
Chapter 104: No Kneeling Down

Chapter 104: No Kneeling Down

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

After fighting back on BBS for a bit, Zhang Zian went back to the main page.

Smart people always leave before the next war starts.

A post in the Pet Section attracted his attention immediately. The title was Wanted – An Egyptian Cat. The author was Silent Hunter.

He clicked on the post.

Content: An Egyptian cat wanted. Price is not a problem. Note: Don’t fool me with a mixed breed.

There were some responses.

“Oh no! Isn’t this Super Moderator’s post? First floor on Super Moderator’s post? This feels GREAT!” Abandoned User said.

“Come on! Mr. Super Moderator! Do you know if there are any purebred Egyptian cats in China? There are barely any purebred Egyptian cats left in the world, let alone China. Nowadays, Egyptian cats are more or less mixed.”

“In response to the previous floor, I bet there are some purebred Egyptian cats in China. China has everything…However, they might be hiding in some tycoon’s home where they do not have access to the opposite sex. Otherwise, people would breed a lot of them.”

[Silent Hunter]: Response to all: Yes, there is a purebred Egyptian cat in our city. I have seen purebred Egyptian cats on wall monotypes when I was in Egypt. I wouldn’t make a mistake.”

“If you have seen it in our city, why didn’t you buy it from the owner?”

[Silent Hunter]: That owner is crazy. He didn’t want to sell that cat.

“Super Moderator, you have me interested. Did you ask the owner where he got that cat?”

“In response to the previous floor: Stop day-dreaming. The owner would not tell you unless he is stupid.”

[The Hottie Manager]: “You are a retard. No, your brain had to be burned under the sun on this hot summer day.”

“This is such a weird ID. Is he that motherf*cking manager from Snowy’s live show?”

“Yeah! Hey! Are you a fan of Snowy’s?”

“Haha…This feels like Snowy’s fan club.”

“The golden cat in that motherf*cking manager’s store is a purebred Egyptian cat! I have seen it on the live show but I didn’t realize…”

“I see… Mr. Pretend-To-Know-It-All has a pet store. Maybe he knows where to get a purebred Egyptian cat…”

“No! I have seen some pictures from the live show. That cat looks like a purebred, but it is not exactly the same. I bet it was a mixed breed.”

“There might be another possibility…however, this is only my estimate. Please don’t quote me on this. I think that was not a modern Egyptian ca,t but an ancient cat, a real, purebred Egyptian cat.”

“Haha… you must be day-dreaming. An ancient Egyptian cat? Where did he find it? That is impossible!”

What the f*ck! These people keep looking down on me! As Zhang Zian was about to fight back, a notification on his BBS app popped up showing that he got a message.

He opened the messages and saw that it was from Silent Hunter.

[Silent Hunter]: “Four hundred thousand Yuan plus one year of sticky ads in the BBS. I suggest you think it over.

[The Hottie Manager]: What the f*ck?! You registered the account name?! What a shameless person!

[Silent Hunter]: You are in no position to blame.

[The Hottie Manager]: I will accept the ID. Only I deserve that ID. My cat is not for sale.

[Silent Hunter]: Hehe, Stars Pet Chain Supermarket has already started fighting back. This is my last offer to you.

[The Hottie Manager]: Well again, if Stars Pet Chain Supermarket fights against me, they will be on their way to closing. I don’t even think they are a serious opponent.

[Silent Hunter]: You are too na?ve. If Stars Pet Chain Supermarket wants to get you out, they will use other approaches that you are not prepared for. That’s all I want to say.

Zhang Zian checked the time and left the BBS app.

It looked like Stars Pet Chain Supermarket was taking the competition seriously.

It was clear that he didn’t have the capital to fight them in price. It was also unnecessary.

The price war is a strategy that hurts both sides. People usually are not willing to go down that route if they have a choice. If Stars Pet Chain Supermarket chooses to take the price war approach, it will further show their fear. Getting into a price war would leave Zhang Zian in great trouble. One day he would be defeated by Stars Pet Chain Supermarket because of their ample operation capital.

His strategy was to stay put and let them go down the price war route.

He was curious as to why they would chose the price war approach. Maybe they have a reason?

At noon, he was in charge of cooking. Wang Qian and Li Kun took care of the cat litter, adding water, cat food and dog food, and cleaned the dogs’ wastes. He was correct. They both had pets at home, so they learned very quickly.

He sent them home after lunch. He started the game while there were no customers in the store.

[Navigation Elf]: Welcome home! A hard-working explorer!

[Navigation Elf]: Get some rest and relax. Wash off the dust from yesterday and imagine the life for tomorrow. Look forward to more adventures!

[Navigation Elf]: You got two free pet bars. Allocate now?

Zhang Zian said, “No, can I wait?”

[Navigation Elf]: Of course. Whenever you need one, you can activate and allocate.

Zhang Zian released Xinghai and Fina, and then clicked on the benevolent and righteous cat in the pet bar.

[Game Tip]: Pet property

[Known As]: The benevolent and righteous cat

[Rarity]: Premier

[Characteristics]: Powerful yet modest

[History]: Locked

[Real Name]: Locked

The information was limited, so he could not find out about her history. He could only unlock her real name through increasing her friendliness, just like how he unlocked Xinghai and Fina’s real names.

He aimed at an empty spot and clicked “release.”

When he moved away his cell phone, the benevolent and righteous cat was already sitting there.

She was still wearing her little vest, turning her bamboo hat peacefully and observing the surroundings.

She was shocked when she saw Fina. Fina still had that arrogant face and was looking at the new cat proudly.

“Nice to meet you!” The benevolent and righteous cat slightly bent her body down and bowed. “I never thought that I could meet you in person, my Majesty.”

Not only was Zhang Zian surprised, but Fina was too, who opened her eyes wide. Apparently, the benevolent and righteous cat was a real cat, not like Xinghai who was only an imaginary elfin. All real cats would kneel down to Fina to show obedience.

Zhang Zian thought, Maybe it was a race thing? The Chinese Dragon-Li was brought in from the west thousands of years ago. Due to the inconvenience in transportation, they then mixed with Asian wild cats and started an individual breed. Hence, the Chinese cat seldom has Egyptian cat blood in them.

Fina’s eyes were shining and her whole body was tense. She stared at the benevolent and righteous cat as if she was her pray.

The environment became extremely tense all of a sudden.

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