
Chapter 684 Lausanne

Others were puzzled.

"You know each other?" Uncle Hauser looked suspiciously.

"They know each other!" Priest Chadvi breathed a sigh of relief.

"Your name is Wyah?" Dorothy asked curiously.

"They\'re all called Wyah!" Sheila looked contemptuous, and her gloves reappeared on her hands.

"Yes, we know each other, and we know each other because of the same name," Thales turned his head awkwardly and raised his hand to the surrounding residents, "It\'s alright, it\'s alright, they\'re all old friends, it\'s no big deal, there\'s no need to watch …”

But his appeal was obviously limited, and no one in the tunnel listened to his appeal. People still crowded around the entrance and looked at Glover with hostile eyes.

"Well, um, Wyya, how about you put down the knife first, you\'re scaring them," Thales cast a look of help at the eldest lady, but Hillary just turned her head with a look of contempt. With your companions... sunset, what\'s going on?"

Thales looked at the woman in Rolfe\'s arms in amazement: covered in blood, dying.

The "ghouls" in the tunnel let out a whisper.

Rolfe looked at Thales in embarrassment, with request and guilt in his eyes.

"This is Teto, Lord Wyah, do you remember," Glover reluctantly said, "My little... brother."

Thales reacted: "Teto? Oh, of course, Teto! But who are you holding?"

"This is, uh, this is Teto\'s..."

While Glover was facing Rolf\'s angry eyes, hesitating whether to say "old friend" or "mother", the wounded person in Rolfe\'s arms opened his eyes weakly.

"He, is he there," she coughed in pain, "Chadvi?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and the tunnel was quiet.

The surprised priest Chadvi pushed aside the people left and right and stepped forward.

"What? Who? Who\'s calling my name—"

Priest Chadvi\'s voice was instantly silenced.

"Small, small knife?"

He looked at the person in Rolfe\'s arms in shock: "Why are you?"

The seriously injured woman regained her spirits and forced a smile:

"Old friend, you really are here, the old lady is lucky after all," she showed a weak smile, obviously enduring the pain, "It\'s good, don\'t call me that again, at least not today."

The whispers in the tunnel grew louder.

Chadwick hurried forward.

"I don\'t understand, shouldn\'t you be the boss in the royal capital, why—the sunset! What\'s wrong with your hand?"

"The price of being the boss...Fuck it, take it easy! It hurts my mother to death!" Kathleen hissed in pain.

"You know each other?" Thales said alertly.

"They know each other." Glover snorted coldly.

"Is her name Wyya too?" Dorothy asked in confusion.

Clang! clang! clang! clang! clang!

The harsh sound from behind forced everyone to cover their ears and turn their heads: Madam Gadama was grabbing a pot and spoon as tall as hers and aggressively pounding on the cooking tin.

"Are you all stupid! Everyone is like this, so let\'s put her down soon!"

Clang! clang! clang!

With the sound of beating, Gadama\'s roar echoed in the sewer, and the small body seemed to contain endless energy:

"Idle people, etc., let me go!"


"That\'s about it."

Glover sat by the fire and removed the **** old bandages inch by inch. Except for Thales and Rolfe, everyone else in the tunnel hid far away, not daring to approach this **** guy.

"The female boss pointed the way, we were in a panic, and we didn\'t know if we were going right-why did the monster keep staring at me?"

Thales turned around:

In the distance by another fire, Woniak touched the swollen lump on his head and looked at them angrily. When he saw Glover looking at him, he hurriedly lowered his head.

Maybe because, you just knocked him out?

Thales shrugged:

"He\'s not a monster - how are your injuries?"

Glover changed his face and pressed his armpit, as if remembering something unpleasant: "It\'s okay."

You don\'t look like that.

Thales turned his head, Rolf in the corner saw him and gestured in shame:

【Sorry. 】

Thales shook his head and responded:

【How are you? 】

Rolfe couldn\'t help but glanced at the distance, and hesitantly made a gesture:

【Yes. 】

No, he\'s not good - Thales concluded.

"So, Rolf couldn\'t help but save Catherine the \'Phantom Blade\'?"

