
Chapter 116 - Battle Of Angels

"Are you not going to answer my question?" The figure asked, slightly agitated by my silence

"My name is Pandora" I replied sternly

"hmm? Okay, if you say so I guess" the angelic figure replied with a shrug

"ARIA! THIS LITTLE GIRL HAS SPOKEN TO THE HEAVENS! WE MUST ELIMINATE HER OR WE WILL HAVE ANOTHER GODDESS OF CHA-" Before the oversized cat could say anything else, it felt the back of the palm of the angelic figure on its face, before being launched through the church\'s walls and going through multiple other buildings.

\'Such power\' We all couldn\'t help but think at the same time.

"Sorry about him. Give me a second, I\'ll be back." Aria flapped her wings, before completely disappearing in a flicker of light, leaving dozens of feathers floating in the area where she last stood.

On the other side of the city, the oversized cat crashed through multiple buildings before finally hitting the city barrier. Yet even after hitting the city barrier, the sheer force of the first backhand slap left an enormous webbing crack on the barrier that could be seen by anyone in the city.

-"What\'s happening?"

-"It looks like a fight, I think?"

-"A fight? This is a battle between guardian-ranked personal! I wish I had my capture crystal with me right now

-"Guardian ranked? More like Imperial Knight ranked battle. A guardian-ranked personal can wipe this city off the face of Zogaria with a battle between them as collateral damage. You clearly, don\'t know what you are talking about"

-"Isn\'t that barrier supposed to be able to handle a hit from an Imperial wizard though? Why did it crack from a single impact..."

Everyone immediately turned quiet before looking at the man who had spoken those words, before breaking into a panic when the realization had hit them.

On the other side of the city, however, stood tall a ripped man with black fur covering every bit of skin he had on his body. This fur looked soft, yet sharp, while his muscles looked like it was crafted and carved like a Greek statue, making every single muscle on the outer body seem defined and useful. He had two long ears protruding from the sides of his head, while a long snout with two holes elongated from its face, making it look more like a cat-god from the Egyptian era. Every fiber of its being was overflowing with power, making everything in its vicinity kneel or lose consciousness through its magical aura alone. However, there was one person who stood tall, with her white radiance overshadowing everything in its light.

Her beautiful golden hair flowed in the non-existent wind, while a light constantly penetrated the clouds in the sky to shine on her robust figure, Her well-endowed curves were outlined perfectly within the holy light, while her cloth-covered body showed many cleavages, whether that would be at the top or bottom of her body.

Two angelic wings protruded from the back of the figure, each feather glowing and overflowing in holy energy. It would be an understatement to call her the most beautiful woman in the world, yet there was not a word that could describe her correctly.

"Tastet, I am warning you this time because I am friends with your sister, but if you dare take action on this plane of existence again, I will have to punish you." Aria warned whiled frowning. She was not known as a person who would frown, however, when she is angered, her fury is like that of a volcano. Once it erupts, it will destroy everything in its vicinity.


"That is not for you to choose, but for the higher up to decide. You will now follow the rules and will not interfere... Is that sound or do I need to repeat myself?" She glared back


"I know what it means, and I will not do anything about it." She on the other hand took out her legendary harp, a weapon so terrifying and deadly, theorized to be able to even harm the gods

"WHY!? The humans are already dominating all the races on their continent. They might not be as strong as the elves or as intelligent as the dwarves, but they are dangerous! One more person like that Paladin of theirs and they might be catapulted to the strongest race on the planet." He growled while getting on all fours

"Don\'t be stupid Tastet! There are still many races, especially the mythological races who can wipe out all of the humans with a single order. She might have awakened her divinity, spoke to the heavens, and transgressed through worlds, but she will not be able to protect them from divine judgment." She calmly stated while holding her harp in her left hand.

"She what?" Tastet was surprised by the new information. He didn\'t know that the person he was about to kill had transmigrated from another world, but now his conviction to kill that person had only grown more powerful.

"Oh, you didn\'t know? Look\'s like I had too much hope for you after all" Aria muttered with a sigh and a shake of her head.



Cracks webbed across the floor as the man/cat traveled like a black blur across the ground, leaving deep gashes within it. Within an instant, he was already in front of the woman throwing his clawed hands at her neck. Yet, right before his hands were about to reach the neck of the woman, a white flash hit his outstretched arm, obliterating it in an instant.

Unbeknownst to both of them, the white flash that was Aria\'s hands had not only obliterated the hand of Tastet, but everything in the direction of white flash, causing hundreds of buildings to be uprooted into the air or obliterated on impact with the shockwave and creating a large crack on the other side of the barrier.

