
Chapter 63 Drew the line

Chapter 63 Drew the line

"Let\'s go chu! He might do something chu!" Churu bellowed at the top of her lungs as she was vexed by the sight of Morris Liu.

\'He won\'t -- that I\'m certain.\' Sensing the heat surrounding the fuming dumpling, Lexi reassured. As she said, if Morris Liu knew her capabilities and the depths of how crazy she can be, she also knew Morris Liu\'s limits. Therefore, Morris Liu might destroy her whole image and family but he would never, ever violate her body. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

When Morris Liu was several steps away from her, he glanced down. He squinted his eyes seeing that Lexi didn\'t take a step back. He didn\'t know when it started but whenever they were in a fight in the past, Lexi would habitually step back whenever he sees him approaching.

He took more steps until he came to a full halt when there was only a limited space between them. However, he didn\'t utter a word and just peered at her unmoving countenance.

"If this is about the deal, I\'m on it. After that, I won\'t ever bother you and Mia -- you have my word and I honor it, you know that." Since he wasn\'t saying anything, Lexi spoke first in a firm tone. She didn\'t look away or took a step back. In her mind, this is the right resolve she must have.

She doesn\'t want to look back or let her lingering feelings with him get the better of her. She already gave up with her unrequited love, hence, she must do it all the way. If she ran away now, that just mean she wasn\'t moving forward to meet the succession of her freedom.

Alas, Morris Liu\'s expression didn\'t change with her reassuring words. It neither showed any satisfaction or displeasure as he took another step forward, yet, Lexi remained her feet on the ground.

"Why?" By the way Morris Liu delivered his question, it\'s as if he wasn\'t asking as his tone didn\'t change; still the ever overwhelming, cold, and domineering person as if his IQ level would degenerate if he talked with humans.

Knitting her brows together, Lexi was suddenly confused. What does he mean \'why\'? What why is he talking about?

Seeing that he took another step forward, leaving them with at least two feets distance between them, Lexi clenched her teeth as she restrained herself from stepping back.

\'No, I won\'t step back.\'

"What why chu?! Is your brain that overused, you can\'t even construct your sentences chu?!" Churu yelled as she flew in front of Morris Liu face with her pair of hands placed on her flabby waist.

Since Churu was blocking half of Morris Liu\'s face, Lexi\'s tensed shoulders relaxed. This unintentional help Churu was doing all these time, Lexi\'s attention was diverted to the punishment time of the little dumpling.

"Why were you at Ethan\'s place?"

Hearing his question, Lexi was briefly stunned. Is that\'s his reason why he called her in the middle of the night? Just to ask why she was with Ethan Lu?

Lexi lightly scoffed in disbelief. Raising her gaze back on Morris Liu, Lexi smirked as an unreadable glint flashed across her eyes.

She hadn\'t realized it yet but the way she looked at him, Morris Liu recognized those drawing lined gaze. He had seen or rather, he had always witness how she looked at other men before but not to him.

"CEO Liu, is that why you made me rush in the middle of the night to ask me that question?" She paused as she tried to process his ridiculous reasoning. If it was before, even if it was midnight or before dawn, just one call from his -- she even crawl her way just to meet him. Alas, this time, she doesn\'t have those same reasoning as she only wanted to draw the line.

"I don\'t think I have any reason why should I explain my activities to you. You have nothing to do with my personal matters, and I as well. Please refrain from contacting me after working hours. Let\'s keep our connection as civil and professional, CEO Liu." Finally, Lexi drew the line. Somehow, she successfully mustered enough confidence she needed to utter such affirmation. Also, it\'s as if another burden was lifted from her shoulders. This is her first step, at last, she finally took a step forward.

"You heard that, chu? Don\'t bother her anymore chu!" Churu backed up Lexi\'s word which was left shunned as he could not hear her. Still, she was like a proud mom as she felt how sincere and determined Lexi was to pass her hurdle.

"This is the last time I will rush to you." Lexi said before turning her back against him as she was prepared to leave.

Alas, just as she took her first thread, Morris Liu grabbed her wrist which made her flinched and turn to see Morris.

Suddenly, the door of Morris Liu\'s private quarters inside his office burst open, revealing Ethan\'s sluggish figure. "Ahh, bro --"

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