
Chapter 349: Bombardment, and Hair Removal.

Chapter 349: Bombardment, and Hair Removal.


I enclosed Graux, the owl-type golem which was still fighting against Leopaldo, in a [Prison]. It’d be troublesome if it escaped to the sky while carrying Gian.

I landed on the ground and proceeded towards Colonel’s location, before pulling the rapier out of his stomach. He’s making quite a painful expression, but you get what you deserve, you know. That was pretty reckless.

I’ll cast recovery magic here.

“[Come forth Light, the goddess’ solace, Mega Heal].”

Particles of light materialized and enveloped Colonel’s body. In no time at all, the puncture wound caused by the rapier disappeared.

Still, the magic won’t replenish lost blood, which is why Colonel who’s standing up was still shaky on his feet.

“You sure are reckless. If I wasn’t here, you might’ve died, you know?”

“Gian is a perverted bastard who enjoys slowly tormenting his opponents before killing them. I expected him to avoid my vitals. Despite his abysmal personality, he’s still the second strongest in all of Lowe ten years ago… There’s no other way for me to catch him.”

True, he was decently strong. However, he’s not even close to Yae and Hilda’s level, and honestly, I feel that he’s below our knight order’s commanders, Rain-san, Norn-san and Nicola- san, as well.

…To be honest, I think Gian might even lose to some of our regular knights. Although I won’t say that out loud since it would probably hurt Colonel’s pride.

Well, it might be wrong to compare normal people to us who gets put through the wringer every day by the god of sword.

“Besides, there was the need to draw Gian’s eyes away from the prince.”

When I looked at the guestroom on the second floor that we were in, it seemed that Lieutenant and Sergeant had made the prince retreat to a far corner of the room. However…

“Well, seems like it was useless. It was you, wasn’t it? The one who made that mysterious protective wall. Thanks to that, I could fight without having to worry about the prince. Thank you.”

So he noticed. Although it’s been released now, I’ve kept up a [Prison] around the guestroom until a moment ago. His aim had apparently been the emperor, and there was a chance he would fire more of those feather explosives into the room again.

“Your Majesty! Are you safe!?”

The knights who heard all the commotion rushed to the guestroom as well as the courtyard. When they saw us who were unfamiliar figures, they drew their swords and strengthened their vigilance.

“Your Majesty, these people are…?”

“It’s alright, they are my guests. They saved me during a dangerous situation. The culprit who was aiming for me was that man on the ground over there.”

Upon hearing the emperor’s words, the knights loosened their guard against us, and moved to take Gian, who’s still lying on the ground with his face twisted in a weird way, into custody.

“Is it fine? That.”

“He targeted the emperor. He would most likely be executed. Furthermore, it would most likely be a public execution via guillotine. That way, the end of the one who betrayed Lowe should be able to reach our people well.”

While looking at Gian who was being dragged away, Colonel replied to me while sounding like he was repressing his emotions.

Since there’s also the need to have him spit out things regarding Eisengard, it wouldn’t be the best choice to kill him right here.

Graux, who’s still inside a [Prison], was rampaging about as its master was being dragged away. I somehow felt pity towards the golem who would serve its master faithfully even when said master was someone like that.



Using gravity magic, I immobilized Graux. When the load on itself increased all of a sudden, Graux’s movements ceased. It probably entered its sleeping mode.

Releasing the barrier of [Prison], I placed a hand on the chest portion of the owl-type golem and channeled magic power through.


With a *bashuu* sound of air escaping, the chest portion opened to both sides.

I thrusted my hand into the gel-like substance inside, and took out the cube floating within— the heart of a golem, its G-cube.

With this, Graux won’t start moving again. For the moment, let’s pass this G-cube over to Colonel. However, while receiving the G-cube, Colonel seemed to be deep in thought about something.

“What is it?”

“No, Gian… Or rather, would Eisengard send Gian over just to kill the emperor, was what I was wondering. If it’s him… If it’s Eisengard’s Magicraft King, something like sinking the imperial capital into a sea of flames at the same time…”

“Wha, what the hell is that!?”

Interrupting Colonel’s monologue, one of the knights present raised his voice while pointing towards the sky to the west.

