
Chapter 123 Find him

Chapter 123 Find him

Author\'s Note; There are plenty of ways to die but only love can kill you and keep you alive

-Leo Christopher.

Yan Mei sauntered to the bedroom then stared at herself in the mirror. Without any thoughts of where her husband Lei Zhao is, she sighed exasperatedly as the only solution flashed in her mind.

With her eyes searching for something sharp, she found a razor blade. Yan Mei extended her left arm, clenching her fist. She looked at her reflection and a mad light flickered in her eyes.

Without taking her eyes from her reflection. She pressed the razor blade against her wrist and slashed it deep as she could in one swift movement.

No pain or emotion was on her face. The blood rushed out her wrist fast.

"Miss Yan?!" She heard Jun Mo\'s voice thick with panic but she ignored him. With her hands shaking, she drew a circle with a five-pointed star polygon inside with the blood flowing from her wrists.

Suddenly the mirror glowed, and a red incantation appeared on the sink. It had one big circle with two smaller circles inside it.

On the incantation appeared two triangles—a normal one, and an inverted one on top of it. In the middle of the triangle showed one circle with symbols written on it, as six other foreign symbols scribbled on the smaller triangles that appeared in the overall incantation spell.

Yan Mei felt a rush of power course within her—her skin became paler than the moon. Her facial features became remarkably flawless, her eyes turning scarlet red like the blood with her veins marring her flawless face.

"Numquid ipse viveret?"(Is he alive?)

The symbol disappeared and a red message written in blood appeared in the mirror, answering her question.

"Quod sit vivre." (He is alive)

Her heart skipped a beat as she continued mumbling to herself.

"Osteride mihi." (Show me). Her voice was reverberating with power.

The mirror illuminated itself and from a slight gray smokey blur an image appeared.

"Lei Zhao!" Yan Mei\'s heart skipped a beat looking at the image She staggered and nearly fell If not because she believed in her spell, she would have thought he was dead

On the mirror\'s reflection showed Yan Mei\'s unconscious husband. Her lips trembled as her heart ached, seeing how the person she loves in such a dire situation.

"Lei Zhao," her voice croaked as she tried her best to keep her tears at bay. Her right hand shakily, slowly reached out the mirror as if reaching out to him.

Her eyebrows furrowed and her eyes reflected desolation when she noticed that there was blood seeping out of Lei Zhao\'s head. His clothes were almost disintegrated by the flames. His back seemed to receive the impact of the explosion as seen by his burnt skin, almost showing his flesh.

He seemed to lay in the grass at an outskirt of a town. From the looks of things, someone had thrown him there. No wonder they couldn\'t find him.

Yan Mei covered her mouth with her hands; she felt like the world was closing on her. To think he has been lying there for days! How he was still alive was a mystery.

"Ubi est is" (Where is he?) Yan Mei asked with a shaking voice.

Suddenly the sound of someone forcing to open the door sounded. Yan Mei knew she had to hurry. She was losing so much blood by the cut. Even though power was resonating through her, she felt herself getting weaker by the seconds.

This was a deadly spell. If her father was here, he wouldn\'t have allowed her to do this. An address appeared in the mirror. Yan Mei memorized it quickly. Suddenly the door burst opened.

Yan Mei\'s eyes quickly returned to her normal brown color, the veins disappeared from her face and her facial features returned to her original one.

The words in the mirror disappeared and everything returned like it was before.

"Miss Yan?" Jun Mo\'s panicked voice called her when he saw her standing in front of the mirror with her back facing him.

Jun Mo\'s eyes followed her body as if he was afraid she would evaporate into thin air and disappeared.

"Miss Yan?" He called again, but Yan Mei didn\'t respond. Jun Mo looked on the floor and saw the pool of blood there.

His heart hammered in his chest. Jun Mo quickly rushed to her side. Yan Mei turned around and muttered an address to him, "XXXXX, NO 9. Find him, please" before she lost herself into the darkness.

"Miss Yan!" Hauling her upper body unto his lap, Jun Mo clamped his hand over her wrist, he applied pressure trying to stop the blood flow. He wouldn\'t forgive himself if something happens to her.

