
Chapter 291: Ask for Help

Chapter 291: Ask for Help

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Jin Er and Good-for-Nothing kept circling around the waiting area, which was amusing to Sun Xiaomeng and Long Xian. The Husky was running and winking in a grimace, probably exactly the same thing it did in front of the Tibetan Mastiff. Jin Er was chasing his dog while scolding it for being ungrateful and heartless, making him embarrassed in front of others.

After chasing it for over 10 minutes, Jin Er still could not catch up with his Husky. He was so exhausted that he collapsed on the chair in the waiting area and stopped chasing.

Good-for-Nothing was also sitting on the ground and sticking its tongue out for a rest, but it was preparied to run at any time. It barked at its owner sometimes, as if trying to provoke him.

Long Xian was laughing so hard, and Sun Xiaomeng was also smiling. It must be extremely tiresome to be the owner of this mischievous and quick-witted Husky. All that said, the owner didn’t seem quite reliable. Maybe the proverb was true that “like father, like son”. In this case, it was “like owner, like dog.”

Jin Er was desperate and he swung the Elizabeth collar towards Sun Xiaomeng, “Can it not wear this stuff?”

“No way. If you don’t want anything happen to its injured leg, you’d better let your dog wear it.” replied Sun Xiaomeng.

“But you see, it runs away when I chase it.” Jin Er pointed to Good-for-Nothing, “There’s no way I can put this stuff on it, you want to try?”

Sun Xiaomeng took over the Elizabeth collar and moved a little bit forward to Good-for-Nothing. Good-for-Nothing jumped away immediately, and stared at her with alert.

She shrugged, indicating she had no solution either. This husky might look stupid, in fact, it was extremely smart.

“What should I do?” asked Jin Er.

Jin Er, Sun Xiaomeng, and Long Xian looked at one another, and none of them could come up with any idea.

Even all of them chased and besieged the Husky, they probably wouldn’t be able to put the Elizabeth collar on it.

“Forget it. If it doesn’t want to wear this, just leave it be.” Jin Er gave up completely. He stood up from the chair planning to leave.

In a flash of inspiration, Sun Xiaomeng came up with an idea, “Listen. I know this guy who is always up to something and has profound understanding about pets. Maybe he can “fight fire with fire” and deal with this Husky. Wait here and I’ll call him now.”

She pulled out her cell phone and dialed Zhang Zian’s phone number.

Jin Er looked at her doubtfully. He didn’t expect this guy she was calling could solve the question—but as the proverb goes, “Two heads are better than one”, and if three people could not deal with the Husky, will a phone call make any difference? And what did she mean by saying “fighting fire with fire”?

“Hello?” Zhang Zian answered the phone, “Didn’t you just leave? Why are you calling? Did you forget your wallet?”

“I’m not that forgetful, alright? I’m calling you to talk about something serious.” Said Sun Xiaomeng, “I have a client here and his dog has a fracture. I have put splints on its leg, and to prevent it from biting the splints, it needs to wear an Elizabeth collar. But this dog refuses to wear the collar, and it runs away whenever we chase it. What should we do? Can you come over to help?”

She was in a cold sweat after saying those sentences, because she almost said, “the client’s dogleg had a fracture”, but lucky for her, she made it clear and said “his dog had a fracture”.

Zhang Zian said languidly on the other side of the phone, “I thought it was something serious. You want me to come over because of such a trifle?”

Usually Sun Xiaomeng would have mocked him and hung up the phone, but now she was asking him for help, so she must come up with some insincere flattery to him, “Don’t you always claim yourself to be the leader and the conscience of the pet industry? There’s nothing you can’t solve, and you can cure every difficult and complex disease easily. So please come over, the client is still waiting.”

Zhang Zian was so content with her kowtowing, “Wow. I am just like an experienced army-surgeon that specializes in curing dermatoses. All right, I’ll come over to your clinic then, getting some exercise on the way.”

“Make it quick, the client has been waiting for a long time!” Sun Xiaomeng urged him. She was familiar with Zhang Zian’s slothfulness, and he wouldn’t come quickly if she didn’t push him.

“I said I’ll be there! Don’t push me! See you then.” Zhang Zian hung up the phone impatiently.

Jin Er was confused. Who could be so shameless and claim himself as the leader and conscience of the pet industry? Didn’t he know how to restrain his boastfulness?

Long Xian knew whom Sun Xiaomeng was talking to. She opened her eyes wide open excitedly. She couldn’t wait to see what would happen.

Now that Zhang Zian was responsible for putting the Elizabeth collar on the Husky, Sun Xiaomeng felt relieved and said to Jin Er, “Please wait for a while. He lives within walking distance, and will be here very soon.”

Seeing that Sun Xiaomeng was very confident about this guy, Jin Er couldn’t help but ask, “Who’s this guy that you are asking for help?”

Sun Xiaomeng told him honestly. She raised her arm and pointed, “He’s the owner of a pet shop not far south from here.”

“A pet shop owner?” Jin Er gently stroked the mustache on his chin.

“Yes, and he is quite famous around this area,” answered Long Xian quickly, “So are the pets in his pet shop.”

“Oh?” Jin Er was thinking inside the box, “Is it because his pets are rare and precious?”

“No, no, no.” Long Xian waved her hands, “The pets for sale in his shop are cats and dogs of ordinary breeds. But unlike the pets from other shops, the cats in his shop can do stunts—by the way, he has been leaving his cats in the care of our clinic for a while, would you like to…”

“Xiao Xian!” Sun Xiaomeng frowned and interrupted her.

Long Xian realized that she was over-talkative and shut up.

Though Zhang Zian’s pets were in the care of her clinic temporarily, Sun Xiaomeng would not sell or promote the sales of his pets—she thought those behaviors had exceeded her authority and she didn’t want to meddle in his business. She would only notify Zhang Zian when there were potential clients wanting to buy pets. She knew that she didn’t have Zhang Zian’s talking skills and promotion tricks, so the clients might not listen to her.

“Cats that do stunts?” Jin Er was astonished. He recalled Snowy’s Persian cat which could walk in a figure eight. Snowy seemed to have mentioned that it was a cat that could do stunts. Did she get the cat from that pet shop? He assumed someone gave her the cat as a gift to cozy up with Snowy’s father. Clearly, he had been overthinking.

Both Sun Xiaomeng and Long Xian remained silent, so he had to ask, “When you say the cats can do stunts, do you mean they can walk in a figure eight?”

“What? You know about that?” Long Xian couldn’t help it and started talking again. She glanced at Sun Xiaomeng, who didn’t seem to have the intention to stop her. And she continued, “Walking in figure eights are their stunts. How do you know that?”

“Well…” Jin Er contemplated and said, “My neighbor bought a cat that can walk in a figure eight, and I thought it was the only one that knew such a stunt. So, there is more than one cat?”

“Of course! ALL of the cats in his shop can do stunts!” She emphasized ‘all’ and added, “Because he’s a cat trainer!”

In fact, Long Xian had just told him hearsay about Zhang Zian that she had heard from Sun Xiaomeng, Wang Qian and Li Kun. She only met Zhang Zian for once, and did not have the chance to really see how marvelous his pets were.

“A cat trainer?” it was a novel word to Jin Er, “He’s good at training cats?”

That explained why Snowy could buy a Persian cat that could do stunts at such a low price.

“Yes. If you don’t believe me, ask him for yourself later,” said Long Xian.

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