
Chapter 124 - Problems and solutions

But this is not the same in other places, think for a moment, a woman without relatives from Japan a place that was not reached by the tentacles of Catholics or Protestants, alters her husband’s memories in some way and comes to Visit when he dies for the first time.

I think that your ex-wife was not human or a yokai , she must be one of the many divine entities that inhabit Japan, but she got something from you that once she got it decided to get rid of you like garbage.

Think about it, you were part of INAH, what ancient artifacts you will have obtained or will have given you that have required that Miyuki use so much falsehood to obtain it. "

Flavio then thought and remembered some things "Now that you say in administrative work I didn’t have the opportunity to go to many places but I had the opportunity to go personally before our son was born to the tunnels under Teotihuacán.

These tunnels were under the pyramid of the sun, in the place we found some jade offerings, including a Jade Jaguar that I found in a small corner.

They were supposed to register but our boss allowed us to keep only one piece before he registered, I chose the jaguar because it was the first statuette I found. "

Mother Tonantzin frowned "The figurine you found is like this" at that time the mother Tonantzin created with her divine energy a jaguar figure that had no face and had two tails.

Flavio looked at her for a moment and nodded, Mayahuel’s mother changed the light color of her basins from a blue to black color.

"Flavio what you found was not a jade figure but a prison for one of the most terrifying beings that lived in the period of the first sun.

Even we Tzitzimitl are afraid of him, his name is Amatlein which means nothing, he is a creature that only has the purpose of exterminating anything living and inorganic.

When the gods were born that thing was already among us, even Ometeotl can tell the truth, we heavenly deities fight against Amatlein for a long time.

In the end we could not kill him just seal it and leave him trapped in a space where he could not hurt, I do not know why the figure was in the ruins of the city at the end of the fourth sun but if I steal that I fear that the timeline of where you are will have problems.

I do not know if your ex-wife Miyuki knew his function, but if that is what he stole it will only cause calamity to his pantheon, during the battle with Amatlein we only survived less than 0.5% of the cosmic deities.

That demonstrates Amatlein’s power, we have to take precautions to completely close our timeline and turn it into an independent world otherwise it will be the end for everyone. "

Hellena was very angry "That bitch turned out to be very idiot too, but what can we do to cut the line and prevent extinction?"

Zeus who had not spoken gave the simplest possible answer "If the problem is the Japanese pantheon we just have to destroy it"

Flavio scratched his head "It sounds simple but if we want to destroy the Japanese gods we need to get to Japan.

But for this we need population, otherwise, we will be rejected by them, not to mention that at this time the Japanese are Buddhist and maybe under the protection of the Chinese gods.

The ideal before being able to do something would be to convince them of the danger of having the goddess Amaterasu in their protection, otherwise, it is impossible to do something about it. "

Anubis scratched his chin and his jackal ears moved "There may be another solution but it would be unstable and we need more help from the gods.

It is not necessary to start a war if we can move the entire continent to another plane, of course, this will cause us to end up facing other species and other gods but it is the most functional measure we can take.

If we can’t stop Amatlein from destroying everything, we just have to move to a place where he has no control. "

Flavio stroked the ears of his little daughter "I think that option is excellent but in the Americas the only pantheon of gods that could help us died.

I suppose we will have to turn to the only pantheon of gods that knows us and that we could bring to our cause.

We will have to prepare a trip to northern Europe avoiding contact with the rest of Europe, for our safety "

Zeus looked at Flavio "If there are no more options I suppose the Nordic gods are our only option since the Celts must hate us to death."

Flavio nodded "Before we can go for them we will have to colonize Greenland and then go to Iceland and then we have to reach Norway.

The only thing I don’t understand is how to get in touch with them and I will mainly need a divine weapon in case I have to prove my worth against them. "

Zeus and mother Tonantzin laughed at the same time and said in unison "Don’t worry we have the best gods of war to teach you"

Flavio at that moment felt the real horror, Hellena just got up and patted her shoulder "Sweety you need to do some exercise, I agree that you need training, its no because I want to see you muscular final form well maybe a little ... "

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