"That\'s right, that sheep-fucking bastard—" Glover was displeased, but stuttered halfway through his words, "Uh, dumb, Rolfe suggested, he said that the female boss was from the Blood Bottle Gang, she knew All kinds of doorways on the streets of Emerald City... and she works for Iris, so she knows a lot of inside information, which is very valuable... And we are blind, and we need such resources... Oh, yes, she may still Knowing the identity of the man in black... Also, she was betrayed by her own people, and she may be used by us, I mean for your use... So, after careful discussion, we decided to act decisively, although it took a risk, but worth."

Watching Glover racking his brains, Thales narrowed his eyes:

"Rolf, make a suggestion? Is that right, he \'discussed\' so much with you?"

Glover was stunned for a moment, then turned his head:

"About this, you know, he is literate."

"Oh... so he can read." Thales\' eyes were intriguing.

Glover was sweating profusely under the gaze of the prince, and quickly changed the subject:

"That\'s right! I didn\'t have time to ask, but why are you here? In this..."

Glover looked at the endless tunnel, smelled the disgusting smell, and managed to suffocate the word "shit pit" in his mouth.

Strangely, this is also the case in the Xiacheng District of the Royal Capital.

This Highness, why do you like to drill into the ravages?

"It\'s a long story," Thales stopped tangled in the previous topic, he looked at Slimani, who was uneasy because of the stranger, "Simply put, I\'m helping people run for their lives - this great defender Knowing something that shouldn\'t be known, for this reason, Kong Minggong wants him to shut up."

"Like they shut up wine merchants and wool merchants?"

Thales nodded.

"You should have sent someone else," Glover hesitated for a while, "If it\'s the black-clothed killer who is to execute the silence, then you are in danger..."

"Fortunately he didn\'t come," another person——Miss Hillary Kevin Dill appeared beside them, pushed Thales unceremoniously, forcing him to make room for himself, "According to you, that killer Going to shuffle the blood bottle help?"

Glover was startled, and when he recognized the young lady, he frowned and cast a suspicious look at Thales.

"She... she was with me." Thales, who moved halfway, responded awkwardly.


Glover\'s eyes were even more confused.

Sheila sat down by the fire, graciously and without hesitation, staring intently at Glover.

"Uh, miss, what\'s the matter with you?" She looked at the latter so unnaturally that she had to turn her head away.

"Yes, do you have anything else to do?" Hillary asked rhetorically.

The unknown Glover was stunned again.

It wasn\'t until Thales coughed hard that Glover reacted, and reluctantly got up and left, and went to the corner to occupy Rolf\'s space.

"According to the news that Wyya inquired..."

Hillary watched Glover walk away, and then turned to Thales: "Whether it was the wine merchant or the wool merchant who was killed, it was the Blood Bottle Gang who came forward to clean up the tail for Jenn, clean up the follow-up, and disguised himself as suicide or vendetta. ."

Thales nodded:

"At the same time, the Blood Bottle Gang was hit and devastated. I don\'t think it\'s a coincidence."

"I don\'t think so either."

"Did the Kingdom Secret Service do it? Just because the Blood Bottle Gang was doing the dirty work for Jenn?"

Xile pondered:

"It is possible that if the Blood Bottle Gang is too busy to take care of itself, they will not have the energy to help Kongming Palace run errands, including covering up and concealing these murders."

Thales looked at the worried Slimani:

"This is a good example: the blood bottle gang was devastated and ineffective in covering up the murder of the wool merchant, and was caught by our Mr. Srimani."

"Therefore, there is one more person to be silenced in Kongming Palace," Shi Lai sighed, "My dear brother, the basket is getting bigger and bigger."

"And me," Thales guessed, "if the Blood Bottle Gang had to do everything neatly, then the deaths of Dagory and Diop might be better covered up, and I couldn\'t easily find the loopholes and follow the clues. Find Slimani, find the insider."

Sheila nodded and continued to speculate:

"Then I guess, my brother must be very upset. He thinks the blood bottle gang is holding back the Kongming Palace - you are right, the blood bottle gang is the easiest loophole to break through."

"Therefore, on the day of your Lord\'s parade, Jenn is going to shuffle the blood bottle gang, fill in the loopholes, and prevent the kingdom\'s secret department from continuing to penetrate the needle?"