Over there, numerous small dots were floating in the sky, almost like a swarm of locusts… What are those?

“[Long Sense].”

I made my sight fly forward to see better. The things which I saw earlier turned out to be small golems, miniature versions of Graux which I had just dealt with. A huge number of small owl golems were flying towards the imperial palace.

The small owls dropped grenade-like things which they were holding with their feet onto the imperial capital. As those began dropping onto the ground, large explosive sounds resounded all over.

“Those Eisengard bastards! They mass produced Graux’s Soldat version!?”

Soldat. A type of golem that allows one person to control multiple golems at once. It was a type of golem that’s being utilized within this very empire.

It’s a very convenient type of golem to use when the aim is to overwhelm with numbers. So, Eisengard had analyzed Graux and made flying versions of Soldats based on the results, huh.

Oops, this isn’t the time to be marvelling at their research prowess.

“[Come forth Darkness, what I seek is a shining maiden of war, Valkyrie].”

From the magic formation which I’ve drawn in the palace’s courtyard, several Valkyries with brilliant wings on their backs flew out, answering my summoning.

With their silver armor and silver swords, the sight of them flying around in the sky as they lined up gave them the impression of being knights of the sky.

“This, this is…”

“It’s my summoning magic. Everyone, I leave it to you.”

In place of replies, the battle maidens raised their swords up high and flew off to intercept the small owl golems flying towards this direction.

While flying in the sky with the agility of a sparrow, they bisected the small owls one by one with the swords in their hands.

The small owls tried to counterattack as well, but compared to Graux, their movements were dull and monotonous. The weakness of Soldat-type golems. They can only receive and carry out simple orders, and lack flexibility and finesse when dealing with problems.

Those small owls were most likely only given a mission to bombard the imperial palace. Normally, there wouldn’t have been much problem with that simple order, but it’s clear they did not take aerial counterattacks into consideration.

The small owls continued to be struck down, and when the last one was bisected by a Valkyrie, cheers rose up around the capital.

“[Come forth Light, equal solace to all, Area Heal].”

Just in case, I casted area healing magic at places that were bombarded. If fires begin to spread it would be troublesome as well, so I also called down some rain using magic.

The people of the capital seemed to think that angels have come to their aid. Well, whatever.

“To take out that many golems in such a short time…”

Leaving Colonel who’s still in shock, I projected a map from my smartphone into the air. It’s an area map of the old Lowe territories and surrounding areas.

“Search. Soldiers, knights, and golems belonging to Eisengard.”

“… Search finished. Displaying.”


A considerable number of pins dropped onto the map. As I thought.

“Seems like Eisengard’s army has invaded Garudio Empire. Here, in the old Lowe territories.”

“What did you say!? Without even a declaration of war!?”

His Majesty the Garudio Emperor, who had come down to the courtyard as well, raised his voice as he looked at the map floating in the sky.

Hmm, maybe Gian who was dragged away just now was supposed to make that declaration? He got knocked off the stage without even being given the chance for that, though.

“But, they seem to be proceeding in a weird direction… Normally, shouldn’t they be heading towards the former capital of Lowe Kingdom over here?”

“Eisengard’s target is most likely the [Emerald Ruins]. Fortunately, there’s not many villages or towns in that direction. However, at the ruins themselves are our surveying teams as well as a battalion of our soldiers…”

The newly-found ruins that was mentioned earlier? I wonder if the other side thought to crush that battalion over there first.

In terms of numbers, Eisengard is overwhelmingly superior. If nothing is done, it’s only a matter of time before the ruins are occupied by their army.

“Fumu. For now, I’ll go stop them, I guess.”


The emperor leaked a stupid-sounding voice at my muttering.

Well, it’s kinda irritating to continue letting Eisengard do whatever it wants. And I got bombs thrown at me too.

I can’t deny that a little bit of me thought to use this chance to sell a favor to Garudio Empire, though.

“What, what do you mean by ‘go stop them’?”

“The Eisengard army, obviously. I’ll just fly over and talk with them for a bit. Well, it’d be good if I can reach an understanding with them through only words.”

