
Chapter 1268: Going Separate Ways

Chapter 1268: Going Separate Ways

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The Devil’s Sea was hidden in the depths of vast sands. It had always been known that even if one arrived in a modern off-road vehicle, one would have to face many difficulties and obstacles. It would have been even more difficult in ancient times, when the Bedouins had to use camels and their feet to travel.

Without an old map and an experienced old guide to lead the way, who could find it in the desert?

The journey tested one’s physical strength and willpower. Even if one was lucky enough to arrive, one may be exhausted and lacking in supplies.

In this case, despite the strange landforms and scenery, the knowledge about pyramids and gold mines, the already fragile mind may no longer be able to suppress the various desires in the heart. Then one may choose to part ways with teammates and try to monopolize the treasure.

The Bedouin ancestors referred to this as the Devil’s Sea, perhaps because this place brought out the deepest desires within a person’s heart.

If even He He, who lived in peaceful Binhai in peacetime, could be changed within a short few days, that was indeed scary. Her sense of self had already left her in the face of the cruel natural environment, and she urgently needed a spiritual explanation to help her. She could thus be easily swayed by this type of rhetoric.

Seeing He He like that was extremely distressing for Wei Kang. Although she came across as stubborn, arrogant, and pampered, she was, after all, his student. He blamed himself for being careless towards her. He felt that he had not fulfilled his responsibility as a teacher.

Salem couldn’t understand complex Chinese, but he could understand the atmosphere. He could see that He He was in a strange state of mind. He anxiously scratched his head.

The three male students stood still and were overwhelmed by what they’d just experienced. They asked Wei Kang with their eyes, “What should we do? Leave her here?”

They used to have a good impression of He He, but now...the good feelings had long since disappeared.

Wei Kang also wanted to ask He He to go back with everyone, but he was interrupted by Zhang Zian. To him, it was no longer feasible to deal with this the soft way. As the situation was somewhat urgent, they did not have time to argue with He He further.

Fina heard two explosions and was already anxiously jumping up and down. She was worried that her mausoleum had been damaged, along with her sarcophagus and remains... If they did not go in now, she might never have the chance to see the Devil’s Sea again.

“What are you doing? She wants to leave you? Even if you have to tie her up, do it! She is in a mess! She is now gone, but we will bring her back home and send her to psychiatric therapy. We will return her to normal!” Zhang Zian said, staring at the three students.

The three boys were still hesitant about forcibly bringing her back. Wasn’t this illegally restricting personal freedom? If they got sued, wouldn’t they then be criminals? This couldn’t be done...

If Zhang Zian was good friends with He He, he would have already tied her up. He urged, “Hers is a mental disorder. You will be protected under the Chinese legal system. I promised her parents we would bring her home safely. They will only be grateful to you and will not blame you. They may even ask you to marry her for your actions!”

The three boys were scared. They dared not think about marriage at this point in time...

Wei Kang took the initiative and said, “Do it! I will bear all the consequences!”

With his words, the three boys seemed to have found their backbone. They tuggged on He He’s arm and did not let her go.

“What are you doing? Why are you doing this to me? Let me go!” He He struggled but was no match for a three-man team.

Zhang Zian stood aside and spoke words that agitated her further. “If you really have the ability, you will quickly absorb the energy of the universe and then transform into a superwoman. Then you can push them away... You simply don’t have that ability, so stay here and be a good girl!”

“You... They clearly said that you can feel the energy of the universe and are very talented. I secretly admire you, so why don’t you speak up for me? Why go against me?” she yelled and glared at him.

Zhang Zian brushed his hair back and sighed. “I have long wanted to say this. Now I have a chance. Sorry, but I am undercover!”

“Put her in the car!” Wei Kang waved his hand. “Leave someone to look after her. Lock the door! Don’t let her run!”

The three students agreed in unison and forced He He into a vehicle, pushing her into the middle seat at the rear. Gao Ke and Xiao Tianyu sat on either side and sandwiched her, much like, well, a sandwich.

Wei Kang realigned the cars. In addition to Nabari’s vehicle, they had initially had a total of five cars. However, Wei Kang’s had been damaged in the desert, and the remaining four were now driven by Wei Kang, Salem, Du Xuetao, and Zhang Zian, respectively.

“Hurry and pack up. Take all that you can take. If you don’t take it, you will lose it,” Wei Kang commanded.

Zhang Zian also packed up his things with the others and tied tents and moisture-proof mats to the roof rack. However, he did not get into his car.

“Xiao Zhang, what’s the matter? Why don’t you get in?” Wei Kang asked from his car.

“You go first. I want to go inside and see what Peter Lee is doing. If they are partaking in illegal activities, I must stop them. I can’t risk damaging the friendship between China and Egypt...or the Chinese and Liberian people!” he said, full of pride.

Wei Kang heard it and hurriedly said, “Oh! Xiao Zhang, don’t be a hero! Those people are crazy, and you saw the knife they have. If you try to stop them, they will definitely not allow you to. You might get into serious trouble...”

“You can rest assured that I am not a fool. I will secretly look at the situation first. If I can stop it, I will stop it. If it doesn’t work, I will not force myself. I have a sense of proportion,” Zhang Zian promised.

Wei Kang sighed. “I have lived many years, but I dare not think as recklessly as you...”

“Don’t worry. Leave with everyone. I will catch up with you as soon as possible.” Zhang Zian had no time to lose and urged him to leave.

The two of them, together with Nabari, discussed the GPS coordinates of the meeting place. They decided that Nabari would lead the expedition team out but not via the original route. This was out of fear of bumping into Peter Lee. They would then wait for Zhang Zian.

They had limited supplies and could only wait for him for up to 48 hours before they had to leave.

Zhang Zian recorded the GPS coordinates. Under his repeated urging, Wei Kang started the car, left, and slowly disappeared into the darkness.

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