"But he didn\'t wash it," Sheila sneered lightly, "Because you and your Wyers messed up, he missed a card."

Thales nodded in agreement:

"Yes, and now, this card—"

"Hey, ah, ah! Chad, you killed the bastard!"

A piercing scream resounded throughout the tunnel, causing the residents here to look sideways.

Both Thales and Xilai stood up and looked to the other side of the tunnel in the trembling firelight:

"Magic Blade" Kathleen was dying, lying on a large stone platform covered in blood, with a dazzling Lijing chandelier hanging above her head, which was incompatible with this pit.

"Damn, Kathleen, I didn\'t expect you to wake up so quickly!"

Chadvi was beside the stone platform, holding scissors and tweezers, bent over to deal with Catherine\'s abdominal injury, which was incompatible with the usual sunset priest who was hanging around in the temple.

Catherine gritted her teeth and raised her head:

"Don\'t you have a better anesthetic?"

"Look where this is," Chadwei straightened up, his gloves and apron covered in bright red, "unless you go to the temple with me, where there are enough conditions to deal with your injury..."

"Yes, and let the enemy know where I am right away."

Catherine murmured in excruciating pain:

"Do you think I didn\'t die fast enough?"

Chadway looked at Kathleen on the stone platform, sighed after a moment, and bent down again: "Okay, I understand, but I have to remind you that it will hurt."

"Little means, the old lady is the year - exercise! Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!"

Kathleen\'s screams were deafening, Thales and Hillary looked at each other.

"I can\'t handle you like this - don\'t shake it, little knife!" Chadwei, who was wearing an apron and holding up his utensils, looked anxious.

"Ahhhh-tm don\'t call me that again!"

"Come to someone for help, don\'t let her move!" Priest Chadvi had no choice but to ask others for help.

Madam Gadama looked around, dropped the pot that seemed a bit big to her, and rolled up her sleeves:

"Okay, I\'ll do it!"

"Come on my dear," said Uncle Hauser, who was sterilizing surgical instruments by the fire, shaking his head, "Just because of our size?"

Aunt Gadama\'s expression changed.

"Nobody\'s talking to you, little old man!"

But she also seemed to know the problem, so she turned back and called: "Bobo?"


Bobo—the big man with a surprisingly small head—was called by his name, got up excitedly from the corner where he was curled up, flipped over a bucket by the way, and plopped toward Chadwe.

"Let that monster stay away from me!" Catherine, who was lying on the stone platform, screamed.

"Thank you, but you\'d better stay there, Bobo," Chadvi also realized that Bobo was not the best candidate, so he had to raise his hand to refuse under the disappointed and aggrieved eyes of the other party, "Is there no one else?"

Amidst the sound of the ground shaking and falling down, Woniak stood up reluctantly, but after only one glance, he was scared back by the blood on the stone platform.

"Sorry Chadwei-sama, I\'m in a rush to urinate!"

Perhaps Glover’s intrusion just now was too scary. At this moment, the residents in the tunnel all hid back to their respective sites. Even in the face of Chadvi’s request, no one was willing to step forward.

"Don\'t think about it, Chadvi," Kathleen was exhausted from the pain, but instead laughed, "This place is a **** hole, these monsters you raised are timid and cowardly..."

Chadway frowned.

At this moment, Rolf struggled to stand up.

With a complicated expression, he limped towards the operating table and raised his hand to Chadwe.

"You come? Are your legs okay?"

Chadway was a little skeptical, he looked at Thales, but nodded anyway:

"Very good, then you, remember to talk to her more, distract her, don\'t let her interfere with me..."

Rolfe\'s footsteps froze for a moment.


say something?

"Interfering with you, the Sunset Goddess, she is paralyzed!" Kathleen\'s face twisted in pain, and she didn\'t forget to return her words.

But Chad Willie ignored the patient and urged Rolfe:

"Don\'t be stunned, come here!"

Rolfe froze in place, motionless.

Glover looked at Rolf\'s stiff back and sighed.


I\'m unlucky.

He pressed the wound on his chest, and was about to stand up to come and volunteer, but another hand reached out and pressed him down again.

"They are all tired," Thales said mildly, "let me come."

