
Chapter 363 - Are You Really Throwing Me Out Of The Car?

Chapter 363: Are You Really Throwing Me Out Of The Car?

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Nan Zhi’s gaze watched the tall and cold figure walking out from the darkness through the hazy rain.

Her eyes slowly shifted to the thin figure in his arms.

There was a pain that burned in her palms. Her fingernails had broken the skin and sticky red blood was starting to flow out.

Raising her hands, she pressed her fingers against her throbbing temples.

It was unbearable.

All her guesses were correct. That beggar was Xue’er.

The handkerchief was Xue’er’s.

His most important Xue’er.

Her long and thick eyelashes fluttered and her fingertips were on the door. She wanted to push it open, but her body could not muster any strength to do so.

Should she go?

She had slept with him and was now his woman. Should she get off the car?

No. Why should she get off?

The emotions in her chest surged violently but she maintained a calm look on her face.

The soaked man carried the equally soaked woman to the back seat of the car.

After putting her down on the seat, he went to the car boot, took a clean towel and passed it to her.

Returning to the driver’s seat, he looked at Nan Zhi who was in the front passenger seat with cold eyes like he was looking at a stranger. “What are you doing here?”

His voice was cold, without any trace of warmth.

Nan Zhi did not know if she was thinking too much, but she felt a malicious air emanating from him. It was a little different from usual, and it was a little frightening.

There were still drops of rainwater on his handsome face and his face was tense and cold. There was a steely glint in his eye.

“Get off.”

Nan Zhi’s eyes widened and she stared at him in disbelief.

What...? What did he say just now?

Did he just tell her to get off the car?

Nan Zhi slowly turned her head to look at the woman sitting behind. The woman’s skinny body was huddled in the corner, her hand holding the clean towel tightly and her eyes were looking timidly at the two of them seated in front.

The woman’s face was injured and it seemed like she was beaten. There were bruises covering her face but judging from her features and facial structure, she was a rare beauty.

“You don’t understand me?”

Nan Zhi turned her head back towards Mu Sihan slowly and her pupils shrank when she saw the man’s face, and his cold sharp gaze.

He was serious.

Her temples started to throb in pain again. That sharp pain was like a burnt steel pipe jabbing at her nerves with fire.

Nan Zhi were holding her hands together so tightly that the knuckles were turning white. She felt like her heart was stung by something. At first it was only a slight pain, but the pain was starting to spread a wave of exhaustion and searing pain made her want to collapse.

She seemed to have exhausted all her strength before she forced herself to ask with trembling lips, “Are you really throwing me out of the car? Now?”

She kept on telling herself that the man who would spend money freely just to make her smile, would not be so cold and cruel.

She did not believe that he really had no feelings for her.

“What, do you want me to say it a second time?”

He was cold and his gaze was indifferent, making her feel very distant.

An awkward silence settled in the car.

It was so quiet that only the sounds of the rain splattering onto the car windows and her slightly heavy breathing could be heard.

Her clear eyes filled with tears, but she refused to let them fall. Even though her heart felt like it was gouged out by a knife, she did not cry in front of him.

Lifting her chin slightly, she looked daringly at his handsome yet cold face with a smirk. “Yes, I want you to say it to me, to my face, for the second time.”

He was sitting upright in the driver’s seat and looked down at her, his face cold and filled only with an uncaring scorn.

“Get off.”

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