That would depend on the opposition’s commander, I suppose. He/she might surprisingly be an understanding fellow. Even if the top of the country is a grandpa who’s wrong in the head, it’s bad to assume everyone under him would be wrong in the head as well.

“Y-you can do something like stopping them!? It’s an army in the tens of thousands, you know!? I do not know how much of a great magician you are, but no matter what…!”

“Ah, if it’s only on the level of tens of thousands then I’ve had several past experiences already, so it’s fine. The landscape around that area might be changed a little bit, but I’ll fix that afterwards, so just overlook it.”


Leaving the emperor who’s lost for words aside, I flew up towards the Valkyries who are standing by in the sky with [Fly]. Oh, one more thing.

“Since the bombardment golem corps earlier were probably controlled undercover agents belonging to Eisengard in the capital, security around the city should be tightened as well, I think.”

“G, got it…”

“Well then, time for me to go, I guess.”

Judging from what I saw on the map, there’s not much time to spare; better hurry up.

I accelerated instantly and cut through the sky above Garudio Empire. The Valkyries were following me behind; however, they were slowly getting farther away from me.

That was careless of me. I probably should’ve sent them back and then summon them again at the actual location. Well, with our current speed, we’ll reach the location soon so I’ll just have them bear with it.

The [Emerald Ruins] were located in the southern parts of the old Lowe Kingdom. Like the name suggests, the ruins were situated within a forest, albeit not a very large one.

Besides the forest was an empty plain neighboring a road passing by, and from the sky, several tents can be seen sitting on the abovementioned plain. That’s probably the temporary camp of Garudio’s survey team and the battalion that was guarding them.

And the ones forming ranks in front of them must be the Eisengard army, I guess.

Seems like the fighting has not yet started. I made it in time.

Still, that’s quite the number. They look to have around 20 times the number of Garudio forces. Although only one-quarter of that was human soldiers; most of their forces seem to be composed of Soldats.

Well, if they weren’t only aiming at the ruins but were also thinking of marching on the imperial capital after this, I guess this number was necessary.

They were likely planning to assault the imperial capital after it had been damaged by the small owls’ bombardments.

That Eisengard army saw the figures of us who approached from the sky, and quickly began clamoring. If a suspicious man suddenly appeared while bringing angels with him, I guess anyone would be shocked.

“F, fireeeee!”

And while I was thinking that, suddenly a rain of electric bolts poured down towards me. Wait, not poured down, they were shot at me from below, so it’s in the opposite direction.

It’s probably the magic guns equipped by the golems. Still, to attack so suddenly…

Couldn’t we at least talk with each other a bit before we start firing?

“[O Ice pierce through, frozen sharp thorns, Ice Needle].”

All of the electric bolts were shot through by icicles. Those icicles, without stopping, proceeded to fall on top of the Eisengard army.

“Hi, hii!?”

The soldiers hugged their heads and curled up to defend against the icicles. Using [Speaker], I projected my voice towards the Eisengard army.

“To all soldiers of Eisengard. Immediately withdraw from this place, and report to your Magicraft King that the assault on the imperial capital was a failure. If you proceed any further, you will taste the most humiliating defeat since the founding of your country.”

“D, don’t falter! This is but a stratagem by the enemy! Just a last-ditch bluff which aims to confuse us and damage our morale!”

The commanding officers roared at the soldiers which were in a commotion after hearing my words, amplified by [Speaker]. Muu. I mean, it isn’t wrong to say that my aim was to throw them into confusion, in a sense.

The reason why I bothered taking along the Valkyries was also to see if I can scare them into retreating with the presence of “angels”. It didn’t seem to have much effect, looking at them now.

“I’ll repeat again. This is your last warning. Have your forces retreat. A calm judgment from the commander is—”

“Fireee!! Shoot them down!! Eisengard’s weaponry are the strongest! Show no mercy to our enemies! We will exterminate those pigs belonging to an inferior country!!”

… Where have your calm judgment gone to…

An old man sporting a handlebar moustache, who was riding on top of a large multi-legged golem, gave the order while having blue veins popping up on his forehead. That’s probably the commander-in-chief of the Eisengard army; however, he seems to be quite an eccentric uncle, and I’m finding it hard to approach him. I can tell from one glance that he’s not the type of opponent who would listen to others’ talks.

