
Chapter 230 A Slaughterhouse?

Chapter 230 A Slaughterhouse?

The trees cast shadows, and the mountain ranges were far without end. A strong wind blew across, as if it was caressing the wheat fields, creating a rippling effect.

The wind was the sky’s breath and the mountains were the earth’s spine! Doesn’t this look like a majestic landscape painting?

Unfortunately, an animal’s desperate cry could be heard from afar, as if its testicles were bitten off by an alien. The shrieks completely destroyed the majestic grandiosity of the scenery.

"Cloudracer, jump here!" Chen Fan, who was standing at the foot of the mountain, started howling at the sky.

On the cliff about 30 meters above, was the golden eagle, who had grown to a length of 30 meters and a wingspan of 17 meters long. Cloudracer cowered at the side of the cliff. It looked as if it was too afraid to jump down. What a pitiful expression!

No doubt, even the most intelligent human toddler would have to fall down multiple times in the process of learning how to walk! If Chu Ying could not persevere against the painful battles and attacks, how would he be able to soar on the ninth heaven?

Thirty meters seemed to be an extremely safe height. Looking at the cowering Cloudracer, Chen Fan’s lips curled into a devious smile. At the same time, a cunning smiled was also plastered on the face of the electric eel, who was curling up by the cliffside. It lifted up its forepaws silently, then gave Cloudracer a little push...


The moment its fingertips touched Cloudracer, the latter spread out its wings and let out a piercing shriek. The shrilling sound had an extremely high frequency. Chen Fan and the electric eel trembled, but they had nowhere to hide.

The ear-piercing din lingered around the mountains for three to five seconds before gradually coming to a halt. Chen Fan rubbed his eardrums and sighed dejectedly.

Now that the voice had mellowed down, Chen Fan realized that the scenery before him had suddenly turned dim. He quickly lifted his head, only to realize that Cloudracer had actually tripped on its wings and was rolling down the the cliff.

"Oh no!" Chen Fan made a rather peculiar noise and scurried behind a piece of rock within half a second.

"Thump!" Cloudracer staggered like a drunk alcoholic before finally falling flat on the ground and spattering a storm of dust with its wings. The dust storm almost drowned both Cloudracer and Chen Fan.

"Bah Bah Bah!" Chen Fan covered his nose and mouth before dashing out from the back of the stone. This fellow was definitely a dust machine. If that was not the case, how was it able to stir up such a dust storm?

After experiencing the fall, the dusty and dirty Windracer still refused to stand at the cliff, despite Chen Fan’s desperate pleas. Finally, Chen Fan was left with no choice but to control the electric eel. It ran down the cliff and seized Cloudracer, ready to settle things with force.

"Bam!" Chen Fan had learned his lesson this time. He directly ran toward the cliff, while the electric eel remained on the ground.

The first try, the second, the third...

Every time Cloudracer flapped its wings and soared into the skies, only to fall down to the ground immediately after. Regardless, Chen Fan would still provide it with a big fresh fish to console its fragile little heart.

Eagles generally have an instinct to fly. After multiple trainings, on the third day of this cliff-jumping activity, Zhui Yu screamed, as it was finally able to flap its wings and soar in the skies.

After it tasted the freedom of flight, Cloudracer seemed to have entered into a trance. It hovered around the blue sky, occasionally teasing the electric eel or provoking the python.

As the saying goes: newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. Since Cloudracer had yet to step foot into the "adult world", whenever it stumbled upon other humongous animals, it would probe them with its claws.

The results were rather predictable. There was one instance, when it was almost gobbled up by a big fish in the ocean. After learning from its mistakes, it was finally willing to hold back a little. It even self-taught the concept of "bullying the weak and fearing the strong", as it now only picked fights with smaller creatures.

"This is finally rideable!"

Staring at the opulent saddle with beautifully carved patterns, which was purposely produced by a handicraft finishing factory as per his request, Chen Fan was almost moved to tears. From the moment it hatched till its training periods during adulthood, Chen Fan was its mentor and caretaker. It was one of his most indescribably difficult periods in his life. Finally, his endeavors paid off. How could he not be excited?

Regarding the saddle with beautifully carved patterns, after witnessing the birth of a horse saddle, an elephant saddle, an ostrich saddle and other nonsensical creations, this new history-changing invention was created! The seat was made up of a strong, lightweight polythene material. It had a matte surface with beautiful flower patterns on top, which would increase its friction and prevent the rider from slipping off.

There was even an arc-shaped handle on the front part of the saddle. Two stirrups were also connected to the bottom part of the saddle. Also, an inbuilt soft leather belt would be tied to his waist to keep him in place while riding.

As for the billet strap, it was present to keep the saddle in place on the golden eagle. Chen Fan chose a golden dacron strap, which could withstand the sudden 2000kg pull, whilst the hoop was completely made up of titanium alloy, making it unimaginably hard!

Chen Fan had requested the factory to produce seven different sizes of this extremely expensive saddle. The biggest one would be a perfect fit for the size of an adult golden eagle’s neck.

Speaking of the adult golden eagle, Chen Fan had become downhearted. To prevent it from creating any form of havoc after discovering the golden eaglet, Chen Fan had even placed the individual missile launchers on the sides of its body, so it would be prepared for any sudden attacks.