For a single second, they both looked into each other\'s eyes. Tastet glared into the eyes of Aria with his Bright yellow eyes and his fiery slits for pupils. Aria, on the other hand, stared back calmly before slamming a palm into the chest of the overgrown cat.

"PUGHH" Vomiting a mouthful of blood, the cat with a deep concavity in his chest, was sent flying out of the city\'s barrier, destroying the east side of the barrier and shooting him across the ocean. Slowly, he started to descend before skipping on the ocean as a rock bring thrown across the top of a lake.

A few seconds later, he opened his eyes wide while tasting his body and positioning his feet down to stop his movement. His feet finally touched the water again, causing tides to trail behind. However, while he was still trying to stop his momentum, he saw a white figure far away come at him at tremendous speeds. They were speeds that no aircraft on earth could reach, and speeds that even the Paladin would have trouble keeping for more than 100 meters, making her move almost as fast as light.

She would constantly leave a white trail of light which was all the naked eye could see her as. However, the next second, that same trail would be overshadowed by the enormous partition in the waters, as if Moses himself had decided to split the seas. Yet, that would have its consequences, because a few moments later, the water would come crashing together, creating a tidal wave the size of a tsunami.

Cursing his luck, Tastet poured gallons of divine mana into his arm, regenerating it within seconds. The next moment, he charged his fist back before punching forwards and turning every muscle and join from the soles of his feet to the knuckles of his fist. A surge of black lighting started to crackle around the first of Tastet before turning into a wave of bolts, shooting off the arm into the water and sky.

The sky slowly started to turn dark and gloomy, while the once aqua blue waters became pitch black.


A shockwave was let out, pushing the water within 500 meters away, creating the closest thing to a crater on water. The skies roared while Tastet\'s voice thundered "IS THAT ALL YOU\'VE GOT?!". Every single marine creature had fled for its life, while every single airborne creature had either died had flown away before calamity had struck.

On the other side, Aria did not lose speed but rather gained more. Her cataclysmic power made the winds howl and the seas crash. Every flap of her wing left tremendous destruction behind, making the only saving grace the fact that they were in the middle of nowhere since the shockwave of a single flap would annihilate everything within 700 meters.

"R̵̞̀O̴̝̍A̸̰̿R̷̰͌S̸̭͐ ̵̹́O̸̱̊F̷̣̄ ̶̤́G̵͔̒O̷̹͌D̵̓͜Ṣ̴̎,̴͚̈́ ̷͓̃Ṫ̶̥E̵͚̓A̵͖̔R̵̘͆Ṣ̵̛ ̸̡͆Ǒ̵͎F̸̥̚ ̵͍͂H̷̳̀Ė̵̪Å̸̮V̶̞̋E̷̜͂N̴͕̄,̶̤͝ ̶͕̈́Ì̴̖ ̷̩̐C̷̥̐A̵̪̿L̶̦̕L̷̥̿ ̵̥̊U̸͈͊P̴͈̔O̵͔͠N̸̫͑ ̴̭͘T̷̺͠H̵͉͠E̵̯̽E̵̹̐,̵̰̐ ̸̧͊A̵̞͌S̵̫̔ ̷̖̆T̵͙̃Ḫ̸̓O̷̺̾Ů̸̘ ̶̞̃S̴̫͊Ḣ̸͖A̸͙͝L̵̜̄L̵͍̍ ̴̲̚B̸͈͒E̴͎͌C̷̥̆O̷̘͋Ḿ̴̙E̷̟̽ ̴̮̾Ą̸̍N̸͍̂ ̸͙̍A̷͎͋P̴͖͠Ö̶̺́S̶̳̒T̷͇̈L̵̞̈́E̶͌͜ ̵̞́Ť̴͉O̶͖̽ ̸̖͝T̶̠͊Ḥ̸͂Ẻ̶̤E̷̲͐\'̴̢͐S̴̬͛ ̴̻͐A̵̛̝L̶̘̀M̷̤͛Ì̷̝G̷̠̑H̷͙͒T̷͓͊Y̶̱̑ ̴̟͗P̶͚͒O̵̱̎W̴̦͛E̷͎̊Ṙ̸̲.̷͕͘-̷̥̾H̷͉͐Ē̷͎L̶̺̒L̴̯͝\'̴̞̒S̵̞͒ ̸̭͑L̵̥̽İ̵̱Ģ̶͒H̵̳̏Ţ̵̚N̷̢͛I̴̘͒N̸̹̅G̷̡͐!̴̝͝-̸̹̔" Tastet roared in the Divine Language, causing the white\'s of his eyes to go black, while his retina went white. His pupil stayed black, however, they were no longer slits like before, but rather looked closer to a human\'s pupils.

