
Chapter 859 - Necklace

Chapter 859: Necklace

Clint and Zhang Heng left Commodus’s study room one after the other.

Zhang Heng walked down the stairs just like how he got to Commodus’s study. He then heard a giggle nearby as he walked through the front courtyard garden.

When he stopped, he caught sight of Queen Christina and Commodus’s sister, Lucilla, walking out from behind a garden of flowers, holding hands while chatting and laughing. When they saw Zhang Heng, the two women stopped. A playful twinkle appeared in Lucilla’s eyes. “Oh, what a good day! We are fortunate enough to meet the gladiatorial champion here.”

Queen Christina was impressed by Zhang Heng as well, but being more reserved than Lucilla, she merely gave Zhang Heng a few words of encouragement, planning to move on after that. But the next moment, Lucilla pulled Christina to her side. “Haven’t you always complained to me about how boring it was to be living in the palace?”

“Yeah, Commodus is as diligent as his father. He is a good ruler. He has been worrying about all kinds of things. He is worried that his people will go hungry, he is worried that the soldiers fighting for the empire hadn’t got enough rewards... So, he didn’t spend much time with me after we got married.” Although Christina tried to say good things about her husband, one could still hear a hint of resentment in her tone.

“Well, such are men. They care only about power and politics, which is why we women have to learn to have fun on our own,” Lucilla chipped in.

“What kind of fun?” asked a puzzled Christina.

“We have the gladiatorial champion in front of us right now. Are you afraid that we won’t get to have fun with him?” Lucilla’s eyes moved from Zhang Heng’s face to his chest.

“Sorry, but I am no longer a gladiator,” Zhang Heng said.

“Yes, my brother gave you freedom, but I also heard that you just performed at the Victor Arena two weeks ago,” Lucilla said casually.

“I have an agreement with Mark Reuss. In order to make up for his loss, I will perform once every month at the Victor Arena. If you want to watch my performance, I can give you two tickets for the next one. I believe the Victor Arena will be honored by both your presence,” Zhang Heng replied with humility.

“Oh, how sweet of you! But what if we want to watch the performance now?” Lucilla had no intention of going down the steps. Instead, she stood up and walked half a step forward, drawing herself closer to Zhang Heng.

“Today? Not today, I still have work to do.”

Zhang Heng’s expression remained unchanged.

“What manner of work could be more important than performing for us?”

Lucilla wanted to move forward, but before Zhang Heng could speak, Christina, on the other side, rushed to reply, “My husband mentioned you to me more than once, and he wanted you to be his adviser. Have you gotten your appointment letter?”

“Yes, my queen.”

“Congratulations. It seems you really have something to do,” said Christina before she turned to Lucilla. “Commodus has arranged a task for him. It should be extremely important. We should let him go today.”

“Wow, you are really my brother’s good wife. How considerate!” Lucilla raised her eyebrows and gazed at Zhang Heng. “Well, since the queen has spoken for you, it would be insensitive of me to stop you from leaving. When you have completed your task, please don’t forget to look for us.”

As she spoke, Lucilla untied her necklace from her neck and threw it to Zhang Heng. “Here, in the previous gladiatorial show, I bet that you’d become the gladiatorial champion and make lots of money. I bet on you to win, and I made a handsome amount thanks to you. Consider this necklace your reward. If you encounter something that you cannot solve in the future, you can come to me with this necklace.”

Zhang Heng took the necklace that still lingered with Lucilla’s warmth. When he looked up again, Lucilla and Christina had already walked past him.

And Zhang Heng did not stay there any longer. He put the necklace away and left the palace.


After solving the problems in the southeast city, Zhang Heng came to Commodus as the emperor wished, and he was appointed his advisor. However, Zhang Heng did not get to meet his target. Altrus was more cautious than he thought. Earlier, Zhang Heng and Clint had heard Commodus yelling at someone and cursing the Senate. If he was right, that person should be Altrus.

But when Zhang Heng entered the room, Altrus had been long gone. Zhang Heng figured that there should be a secret passage in Commodus’s study that allowed Altrus to freely enter and exit the room. In other words, since Commodus gave Altrus so much liberty to enter and exit his study, it could only mean that Altrus had to be more than a mere consultant to the emperor.

One should know that the study room was a forbidden place for all men. Even Queen Christina herself wasn’t allowed to enter the study without Commodus’s consent. It was no wonder Clint felt threatened and wanted to recruit Zhang Heng to help to deal with Altrus. On the other hand, Balance Blade wanted Altrus dead as well.

Altrus had been around Commodus for many years, and he had done a lot for him in the light and the dark. And he had offended many people as well. Clearly, he knew that his life was in danger at most times, which was why he hid so well. His whereabouts were extremely secretive. Not even his subordinates knew where he was. It was not easy to find him.

For now, Zhang Heng had no idea how to look for him too. He could only continue investigating after he solved the bronze statue’s problem. Earlier, Commodus had also mentioned that he would hold a welcoming banquet for Zhang Heng upon completing his given task. All of the emperor’s advisors had also been invited to the dinner. Zhang Heng hoped that Altrus would be there as well.

The place where they cast the bronze statues was in the suburbs, far away from the city. Hence, Zhang Heng summoned a carriage to get him there.

After receiving the task, Zhang Heng did some research. Born in the Calradia family, the person responsible for this matter was named Decius.

Calradia was someone who had relied on his military merits to enter the Roman noble circles. Because of Aurelius, Decius’ father was able to join the Senate. Hence, the Calradia family had always been a hardcore supporter of the royal family. If they weren’t, Commodus wouldn’t have put them in charge of casting the bronze statues.

However, the Decius, who Zhang Heng was going to meet next, was not an important figure in the Calradia family. Technically speaking, he was not even a royal family member, his mother being a maidservant. Besides, the Calradia family had grown so fast that its foundation and background were far from solid. In other words, Decius’s status was just slightly higher than an ordinary civilian. This task was vital to him. Zhang Heng deduced that if Decius were sane, he would never sabotage this task.

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