They knew how much she means to Lei Zhao. They have seen the way his eyes would sparkle anytime he spoke about her. She became the sun in his dark world after his brother\'s death and now that he isn\'t here, they would do anything to protect her. hauling Yan Mei to her chest

Jun Mo hauled her to his chest, he swung her legs over his forearm and got to his feet. He quickly jogged to his car which was parked in front of the house.

Within minutes he laid Yan Mei across the backstreet. At this moment he had forgotten that he was a doctor and he could have performed first aid before rushing out.

From losing Lei Zhao to the possibility of losing his wife because of his recklessness made his brain messy.

Jun Mo hit the accelerator, and his Porsche car fishtailed onto the main road. Jun Mo swung his car into the emergency room driveaway and and shouldered out of the car. Blood crusted to his shirt, but Jun Mo wasn\'t in the mood to think about this people\'s.

A flash of surprise flashed through people\'s eyes when they saw Jun Mo. Two nurses burst from the automatic double glass and rushed towards him.

He watched as they strapped oxygen over her nose and mouth and loaded her onto the gurney.

Guilt gnawed at his inside as he followed them, suddenly his phone rang snapping him from his guilt. Removing the phone from his pocket he saw the caller ID it was Edward Wu calling him.

"What happened? Is she okay?" Edward Wu asked the moment the call was connected.

"She slit her wrist." Jun Mo whispered.

"What?! So where are you now?" Edward Wu asked


Edward Wu frowned when he heard Jun Mo\'s voice.

"Are you okay?" Edward Wu asked with concern laced in his voice.

"I- I didn\'t get to her earlier. If something happens to her- "

Edward Wu heaved a sigh, why was everything falling apart?

"I\'m coming there, text me the address."

At this moment Jun Mo remembered the address Yan Mei gave him before passing out.

"No, she gave me an address before passing out. She begged me to find him."

Edward Wu\'s brows furrowed when he heard him.

"What are you talking about?"

"I think she is talking about Lei Zhao. She gave me the address before passing out." Jun Mo repeated. His voice slightly excited.

"I will send you the address. I think you should go to New York. Don\'t worry, henry Liu and I will take care of everything."

Edward Wu turned to look at Henry Lu and agreed.

"Alright, send me the address."


Ye Xing groaned feeling like his head was spinning. His skin crawled with the sensation of ants playing on it. His eyelids felt heavy and his throat felt sore and dry.

His mind was slowly trying to process what was going on as he struggled to open his eyelids.

Ye Xing fluttered his eyes open. Sunlight beamed through the window to his right. He heard whispers making him frown.

Ye Xing realized he was bandaged on the head. Suddenly he remembered that he and Lei Zhao was attack when they were going to the airport. Panic clawed through him as he fought to sit upright but the pain in his lower abdomen stopped him.

Ye Xing groaned, he hated feeling weak. \'Where was Lei Zhao? Was he okay?\' From his surroundings he realized he was in an apartment.

Suddenly the door opened showing a woman. Her head was tied in a messy bun and his glasses was too big on her face. A trace of surprise passed rhough the woman\'s eyes.

"You are awake!" She exclaimed.

YE Xing\'s face contorted with a frown as he looked at her.

"Who are you?" He asked huskily in English. Even though the woman was a Chinese he wasn\'t sure she could speak Mandarin.

The woman quickly rushed to his side and poured a glass of water for him.

"I\'m An Qi. I saw you in the middle of the road when I was coming back from work. Your car was in accident."

Ye Xing nodded, "Why didn\'t you take me to the hospital?"

An Qi shrugged, "Actually I saw a group of dangerous men picking up another man lying on the road too. I waited until they left before I approached you. So, I thought if I take you the hospital they would come and kill you like in the movies."

Ye Xing stiffened when he heard her, "What did you say?!"

An Qi stepped back in fright. "Sorry."

Seeing the scared look on her face Ye Xing apologized awkwardly.

"Ah, it\'s okay. Yes, they took the man away."

Ye Xing frowned deepened. He knew whoever took Lei Zhao was the same person responsible for their accident. But who is it?


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