
Chapter 488 - Along the Way

Chapter 488: Along the Way

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Ye Chong looked gloomy.

The first battle under Xi Qing\'s lead had gone perfectly, but this perfect first time also came at a high price. Because Xi Qing\'s squad had performed wonderfully, the other mech pilots began to underestimate the red-tailed beasts.

However, this incorrect supposition was quickly overturned!

The second squad fought against three red-tailed beasts as well, and four of the squad were injured in combat. Had Ye Chong not stepped in to help, they would have all lost their lives. Even so, the four of them received significant injuries. Fortunately, Haskel had medical equipment onboard, even though it would still take 10 days for them to fully recuperate.

The wake-up call once again reminded everyone of how dangerous the red-tailed beasts were.

There were no more casualties in later battles, but Ye Chong still looked gloomy. His combat power came not from the adult mech pilots, but from his very own 20 students. Those were his capable fighters. However, four of them were injured.

These 20 students had formed squads of five, so it meant that Ye Chong had just lost one out of four combat squads. What\'s more, it was a loss that could have been avoided. Ye Chong had planned meticulously to create this strategic environment to reduce the natural advantages of the red-tailed beasts. Hence, he could not help but feel let down that he had lost a squad so soon into their journey.

"Ye, don\'t worry too much. They\'ll be good as new in just 10 days," Shang offered a rare consolation.

"Alright," Ye Chong replied.

Shang did not seem to notice Ye Chong\'s mood as he declared excitedly, "Ye, today\'s battle proved that your method works. As long as we keep this up, it shouldn\'t be a problem."

Ye Chong quickly composed himself and corrected Shang, "You mean, if we don\'t encounter any large groups of red-tailed beasts."

"I suppose you\'re right," Shang mused, "If we encounter a larger group of them, then we\'re screwed. However, if our deductions are correct, the odds are in our favor."

Ye Chong and Shang had done extensive analysis when deciding on their flight course, and had chosen their current route in the end. It was not the fastest route, but their calculations suggested that it was the one with the lowest chance of encountering large groups of red-tailed beasts.

Killing more than 20 red-tailed beasts was a feat that raised the morale of everyone on the starship. The crew all looked hopeful and energetic.

Now, the crew discussed mostly about the brilliant ways in which the students defeated the creatures. The four casualties that Ye Chong thought avoidable was ignored in these discussions. To them, four casualties and none dead were definitely a good outcome in killing off 28 red-tailed beasts. Where before they had felt hopeless against the mysterious creatures, now they allowed themselves to be optimistic.

Even the mech pilots who did not participate in the battles were encouraged. The red-tailed beasts were not invincible. They knew this now as fact. With this glimmer of hope, they began to train themselves even more.

They realized that the students won against the red-tailed beasts because of their unique coordination strategies. That would be their key to survival. Recognizing this, they began to train in earnest, even without Ye Chong\'s reminder.

The maintenance crew got busier and busier .They would have to fix all the mechs that were damaged from the daily trainings. These mechs would be returned again and again to the maintenance section due to the trainings. To avoid interrupting their training sessions, the maintenance crew worked diligently without complaint.

The entire starship was filled with enthusiasm! The desire to live, whether courageously or cowardly, had never been too different.


Xiao Wan looked tired. In front of her was Arwa. The genius tactician had lost a lot of weight, but he was still in high spirits.

Arwa had a sense of foreboding about the war, but in the end, the United Army had been defeated quite decisively. The man was famed for his tactical skills, but he was ignored by all the higher ups back then. No one had listened to him.

The unprecedented loss ended with about one third of Gray Valley\'s combatants losing their lives in the purple gas cloud.

Arwa had been acting cautiously seen the beginning of the war, and his caution paid off. He recognized the situation for what it was, and quickly made adjustments. By then, they were already surrounded by red-tailed beasts.

These creatures were intelligent - they could plan ahead! Arwa realized this with shock. Was it a coincidence, or had the creatures been waiting for this moment? Without more time to consider it further, Arwa decided it must be the latter!