Glover and Rolfe were startled.

"Good opportunity, take advantage of her injury and unconsciousness, to force some answers to come out." Ciel whispered behind him, and Thales frowned in response.

"You? I have to remind you first, Lord Tai-Wiya," Chadvi was also stunned, holding up his blood-stained hands, "This scene is not good."

"I know," Thales came to the stone platform and looked at the mess on it. The smell of blood made him frown immediately, "I\'ve seen worse."

Well, this scene is really bad.

"Hahaha," Kathleen gasped and laughed, "I like this kid\'s crap!"

Glover also wants to fight for:


"Go to rest, now, Fatty Wyatt," Thales\' tone was unquestionable, "and you too, eh, Teto?"

After a minute, Thales finished cleaning, followed Chadway\'s instructions and came to the edge of the operating stone table to tighten the belt that bound the wounded.

There is no doubt that Kathleen\'s injuries are extremely serious, not to mention the missing arm, her abdomen is almost soaked with blood, and more than a dozen small irregular wounds on the top are oozing blood, and some have exposed blades. , and Chadwei can only cut the clothes carefully, and try to take out the blade with the least cost.

"Tighten the restraint and press here, yes, it doesn\'t need to be too hard, it doesn\'t affect my operation... Is your hand steady? I may need you to hold the hemostatic clip later..."

Chadvi was engrossed in holding a blade, and with Kathleen\'s uncontrollable trembling, he flipped open a bit of flesh and took it out.

"This stone platform is engraved with different divine prayers, and it is maintained by a piece of limestone to achieve functions such as cleaning, disinfection, and blood storage. Of course, it is a product that was scrapped from the temple. Good, so I may have to pray in person at intervals to keep things running..."

"Can you stop chatting?" Kathleen reminded them angrily.

Chadvi shook his head.

Thales pulled the restraint belt as instructed, and held down Catherine\'s thigh, trying his best not to see the **** scene, so as not to remember the nightmare the blood magician brought him:

"How is her injury?"

"The arm is ok," Chadwei threw a blade into the iron plate next to her, "She has extensive experience in trauma, and she stopped bleeding and disinfected immediately..."

"Alright?" Kathleen\'s face twisted.

"Sorry, except for one less."

Chad Uyghur added ironically.

"But as you can see, the most troublesome is the abdomen, the wounds are small, numerous and dense... How did these blades get in? I just hope it\'s not too deep, and doesn\'t hurt the internal organs..."

"What the \'chaotic soldier\' ??did," Kathleen gritted her teeth with hatred, "remember the Far Eastern supernaturalist who used to play puppet shows? Snake heads that tied women and sold them to the countryside?"

"I don\'t remember." Chadway picked up the blade with all his attention.

"The one who scolded the old lady in front of Turnbull and said he was going to be put into a cage and drowned in the river? It turns out that he still has friends who learned the same craft..."

"It\'s not surprising," Chadvi seemed to hate these things, "you have friends after all."

The priest began to pick up the next blade.

Kathleen\'s face was twisted and she groaned in pain. Every time Chadway\'s tweezers and pliers moved, she was sweating coldly in pain, and when she needed to move the scissors...

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

"Hold her down!" Chadway gritted his teeth and said, "I almost found it! Damn, this piece is deformed!"

Kathleen\'s struggle was astonishingly strong, and Thales used her milk strength to hold her down until Chadway took out the blade with great effort.

"She\'s in so much pain, doesn\'t she have any extra anaesthetic?"

"It\'s already the limit dose," Chadvi shook his head, took the plate from Hauser, and changed the tools, "Anesthesia is different from other drugs, there is only a thin line between anesthesia and murder."

"Then can we physically anesthetize... I mean, knock her out?"

Thales remembered his journey with the Dead Crow, and only felt a dull pain in the side of his neck and the back of his head.

"Come on, boy," Kathleen nodded, gritted her teeth, "have a good time!"

"You\'ve read a lot of knight novels - um, sorry, I\'m not talking about you." Chadway realized that his tone was too casual, and quickly stopped.

Thales shook his head to show he didn\'t care.