Unfortunately, the humongous eagle had disappeared without a trace. Did it die from severe injuries, or did it leave the grounds because it was heartbroken over its children’s disappearance?

After he blew a shrill-sounding whistle, Chen Fan smiled cheekily and stroked Cloudracer’s head. As it was enjoying the tender care from its owner, it probably did not even expect Chen Fan to have such twisted thoughts!

After waving his hand at Cloudracer like a head of state reviewing his troops, Chen Fan grabbed the saddle and positioned it on its back after it laid down on the ground. He then tied the long billet strap across its chest and buckled it into the shape of an X.

Surprisingly, Cloudracer was not agitated after the saddle was tightly strapped on. It wiggled its body, only to realize that it could not fling the saddle away. So, it ended up letting it be.

Chen Fan then put on aviator sunglasses and a brown leather hunting jacket and hopped on Cloudracer’s back. He spent quite some time coming up with this rider-like outfit. He took reference from cowboy accessories and modern rider style trends. He even wore a leather ammunition belt on his waist, with a Beretta M9, five bullets, and two grenades carried in it.

"Cloudracer, let’s lift off!" Chen Fan shouted in full spirit. He then gently nudged the eagle’s abdomen as a signal to lift off.


Cloudracer’s screams were silvery like chiming bells. His claws pushed off the ground and the two immediately soared toward the sky.

When the body was freed from the gravitational pull, all that could be heard was the sounds of the rustling wind. How does it feel to be able to feast upon the vastness of the views as one rises higher into the sky?

This feeling could not be emulated by merely sitting in a plane. The plane is a metal cage. How would it be able to allow one to have a taste of the most primitive ways of flight?

Chen Fan did not even have to open his eyes to enjoy the view. All he had to do was to relish the rhythm of Cloudracer’s flapping wings and the feeling of his body piercing through the wind in lightning speed in order to experience the mystery of flight!

"The clouds rose, and my eyes strained to see the birds fleet. It tried to ascend the mountain crest, but it dwarfed all peaks under our feet... Damn, this feels incredible!" As he rode on Windracer’s back, he started reciting Du Fu’s "Gazing on Mount Tai" gallantly!

When Cloudracer was still unable to fly, Chen Fan had started training it to identify which direction to take through movements. Thus, at this very moment, all Chen Fan had to do was shift his body’s center of gravity so that Cloudracer, who greatly relied on him, would know when to change directions.


While Chen Fan was still living in the pleasurable sensation of flight, a scream of anguish resonated from the large mountain. It sounded as if they had arrived at Avici.

"Cloudracer, let’s fly toward the large mountain. Why don’t we go find out what animal is actually wailing nonstop?" Cloudracer hovered above their living place twice. Chen Fan shifted his center of gravity so that it would change its direction.

The monster had been wailing for more than ten days. Sometimes, there was not a stir around, but other times the sound could be heard in quick succession. Regardless, they all sounded like the wails of animals that were about to be killed.

Since he was previously occupied with Cloudracer’s trainings and the electric eel was never able to walk fast on land, Chen Fan had no choice but to suppress his curiosity. Now that he had the means to fly, he would obviously have to go take a look.

The serpent-like mountains looked like a projection of slides as they quickly flashed passed Chen Fan’s sight. Cloudracer trailed the mountain tops for about 30 seconds, the surrounding air suddenly reeking of blood.

"Did someone open a slaughterhouse down there?" Chen Fan’s curiosity was piqued. He could not wait to take a look at the creature who was slaughtering animals.

As Cloudracer elevated his body and leapt toward the 1000-meter tall mountains in front of them, Chen Fan’s eyes were fixated on the sight below. The harder he focused, the bigger his eyes became. If a biologist had witnessed this scene, he would definitely be sliced open for research purposes, to test if he was actually a metamorphosed Lionhead Goldfish!

There was a barren rocky dessert at the back of the mountain, with a blue natural lake situated on the right. The surface area of the lake was not huge, about the size of two football fields. Meanwhile, 27 silver-haired chimpanzees, whose heights were about 13 meters, stood in the middle of the rocky desert.

The chimpanzees had bushy hair and their foreheads bulged out like little hills. Their chests looked like they had silicone breast implants, which girls would probably be envious of. Their muscles were built like a brick outhouse and their extremely long upper limbs reflected the true essence of "herculean strength"!

The 27 chimpanzees each held a tree branch as thick as a white python in their right hand. The branches were stained with a bloody stench. They were surrounded by over 50 types of colossal creatures that were glaring at the chimpanzees ferociously.

If this sight was not thrilling enough, there was a sea of animal carcasses lying nearby. There was also an unknown plant that was encircled by the chimpanzees, as if they were guarding it. Any idiot would be able to identify the fact that the plant was a valuable treasure of the location.

The plant was about five meters tall and had seven to eight pieces of emerald hued new leaves that hung on its barren white rhizome. An extremely purple round-shaped fruit hung on the tip of it.

While Chen Fan was in a daze, the chimpanzee in the middle of the troop, which was evidently taller than the rest of its counterparts, had white hair growing from its back to its tail and thighs. Anyone would obviously be able to identify that it was the leader of the chimpanzees. Suddenly, the leader turned his gaze toward the golden eagle, Cloudracer, which was 1000 meters above the ground!

(To be continued, if you wish to know what happens next, please log into www.qidian.com for more chapters. Go support the author and authorized reading!)

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