On the other hand, Aria did not say a single word and kept charging towards him, and by the time he had finished his cast, she was 100 meters away.

Swinging his arms down, the clouds and skies roared in submission, following the order of Tastet\'s arms and shooting down cataclysmic black and white lighting bolts towards Aria. Aria on the other hand remained calm before twisting her hips and body while tucking her arms in, to perform a flip on her Y axis as if she was a plane trying to avoid a missile.

Seeing another lighting bolt coming for her through her 360-degree vision, she tilted to the left and then to the right, quickly performing zig-zags to avoid the hundreds of lightning bolts coming at her, each one leaving a whirlpool big enough to swallow half of Aqua city within it.

All she left behind were trails of golden white light while she moved gracefully in what could only be called a no man\'s land from the kind of devastation every single lightning bolt had created.

She kept flipping and turning as if waiting for something.

"STOP AVOIDING MY ATTACKS AND FIGHT LIKE A WARRIOR!" Tastet finally snapped, causing Aria to grin evilly and stop in place.

Taking advantage of the halt in movement, Tastet quickly threw another lightning bolt at her, just for it to be swallowed by the enormous battle aura she finally let out. The skies quickly turned white and gold, while the oceans became something you would expect to see in heaven. The battle aura quickly swept itself across the ocean, its golden-white radiance even reaching the skies of the District of waves.

The aura almost had a life of its own, almost instantly breaking down the lightning bolt into its elements and absorbing it straight away.

"You want me to fight you seriously? You want me to fight you like a warrior? Then you wish shall be granted" A primordial voice spoke through the skies and oceans, reaching the ears of everything that was alive within its radiant light.

Grabbing onto her harp, her body immediately turned bright white, making it so no one could actually see her figure if it weren\'t for the cloth she was wearing, which also seemed to have dulled in front of the divine light that was coming from her skin.

Aria slowly raised her right hand to the harp before playing it while singing a song in the divine language.

Countless music notes started to appear in the air, before flying and dancing to the melody of the song. Calling the song that was uttered through the mouth of Aria angelic would be an understatement, as her voice sounded like something you would hear from the goddess of melodies rather than from the Angel of Harmony.

Tastet quickly found himself unable to move, while his mind had become numb and entranced with the song he was forced to hear.

As the song went on, the colors of the sky started to turn red, while the notes in the skies started to become more and more ferocious while they danced in the skies. Random sea animals within a 5-mile radius started to float up to the surface of the ocean, quickly dying the ocean a crimson red with the blood of these marine animals. Yet even then, the song did not stop.

Only 5 minutes later, when the ocean and sky had become a deep red, while the crimson color had started to move away from the 5-mile radius and diffusing itself into waters in the 20-mile radius, did the song finally stop.

Tastet wasn\'t dead yet, since a "simple" song could never kill him, but what seemed to have been an apocalypse quickly turned into the calm before the storm.

All the notes in the air began to spiral around Tastet like a giant crimson halo 200 meters above him.

"And now you shall be cursed with the blood and souls of every creature killed by my spell. You shall not due, but you will feel the pain of every single creature, to the same intensity they did" The primordial voice spoke matter of factly.


"This is but the punishment our father had put on you for going against the agreement. May you suffer for your trangressions" Aria finally muttered

Before Taste could speak any further, the blood-soaked notes in the air shot towards him like hungry piranhas, letting out blood-curdling screams as they plunged down towards the oversized cat. A look of utter terror flashed in the eyes of Tasted, before being swallowed whole by the herd of notes that had swiftly created a sphere around him that only continued to become larger and larger.

"B̴̨̉l̷̼͝ő̸̝o̸̰̐d̵͈͌ ̶͇̃I̷͎͠m̵̝̽p̶̘͗r̴̭̚i̷̧̐š̵̯o̵̮̿n̵̤̈́m̶̜̾ė̴̝n̶̙͘t̷̝͠" Aria uttered in the divine language, causing 180 meter wide chains to erupt out of the ocean before wrapping around the now 1-mile wide crimson sphere that kept moving as if it was made out of nanobots or iron sand.

"Sorry Bastet, but it seems like your brother will have to be kept away from you for a few more years" Aria apologetically muttered under her breath while looking at her creation.

Finally, she sighed and looked back at the District of waves, launching herself towards it with a single flap of her wings that parted the clouds in its wake.

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