"Coma and syncope are abnormal manifestations after craniocerebral damage, which are closely related to blood pressure and nerves, and vary from person to person," Chadwei returned to a state of submissiveness and explained carefully, "In her current state, compared with Stunned, we are more likely to kill her."

Catherine sneered:

"Nonsense, I have seen some extreme realm masters who can control their strength and stun a person safely - whether it is an elderly person or a child."

Facing Kathleen, Chadvi came to the spirit again:

"Really? Compared to the number of "safely knocked out" of these masters, has anyone counted how many people they killed or paralyzed? Besides, do we look like there are extreme masters here?"

Chadvi finished changing the tool and started over to remove one blade.

"That is better than this, ah, ah, ah." Caesarine bite the teeth. "

"Tell her," Chadwei couldn\'t bear looking at her, "You can say anything, let her distract her."

Thales was taken aback.


Thales stared at Kathleen and nodded with a complicated expression.


He let go of one hand slightly and put it on the shoulder of Phantom Blade:

"Hey ma\'am, look at me, your name is Kathleen, the \'phantom blade\' of the Blood Bottle Gang, right?"

Catherine endured the pain:

"I call you Daddy!"

Thales showed a polite smile.

Frustration in the opening line, that’s okay.

He can find another breakthrough.

"So, Priest Chadvi, how did you know this boss—well, this lady?"

Chadway doesn\'t look up:

"We are all orphans adopted by the temple and raised in the almshouse under the divine grace."

He sighed imperceptibly:

"It\'s just that I was in there until I became a monk and then a priest. Catherine left early because of...something."

"some things?"

Catherine laughed, seemingly forgetting the pain: "You mean, bit off an old monk\'s nose, because he likes to \'check the body\' for girls when he confesses alone?"

Chadway\'s face tightened.

"You should have told Mamma Ilshaga, instead of using violence directly..."

"Ha! Yes! Then the old goddess will go to the girl involved!"

Kathleen snorted fiercely, the pain made her speak faster:

"She\'s saying \'he didn\'t really do anything anyway\' \'for your own good\' \'it\'s a big deal and your reputation will be ruined\' \'the scandal will affect our budget\' \'the almshouse is closed, what about the orphans?\' Afterwards, he said softly: As long as the girl changes her tone and admits that it was a misunderstanding, the old goddess will apply for the transfer of the old monk, and she will also be given a designated place for the selection of nuns... uh uh uh!"

Kathleen cried out in pain.

"Very good, this one has been taken out," Chadway nodded to Thales, thanking him for his efforts, "the dean, she, she is not a bad person, she, she has already protected us to the best of her ability. …”

"Protect? Haha," Kathleen, who was bound on the stone platform, was sweating profusely, still laughing sarcastically, "Then the other male monks in the courtyard, whether they were acting stupid or didn\'t know the truth, were filled with righteous indignation. She is a slander, why do you have to transfer the glass door monk? Why is she useful when she makes trouble, and there is a quota for nuns? Just because she is a girl? What if the bad girls imitate blackmail in the future? What about the cultivator\'s innocence, does he deserve to be discriminated against?\'"

Chadway was attentively picking up the blade in Kathleen\'s wound, but Thales observed that his brows were trembling.

"Everyone talked for a long time, for a long time, and then, the girl who sleeps in your top bunk stopped crying every night," maybe the pain was unbearable, Catherine gritted her teeth, her eyes were burning, "because she committed suicide! Fuck! How dare this thing hurt a little more!"

Kathleen arched her back and almost broke the restraint belt, and Thales had to use all her strength to hold her down on the operating table.

Chadvi took a deep breath and clipped out the other blade, bringing out the blood.

"So, Chad, Ah, ah - the most effective way is not to find what to report," Caesarine, "but directly let the old **** pay for the price, let him suffer, because of pain It\'s the only language they understand - fuck!"

Another blade was torn out of the flesh, Chadway rested for a while, and wiped the sweat with his cuff.

"No, little knife, no."

He looked at his childhood friend with a look of regret:

"Sunset God taught Guajaldo: Pain is meaningless if it doesn\'t happen to you."

Thales frowned upon hearing this.

Kathleen sarcastically said, "Is it another set of \'I want to suffer and be sanctified\' asceticism?"