I guarded against the rain of electric bolts that came flying again with [Prison].

Talks have broken down. Well then, without further ado.

“[Slip] & [Paralyze].”

“Nuo, guha!? Kape!?”

The soldiers beautifully slipped on the ground simultaneously, and hit their bodies hard on the ground before becoming unable to move. I wonder if the shock to the ground was huge seeing as how the number was in the ten thousand range… Should’ve went down.

The Soldats began moving in order to help the soldiers who have all fallen down. For you guys, it’ll be this.



If I increase their weight to a certain level, golems would have their safety functions kick in and they would make an emergency shutdown. Detecting an abnormality with their body, they would go into sleeping mode.

This safety function is precisely the reason why golems that have been buried underground for several millennia could still restart themselves without problem.

Well then, with this I’ve successfully neutralized them, but I’ve got absolutely no intentions to stop here.

“[Come forth Darkness, what I seek is a demon in green, Green Slime].”

I landed on the ground, and called out slimes from a summoning formation. Green-colored monsters made from a sticky liquid-like substance appeared one after another.

There are many different types of slimes. From harmless types to harmful ones. From ones who have volatile personalities to ones who were cowardly in nature. And from ones which can be seen all over the place to ones which were rarely seen anywhere, there’s a lot of variations to slimes.

And, regarding this green slime. It’s a common slime that can be found anywhere and is generally harmless. While that’s the truth, it’s also a fact that a certain group of people hate its guts.

This type of slime’s favorite food is the plant fibres found in clothes. When adventurers were unfortunate enough to be attacked by them, they would have their clothes melted and eaten. Although, it only eats clothes, and never touches the actual human body as well as things like armor.

Those slimes were now heading towards the fallen soldiers in front of them in large numbers. They weren’t eyeing the soldiers themselves, but rather their clothes, though.

“Fu, fuge!?”

“Hi, hiaa!?”

The slimes kept on advancing towards the soldiers, who still kept their consciousness even though they couldn’t even form words properly due to [Paralyze]. It must be quite the terror, for them who couldn’t move.

I picked up one of the slimes, then proceeded to the location of the general with the handlebar moustache above the multi-legged golem.

“I said it, didn’t I? That you would taste the most humiliating defeat since the founding of your country.”

“Fu, fugo! Fugo goga!?”

On top of the chest area of the general who’s trembling in fear, I dropped the green slime I was carrying. Immediately, the slime began joyously melting down the clothes of the handlebar moustache general.

“Kukuku. Do you want to continue fighting with your clothes all eaten up? It might be interesting to fight while wearing your equipment, like armor and helmet, with nothing underneath them. The name of ‘Eisengard’s naked army’ will definitely be left in history, you know?”

“Fu goo!? Fugege! Fuga fuga!!”

The handlebar moustache was glaring at me with an incredible expression, but I splendidly ignored it and proceeded to tell him another secret.

“A normal green slime only eats clothes, but these ones are a bit special, you see. I’ve made a bit of modifications to them based on materials of a slime researcher that I found by accident. These slimes also melt and eat a ‘certain’ part of the human body.”


The handlebar moustache went pale in the face upon hearing my words.

“Well, you won’t die or anything so relax. You’ll just have every single hair on your body melted and eaten, that’s all. It might be a bit inconvenient for you when even your eyelashes are gone, though. The name ‘Eisengard’s skinhead army’ might be left in history as well.”

“Fugoaaaaa!? Aa!? Aaaaaa—a!?”

After about an hour, the slimes’ great feast ended. The soldiers, who had become smooth all over their bodies thanks to the slimes, ran away in a disorderly group back towards Eisengard.

The majority of the soldiers were running in a completely perverted getup of light armor on their upper body and butt naked on their lower body. Furthermore, they had no hair and no eyebrows as well.

An army of skinheads with full exposure on their lower bodies was running along the highway. Depending on the person, this could be a trauma-inducing sight.

On a side note, if you ask me whether the slimes would eat the hair roots as well, that I don’t know either.

For now, I’ll send a silent cheer to their hairs and hope they grow back in time.

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