. Thank you very much」

After replying so, Satsuki is clearing her throat and,

「And then, I’ll give my promise now that I won’t cause a disturbance when you meet with Miharu-chan’s from now on. But, I want to listen properly to the story of Miharu-chan. That’s why I want you to permit me to do that much」

Said so while pouting lightly.

There’s something that Satsuki found hard to understand in regard to the recent behaviour of Miharu.

The discord between Haruto and Aki aside, even if she received a confession from Haruto while still going out with Takahisa, she doesn’t think that Miharu will do such a cold-hearted action by dissapearing right in front of Rio without saying anything.

In fact, Miharu might have wanted to have a conversation with Rio―― No, with Haruto who is her childhood friend.

Even so, there might be a reason that she can’t go against which is forcing her to go toward Saint Stellar kingdom.

(It seems there’s a reason for that…………… The reason why she’s in such a hurry to go back)

Though Rio might be aware of that too, she feels that maybe Rio won’t take such a assertive move in the present.

She knows from his words that Rio is drawing a line somewhere in himself, and will stay before that line.

The reason that he explained before is a plausible argument―― No, she can’t even find any error behind his argument.

But, she cannot help but to think that his real intention is basically somewhere else. Maybe because Rio has no confidence in his own self, or maybe because deep down he can’t trust a stranger, there’s the side that feels something. Though they just met, Satsuki was looking at Rio’s distorted nature.

And then, she even thought―― The majority of the reason may be because Rio is basically suppressing most of his own ego.

Satsuki isn’t aware of everything of what has happened in Rio’s past.

Even so, it has nothing to do with her.

(I just need to act according to what I think is right)

Satsuki was driven by a sense of duty called “Unless I make my move, nothing will change to Miharu or Rio”.

As for what is motivating Satsuki to do that, even Satsuki herself can’t understand it. But, she knows of one fact that at least she won’t accept the current situation.

「So, what is your answer? 」

Satsuki is pressing Rio who is showing a hesititating expresssion to answer her request.

「……Yes. Understood」

A while later, Rio is nodding as if resigned to her request.


Satsuki is smiling with a satisfied expression and then started to move her cutlery again.

Rio also smiled wryly at her, the breakfast time passing by just like that.

Thus, after finishing the breakfast and drinking the after meal tea,

「May I take my leave soon? Since I must leave the capital in the morning」

Rio told her that it’s the time for his departure without beating around the bush.

「Of course. Thank you for accompanying me during these few days. I really enjoyed the last few days」

「Me too. Let’s meet again in someday. For sure」

So, Rio’s telling his parting words to Satsuki with a gentle smile on his face.

Satsuki is showing a befuddled expression for a moment and,

「…………… Yes. Let’s meet again later! 」

She replied immediately with a bashful expression.


Galtwark, the royal capital of Galwark kingdom have several city gates and rampart from each block of the city with a lake view on it’s east side.

First is the eastern most block where high ranked royalties and nobilities live near the lake― Is an extremely guarded area where no one can come in or out unless they have the permit.

After that is the central block where the citizens and lower ranked nobles live in― It’s an area where one needs to pay a certain amount of tax at the gate for going in and out.

Miharu and Celia was staying in the inn within this block.

Moreover, though there’s an area where it becomes the west block, that is the place for the people who can’t live inside the city gate, it has no rampart, though you can freely go in and out, the public order isn’t that good.

After saying his parting, Rio left the royal castle and went toward a certain inn within the east block.

After reporting that he has leave to catle to Aisia who is staying in the inn via telepathic communication, he summoned her to come with Celia toward the west block. And then, just before leaving the central block, he is waiting for Celia and Aisia right outside the exit of the gate. Thereupon, the two of them arrived before 30 minutes passed since he is waiting for them.


Rio is looking at his surrounding as Aisia’s telepathic communication reverberated in his mind. And then, he instantly found the person he was looking for.

Aisia and Celia, both of them wearing black and white robes with a hood respectively, they are hiding their extremely standing out appearance to avoid the public gaze.

「Somehow it feels like it’s been a long time since I’ve seen that appearance right」

After arriving at the distance where they can speak to each other, Celia said those words with a somewhat delighted tone while looking at Rio bundled in traveling attire.

「Is that so? 」

Rio’s turning his neck to confirm his own appearance.

The current Rio is wearing a long coat and a thin but extremely durable leather armor made from the leather of a powerful lesser dragon called black dragon, the custom made mithril sword given to him by the craftmans of Seirei no Tami strapped on his waist, and he wore cloth armor made of mithril fibre under his armor.

Certainly it’s been a while since he appeared in front of Celia using this attire.

When Rio’s thinking in that way.