"No! Mamma Il Chaga taught us, what Guajaldo means by saying: We always despise and ignore the suffering and pain that happens to others."

Chadwick looked at her sadly:

"It\'s not just by appealing to cheap sympathy and emotion that underestimates the meaning of the suffering of others."

“It also includes revenge and punishment lost in pleasure and overestimating the meaning of inflicting pain on others.”

Thales was slightly touched.

"For me, maybe the former, for you, Little Knife, maybe the latter." Chadway sighed.

Catherine was silent.

"Small knife."

Chadvi stood up and threw the tool that had been used for one round into the iron box.

"You, you really shouldn\'t be here."

Chadvi shook his head, his face unbearable.

Kathleen\'s breathing accelerated.

"Shouldn\'t I come?" She said angrily, "If I hadn\'t climbed to a high position in the Blood Bottle Gang, you and your monsters wouldn\'t even be able to find such a broken place!"

"But you promised!"

Chadway gritted his teeth and said:

"In front of Ilshaga\'s tomb and the Sunset Goddess Statue, you told me that you will never bring external grievances, gang conflicts and underworld vendettas into the tunnel..."

His eyes were complicated:

"But look at you now, when you show up covered in blood...you know these kids, they\'re already suffering..."

Phantom Blade laughed.

"What are you kidding, Chadway, do you really think this is a paradise, a holy land of deformities, a paradise for monsters? Aren\'t you the same as me, who brought politics and grudges from the outside into the tunnel?"

Chadwei was taken aback:


But Kathleen ignored him and looked at Thales instead.

"Thank you, young man."

Thales was caught off guard, so he responded with a smile: "You\'re welcome."

But Kathleen\'s next tone was a little low:

"No, I mean, thank you — uh — thank you for taking him in."

"Who?" Thales frowned.

Catherine laughed, but then groaned again, and the expression on her face changed back and forth.

"But do you think I wouldn\'t recognize him?"

Phantom Blade coughed in pain.

"Even if he picked out his tattoos, changed his hairstyle, changed the way he fought, and even changed his name beyond recognition... um... but how could I, how could I not recognize the one I brought out by myself, the most powerful one Down?"

Catherine looked weakly in another direction in the tunnel:

"Ghost with the wind?"


Thales was stunned.

He refrained from looking where Kathleen was looking, but he knew it was Rolf\'s direction.

"Sorry, I didn\'t understand what you were saying." He shook his head.

Kathleen groaned in pain, then hummed.

"Boy, come on, I know you\'re not a normal person: Rolfe and that grumpy Wyah treat you with respect, and as for Chadway, he just called you \'sir\'."

Thales raised his head and looked at Chadwei who was cleaning and changing appliances. The latter raised his eyebrows and did not dare to look up.

"Well, he doesn\'t want to talk to me, I can understand that, but..."

Catherine, who got a short rest, sighed:

"Tell me, has Rolf been doing well all these years?"

Is Rolfe doing well?

Thales remembered his encounter with Rolfe in the prison, and glanced at Phantom Blade calmly, but did not answer.

Kathleen understood something and suddenly smiled.

"So, it\'s not a coincidence that Rolf and the others appeared there? Including him saving my life."

She stared straight at Thales:

"It was you, or your master who knew in advance that there was going to be an accident with the Blood Bottle Gang, so he sent someone to go undercover at Fogg\'s site in advance. And you just waited here, waiting for them to bring me back, who was about to die, as a pawn— —Tell me, who are you from? Or who are you going to use me against?”

Thales frowned slightly.

"Blood bottle gang? Brotherhood? A big business group? A feud? A political enemy? Kongming Palace? Or the one who came from the capital, arrogant, domineering and powerful. His Royal Highness, the second prince who is so overwhelmed by the Emerald City that he can\'t breathe?"

Chadvi couldn\'t help but glance at the prince.

Thales was silent for a long time for this sentence.

Arrogant and domineering.


scared the South Bank leader into trembling.

pressed the Emerald City too hard to breathe.

Well, the guy she was talking about...

Why don\'t I know?

"No, no, no, maybe I\'m still thinking about simplicity," Kathleen thought hard, her eyes solemn, "Is the recent loss and chaos of the Blood Bottle Gang also caused by you?"