Arwa was none other than Gray Valley\'s number one tactical genius! In the moment where death seemed to close in, he calmed himself down and made a series of adjustments. In retrospect, his adjustments were wise. Just when they were all surrounded, Arwa\'s adjustments had allowed them to break through the creatures and escape.

The 1st Platoon was destroyed. Commander of the 1st Platoon, the infamous Guang Bei, was lost in the war.

Only 200 mechs survived and escaped. It was a terrifying and ghastly aftermath. After escaping, Arwa immediately brought his 200 mechs to their base and the Young Miss, began their retreat.

Arwa came from a poor neighbourhood, and had endured through countless difficulties since his childhood to become the tough person he was today. Despite their great defeat, he did not lose his bearings, but handled it competently as he always did.

His only concern was the Young Miss. This defeat was too heavy a blow on her. She was regretful, ashamed, pained, lost … All these emotions haunted her, and she looked more withered every day. Arwa may be a genius, but even he could not help her. He could only do his best to protect the Young Miss until she recovered.

Fortunately, his subordinates were all trustworthy, and his last desperate attempt had led to their survival. They were all very grateful for him, and obeyed his orders to the letter.

Much to everyone\'s surprise, Arwa decided not to stay at headquarters, but instead stole a midsized starship from there and head towards Duodania. Arwa had his reasons. Headquarters was not close to the frontline, and the bulk of the red-tailed beasts would probably reach there very soon. Even if they did not arrive, the base was no longer save. Their meager number of combatants would not be enough to defend the place. Even without the threat of the red-tailed beasts, ambitious local organizations would be enough to overwhelm them.

In the bigger picture, Arwa believed that Gray Valley would ultimately be lost to the red-tailed beasts. Gray Valley was no longer an option. It was better for them to leave now. He had the same idea as Ye Chong - with security at the Gateway laxing, he and his men would be able to enter He Yue Galaxy unnoticed. Together, they would be able to reform the Xiao Family\'s army.

What he was worried about was the Young Miss. She had fainted the moment she heard of the news of their defeat. When she came to, she was filled with despair, and continued to behave passively so far.


Ye Chong had already encountered a few small groups of red-tailed beasts. They never have more than 30 of them in each group. The number of casualties had gone up to nine, but they were mostly Shen Ruxue\'s students or Haskel\'s mech pilots.

Luring the red-tailed beasts into the narrow passageways with energy cells, shutting the hatch, then killing off the red-tailed beasts with their acquired advantages - this was a combat strategy that everyone had gotten used to in the past few days. They were getting more efficient in it. Everyone had participated in at least one of the battles against the red-tailed beasts. Even Shen Ruxue fought against the creatures herself. These experiences had improved their strength over time.

However, they were also no longer feeling optimistic. The red-tailed beasts were appearing more and more frequently. Once, they encountered two groups of red-tailed beasts in the same day. It was only when Ye Chong entered the fight himself, killing seven red-tailed beasts with Muscle Man that the tension in the air was slightly relieved. Ye Chong\'s combat prowess had astounded all the other mech pilots.

Haskel\'s combat ability had also gathered the attention of many others. Many starships that they encountered along the way were impressed by Haskel\'s defenses, and stayed close to the ship. In just a short time, Haskel became surrounded by a good variety of starships. There were small and midsized starships, transport ships, and even a midsized warship. The warship was fitted with menacing looking cannons, but they only managed to look powerless. Here was a gathering of all kinds of random starships.

They relied on Haskel for protection. Whenever the red-tailed beasts appear, they would slip behind the ship\'s hull. Only when Haskel had killed all the creatures would they slowly return to their positions around the starship.

Annoyingly, the number of starships around Haskel was growing rapidly. Each day saw a few more starships joining the fray. There were now three warships with Haskel. Most of the starships were civilian class, without any firepower or resources Ye Chong and group could use. The warships looked threatening enough, but were powerless against the red-tailed beasts.

It was real predicament, dealing with these starships!

"Shang should worry about this!" Ye Chong thought as he headed towards the training ground.

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