「So, what about Miharu’s? 」

Celia timidly asked that question while looking at the surroundings.

「Miharu’s went to the Saint Stellar kingdom」

Rio is conveying the fact with a slightly timid expression.

Thereupon, Celia’s eyes opened wide in surprise,

「I see. So they left already………….」

She heaved a sigh with a sad face.

「I’m sorry. The people of Saint Stellar kingdom suddenly decided to leave due to an urgent matter, thus there’s not enough time for them to bid their farewell」

「There’s no need for you to apologize for that you know. I somehow felt that things will turn this way ever since Miharu’s decided to come to the royal castle」

「Is that true?

Rio’s surprised in seeing Celia’s reaction.

「Well, the situation that I’m worrying about did happen right. Moreover, the one who take them is Aki and Masato’s family right? 」


「In that case, it can’t be helped. Family huh――」

Rio was looking at Celia who is talking in a strangely familiar tone with such situation with a surprised face. Celia then asking to him with lovely gesture.

「What’s the matter?  Is there something on my face? 」

「It’s nothing, I was just thinking that you unexpectedly have such far sight」

Rio is shaking his head in denial and said those words while smiling wryly at her.

Celia’s looking at the sky while wearing a pondering expression and,

「Uhm, well, I’m with Rio again after all. I don’t know how to express this but, it’s because I think that we can’t meet again. I feel lonely and surprised but, we somehow met again」

She’s spinning her words as if groping the feeling in her heart.

「I see」

In addition to that she might think about another matter―― And Rio admired that part of her.

「Yup, moreover――」

Celia is wearing a troubled look on her face as if having a hard time to say the sentence.

「Moreover? 」

Rio is urging her to continue. Thereupon, Aisia suddenly approached him at with a brisk gait and then tightly held his hand. Celia is startled in seeing that.

「U~hm, Aisia? 」

Aisia does that to him ocassionally.

Rio felt that she can see through everything when she is staring into his eyes. But, he isn’t feeling disgusted or strange due to that.

And then, when Rio and Aisia is staring at each other in that way from point blank distance, before he was aware of it, Celia already standing by his side and pulling his sleeve.

「Wait a minute, what in the world just happened for the two of you to make the world of the two of you? Aren’t you just leaving me aside here」

Saying so, Celia was staring at Rio’s face.

「No, even if you call that as the world of the two of us it is a bit………………」

「Let’s go. Haruto」

Aisia is pulling Rio’s faltered hand and just like that starting to walk at a brisk pace.

「………….. W-Wait for me!Geez! 」

Though Celia was looking at the back of those two, she eventually chased toward their back in a hurry.

「By the way Aisia, till when will you hold Rio’s hand? 」

Celia is asking that question while looking at Rio’s hand which was still grasped by Aisia with the corner of her eyes.

「I can’t do this? 」

「N-No, it’s not like I mean that you can’t do that but……………….」

When she asked back from the front, Celia is at a loss for words.

「Does Celia want to hold Haruto’s hand too? 」

Aisia asked that question as she tilted her head with a confused face.


Celia is denying Aisia with a flushed red face.

「In that case, it’l; be okay as long as Celia is also holding Haruto’s hand」

(In that case, there’s another choice of holding Aisia’s hand right?)

Thought Rio was thinking about such a problem, he can’t just nonchalantly let go of Aisia’s hand since her hand is tightly grasped on his hand.


Celia is mumbling with a low voice while looking at Rio’s hand which is unoccupied by Aisia.

「No, won’t that will cause various problems?. Aishia」

Rio is cutting into their conversation since he doesn’t want to think about the figure of them walking side-by-side with their hands joining together.

「Then, Celia doesn’t want to? 」

「No that is just……….. Maybe you just need to let go of my hand」

So, Rio is trying to persuade her somehow.

「I can’t hold your hand? 」


Staring at Aisia who has such pure and innocent eyes, Rio almost unintentionally said 「Of course you can」.

Thereupon, Celia is showing a surprised face.

「F-Fine then! I’ll hold Haruto’s hand too」

Saying so, she took Rio’s unoccupied hand.


「I-It’s okay right. Don’ttellmethatyou’reokaydoingthatwithAisiabutnotwithme? 」

Celia is saying those words in rapid succession with a flushing red face.

「It’s………… Okay」

Rio just couldn’t bring himself to say “no” when he is looking at the slightly formed tears in the corner of Celia’s eyes as if she trying to do her best to surpress her embarassment.

Celia is heaving a relieved breath while Rio heaved a sigh by her side.

「S-Shall we go then」

After saying those words with a lively voice, Celia is pulling Rio’s hand.

Aisia also pulling his other hand, and just like that the three of them walking side by by while holding onto Rio’s hand till they leave the city and then fly in the air.

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