It seems that brain supplements never end.

Thales had to sigh: "No."

Catherine stared at him for a long time, and finally smiled sadly:

"Well, even if it is, it\'s meaningless. As Chadvey said, the pain of others..."

She shook her head.

Thales looked at her with a complicated expression.

So, this is Rolf\'s former boss.

The man he gave his life to save.

Thales suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

"Do you know the man in black that you met in the warehouse?" Thinking of this, the prince said solemnly, "Who is he?"

"An enemy."

"that\'s all?"

"if not."

"You know Kevin Deere betrayed you, right?" Thales sighed, "You know, they want your life?"

Catherine, who was lying on the stone platform, suddenly opened her eyes.

"Very well, she\'s in better shape, at least she\'s not struggling anymore, you continue to talk to her, keep calm - what did you say?" Chadwei, who came back with the utensils and trays, reacted, his face changed greatly, "Who, who wants to Her life?"

"It\'s okay, Chadvi," Thales smiled awkwardly, "I\'m just, just kidding."


"Go on, Chadvi." Catherine said coldly.


"Do your surgery!" Catherine roared.

Chadway shuddered slightly, lowered his head, and continued the operation.

"So what, kid? You\'re going to send me to the Kongming Palace... ah... in exchange for Kevin Dier\'s reward?" Catherine\'s eyes were provocative.

Thales looked at her.

"No, but I want to know why."

Thales\' eyes burned: "What did you do, or in other words, what did you do wrong to make the big man in Kongming Palace make up his mind to replace you at the risk of the blood bottle gang\'s turmoil and chaos? ?"

Chadvi, who took out a blade, raised his head suddenly, his face turning pale.

Both of them glanced at him, and he continued to bow his head in fright.

Kathleen smiled, with an "as expected" look.

"Okay, let the master behind you come to see me, and I\'ll tell him."

Thales frowned: "My master..."

"It\'s a big man, it\'s expensive, and I don\'t have the chance to see it?" Catherine sneered, "I guessed it, but you know, the Kevin Deere family always said the same, most of the time, I can only see His steward—until I was abandoned by them and fell into this field."

Catherine has hatred in her eyes, her eyes are like knives:

"Your master, no matter what kind of big man he is, is he any different from Tricolor Iris?"

Thales only felt a headache.

He fell silent, Kathleen didn\'t speak either, and Chadvi, who was focusing on surgery, didn\'t dare to utter a sigh.

For a while, only the sound of scissors and tweezers could be heard around the stone platform, mixed with groans and groans from time to time.

"He didn\'t change his name."

Thales spoke suddenly, and Kathleen raised her head with difficulty.

"Teto is just a pseudonym, a code name, like \'Ghost with the Wind\'," Thales said with emotion, "In fact, from the past to the present, he is still called the same name."

"Midira Rolfe."

Catherine was slightly startled.

But she sneered:

"It seems that Rolfe has caught up with a more powerful master."

"Wrong, I\'m not his master, no one is." Thales said solemnly.

"It doesn\'t look like that." Catherine shook her head disdainfully.

"Well, Rolfe did go to Fogg\'s site to inquire about news," Thales turned to Rolfe\'s corner, who looked here with complicated eyes, "but in fact, I don\'t know where there will be What will happen, I don’t know if you will go, and I don’t know that you will be betrayed by your own people, and you will be completely defeated.”

Catherine grunted, gritted her teeth.

"So, I didn\'t even order him to save you. On the contrary, I entrusted him with his own safety. As for the rest, it doesn\'t matter whether it is information or interests."

Catherine\'s eyes moved.

Thales sighed:

"But he still did it, he still chose to take the risk and rushed out to save you, even though Rolfe knew that facing so many enemies, including the man in black, he had no chance of winning."

Kathleen snorted coldly and said nothing.

But her eyebrows are getting tighter.

"To be honest, I don\'t know why he did this, whether it was an unforgettable old friendship or a repayment of kindness, or a pure sense of justice, or just impulsive..."

【Are you willing to die for me? 】

"Maybe not," Kathleen said suddenly, her tone hurried, "He may just, just, just think I\'ll be useful to you, after all, he used to know the Blood Bottle Gang."

