
Chapter 717 - The Lightning Strike of an Eighth Grade Pill (1)

Jerking them open again after achieving what she wants, the woman moved with fire and wind.

“Before I didn’t dare to attempt such a high level recipe, but now I will and I must succeed!”

There’s not much choices right now. it’s either she succeeds and get to the bottom of her discomfort or give up and lose this crucial trail that suddenly befall her way.


“Yun Feng!” Inside another bed chamber, Jun Tian Yue had just regained her consciousness after fainting from earlier. Climbing up, this mother’s first instinct was to ask about her eldest son’s condition in her frantic state: “How is Yun Feng?”

Pained by the nails digging in his skin from his wife’s firm grip, Chief Wu Wei tries hard to look as calm as possible in order to avoid throwing his wife over the edge: “Don’t worry my wife, our son is fine. Miss Bai Yan is already seeing to his illness. I’m sure it won’t be long until the demon in his heart is gone and we can all start anew.”

“Really?” the mother’s expression instantly brightens.

Even if she knew the man’s words are nothing but deceiving lies, it’s still something she wants to believe.

“I’m going to see Yun Feng. ”

“Wait a minute.” Seeing his wife’s going to get out of beg, he promptly made a grab for her shoulder to stop this. “Wait, don’t move and rest for now. The lady stated that we mustn’t interrupt her session during the operation so let’s wait here while she does her work.”

Even this man didn’t know why he would be so trusting of a stranger to the point where he would entrust the wellbeing of his son to them.

“Okay, okay.” Repeating the word several times over to herself in a muttering tone, Jun Tian Yue could not hold in her joy.

Unlike the other healers and alchemists who came before, Bai Yan was the only one who didn’t turn their heads as soon as they saw Yun Feng’s condition.


Outside the territories of the Misty Fairy House, the closest terrain was a deep ravine that cut off the mainland from this part of the continent. As a result, those who wish to enter the place by regular means would need to transverse a large stretch of barren landscape in order to reach the destination.

“Yan’er is unthinkable, how can she not come back and tell us something so major.” Huffing and puffing, the usually calm second shifu Ren Yi appeared quite annoyed in his voice. “If we didn’t interrogate Little Rice and force him to spill the beans then who knows what sort of danger that girl would be in!”

The third brother Qiu Shu Rong nods in agreement and cocked a bitter smile of his own: “Maybe Yan Yan only did this because she knew the Holy Land’s relationship with the Misty Fairy House isn’t that harmonious? But really, that blasted girl needs to start learning on how to use the powers behind herself. She’s too headstrong for her own good, always running up front and shouldering everything on her own without looking for help.”

Normally all three brothers would come after getting wind of this, but since their oldest brother Zheng Qi was in the middle of making a breakthrough, only these two had come.

“There’s around a thousand miles before we reach the Misty Fairy House. By my estimate, we should be there by nightfall.” Ren Yi’s eyes scanned the horizon with a fierce glint, “If my precious student suffers any indignation or is harmed by those people…” Growling like a threatening dog, “I will make them pay regardless of their forces or status!”

As an elder of the Holy Land, how could the second brother not know the virtues of those from the other power? And considering her own student’s proud nature, plus amazing talent, its almost a certain some of those conceited bastards would try something against her. That’s something he won’t allow!

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