Thales silently looked at the phantom blade that was at the end of the road and smiled.

"Maybe. But actually I want to say, it\'s not bad," Thales smiled brightly, "because I believe that at that moment, Rolfe made his own choice."

"Not anyone else\'s."

Chadvi pulled out a blade again, which made Catherine\'s eyes tremble.

Thales raised his head and looked at the dark tunnel:

"It\'s his partner, ha, he might want to beat him."

Catherine closed her eyes.

"Of course, as for whether it\'s worth it for him to do so..."

Thales chuckled and shook his head.

"Well, I can\'t put a beak on it."

Dang chi.

Another **** blade fell into the iron plate.

"Young man, there is no master behind you, right?"

Thales frowned.

This time, Kathleen\'s voice was particularly tired.

"And your age... ah, I get it, because you are him."

Catherine raised her eyelids, her breath weak.

"The big man who terrified the Emerald City and made Jenn Kevin Dier fearful," her eyes slowly changed as she looked at Thales, just like the tone she unknowingly changed. "Only you can be so special, so free and easy, so open-minded, because this is the privilege you were born with."

"Privilege?" Thales was puzzled for a while.

Catherine closed her eyes tightly and smiled bitterly.

"Because of the loyalty and friendship of others, for a character like you, it\'s just an ancestral thing that should be taken for granted, and you can find it everywhere."

"It\'s different from the ants like us who grew up in the stinky ditch and survived by killing each other."

Thales was stunned for a while.

The loyalty of others...

An ancestral thing as it should be...

At that moment, he thought of his own Star Lake Guard.

remembered when they bowed to themselves and called themselves Your Highness.

But at that moment, he looked at Catherine whose lips were trembling, and seemed to understand something.

He began to understand Rolfe\'s actions.

"You, my lord, can you do a good job and tell him for me?"

Thales raised his head.

I saw Catherine silently looking at the dark tunnel top.

"Rolfe doesn\'t want to talk to me, but, but," Kathleen looked tired, "that day, that day I didn\'t let him go to Hongfang Street to die."

Hongfang Street.

Thales was silent.

"I just...it was...accident."

Dang chi.

Another blade, mixed with flesh and blood, fell into the iron plate.

But Kathleen only frowned slightly.

After a few seconds, Thales sighed.

"You know, it\'s not that he doesn\'t want to talk to you."

Catherine\'s eyes moved.

"Actually, he\'s already talking to you, you just haven\'t learned to listen."

Thales said softly:

"Just like before."

The severely injured Phantom Blade couldn\'t help but startled.

Thales smiled and shook his head, tightening the restraint again.

For a few minutes, the front and back of the stone platform were silent.


Kathleen\'s voice came, which made Thales look up in confusion:


Phantom Blade\'s expression was dark, and his tone was weak.

"The man in black you asked about, no one knows his real name," she said with a look of fear, "but more than ten years ago, starting from Mr. Turnbull, we all called him - Lausanne II."

Thales thought:

"Lausanne? II?"

The nickname is weird, like "Meteor II", but...

Catherine\'s eyes were ecstatic:

"He was the most trusted bodyguard of the former Turnbull gang leader, the fiercest thug, the sharpest blade, and the most terrifying killer. He was specially designed for Turnbull to clean up traitors and aliens, and destroy enemies and opponents."

"The strongest realm in the Blood Bottle Gang."

Bodyguards, thugs, blades, killers…

The strongest extreme.

Thales gradually frowned upon hearing this:

"This Lausanne, what is his origin?"

Catherine shook her head laboriously.

"Except for Turnbull himself, no one in the gang knows his origins. I guess, this is Turnbull\'s intention to maintain the mystery of Lausanne and to deter us, the bosses of power users who are entrenched in all directions and unruly. them, but..."

"but what?"

"But he should be dead!"

Catherine\'s tone became terrified:

"I always thought that Lausanne, and the Turnbull gang leader, that they had died in the abandoned house on that rainy night more than ten years ago..."

Thales slightly changed color.

"Die in..."

At that moment, Kathleen showed deep fear on her face:

"...In the hand of the black sword."

Dang chi.

Chadway finally took out the last blade and collapsed to the ground sweating profusely.

(end of this chapter)

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