
Chapter 171: White Room but Calm Down ?Nanami’s POV

Chapter 171: White Room but Calm Down ※Nanami’s POV

In terms of feeling, it is as if I was in a different room the moment I blinked.

The time came, and when I closed my eyes because of the dazzling light that covered me, the next instant I opened my eyes, I had already been moved to a different location.

“So this is the so-called white room, huh.” (Nanami)

On top of the desk right in front of me, there’s a PC.

It is written [You have been chosen as an isekai transferee. Finish the allocation of your bonus points and let’s journey to the isekai] on the display.

This should be worded the same as in the first time. Looks like there’s not that big of an adjustment.

There was the worst case scenario of the point system to be stopped in its entirety after all. Everything works on the whim of God, so Celica-chan said anything is possible.

“The time limit is…1 hour, huh. There’s plenty of time.” (Nanami)

With that much time, you can think for quite a bit.

The point allocation is a once and done deal -no do-overs.

It is natural to choose carefully, and it is also important to be daring too.


?Name: Souma Nanami

?Age: 15 years old ▼

?Gender: Female

?Special Ability ▼

?Physical Ability ▼

?Resistance ▼

?Magic ▼

?Items ▼

?Transfer Point ▼

?Disadvantageous Factors ▼

Remaining Bonus Points: 43p


“So there’s no big changes here either, huh.” (Nanami)

Well, the first group has already transferred, so there were a lot of opinions saying there shouldn’t be that much big changes. The reality is that it hasn’t even been half a year but only 2 months, so they must have thought it is a bit too premature to make big changes.

“The bonus points are on quite the low side.” (Nanami)

But within expectations.

In the first transfer, Random Transfer was the default choice.

It took 30p just to make the transfer location [Safe]. The default this time around is most likely [Safe]. There was quite a lot of criticism for the fact that it was [Random] as the default, so God must have taken that into account.

“I should go ahead and tinker with the things I have already decided on.” (Nanami)

I touched the age entry, and increased my age by one year. From 15 to 16 years old. My points increased by 3 and I am now at a total of 46 points.

Even when I increase it by 1, I am the same age as Rifreya-san. 1 year younger than Jeanne-san.

There should be no problem considering I will take aging resistance. With that in mind, it should be fine to increase it by 1 more, but my mind is telling me ‘no’ really hard here, so I can’t do it.

I may understand by logic just how big getting 3 points is at the beginning, but it seems it is human nature to not choose aging by yourself.

Next, I open the [Transfer Point] entry.

This entry should have changed quite a lot but…

“…Even so, it is this, huh. It certainly has shown consideration, but…” (Nanami)

I saw what had changed and groaned.

This is one of the most important choices I have to make, but…


- Transfer Point Choice

?Transfer somewhere safe at the front of a settlement: 0 Points (Default Choice)

A place where the dangerous wild animals are almost all exterminated. A settlement is right in front of you.

?Continent Specific ?Transfer in front of a safe settlement: 10 Points.

For the people who have a place they want to go to. Please choose the continent.

(Choices: East Roshesill?West Roshesill?Ringpill?Lanshimoza?North Alaura?South Alaura)

※Only the Alaura Continent is a 0 point transfer.

?Continent Specific Random Transfer +20 Points.

The choice when you have a place you want to transfer to, but accompanied with danger. Choose at your own discretion. Not recommended.

(Choices: East Roshesill?Western Roshesill?Ringpill?Lanshimoza?North Alaura?South Alaura)

※Only the Alaura Continent is a +30 points transfer.

?Darts Transfer +5 Points

If you are confident in your dart skills, you might be able to transfer to the place you aim for. In the case the dart hits the ocean, you can redo it. The throw line until the map is 300 cm. The difficulty is on the high side, so recommended only for people with darts experience.


“There’s no choice of which city to teleport to…huh.” (Nanami)

I came here after having decided on a few things prior, but one of them was ‘In the case I can directly transfer to Meltia, no matter how many points it requires, I would take it’.

If I can reunite with Hi-chan on the very first day, a lot of problems would be resolved at once. I opened this page with that intention in mind.

But it has at most the continent you want. Even if you say it is Ringpill, it is incredibly vast. It is practically the size of the whole European sphere.

Anyways, with this, the chance of meeting him immediately has decreased by quite a lot.

Even if I used 10 points to do the Continent Specific Safe Transfer, who knows how many settlements there are in Ringpill. It would be nice if I get lucky with a Meltia draw. But what if it is a completely different one? It would mean that I would have to travel until I reunited with him after using 10 points.

I was suddenly pushed into a difficult decision but, even so, if I don’t make my choice here, I can’t even begin with the character making.

“…Even so, this is completely an obvious choice.” (Nanami)

You obviously go for the darts transfer.

Of course, it might have been difficult if I had zero experience in darts, but I have tagged along with Celica-chan who declared that she would become good in everything, and there was a time when we would play a crap ton of darts everyday in a manga cafe.

That’s why I can get my hit where I aim to a certain degree. It should at least be possible to land in the Ringpill Continent. It might be impossible to get a direct hit on Meltia though… But it should be better than the other choices.

Most of all, it is big that I can get +5 points with that.

I choose darts transfer and get 5 points.

With this, I have 51 points remaining.

“I should check out the disadvantageous factors next.” (Nanami)

The disadvantageous factors can become beneficial in a sense.

In exchange, you are thrown into an eternal disadvantageous state most of the time. It is better to not take it, but points are important. Depending on what’s there, it might be better to take them.


- Disadvantageous Factors

?Memory Loss: +50 Points

Lose your memories of your previous world.

?Glutton: +10 Points

You will require 5 times the normal amount of calories than the average person.

?One you must protect: +0-30 Points

You can bring the person you want to protect the most into the isekai.

A boy or girl less than 12 years old, or an animal.

The protected one cannot be enhanced with points (points 0).

The added points depend on how weak the person you must protect is or how much you love them.

You can’t bring animals that are not weak.


The No Talent in Spirit Abilities of the 1st group isn’t there.

It must have been erased for balance adjustments because Jeanne-san was too strong.

Within the protected one, there’s now an entry for the animals that can’t be brought. You couldn’t bring big dogs to begin with, so it is basically just to clarify.

“Well, there’s no need to choose anything from here…” (Nanami)

I thought about the possibility of bringing Celica-chan or Karen-chan, but they unfortunately fall into the age restriction. Well, they wouldn’t wish for that though.

If I were to take something here, it would be Gluttony, but I feel like I would get checkmated at the time when I get high leveled.

I would need to eat the whole time. Leaving aside the times when you don’t get as hungry in the dungeon because of the dungeon being filled with Spirit Energy, it would be hindering on long journeys.

I check the special powers next.

- Special Ability

?Courage 20p

Gain the ability to face fears and difficulties, and advance forward.

?Super Concentration 30p

You can concentrate and forget about sleeping and eating.

?Detect Spirit Energy 15p

Gain the ability to detect the presence of Spirits.

?Detect Presence 15p

Gain the ability to detect the presence of living things.

?Night Vision 15p

You can see even in places where there’s practically no light.

?Intuition 20p

You can somewhat choose the option that will lead to advantageous situations for you.

?Short Rest 20p

Almost no need to sleep. (You can operate as normal with only 3 hours of sleep a day compared to the normal 8 hours.)

?Breathless Activity

You can act at full potential without breathing for 2 minutes.

With training, you can stay underwater for around 15 minutes.

?Wide Vision 10p

Have a wide vision impossible for a human to have.

?Communication 30p

You can communicate with animals.

?EXP acquisition UP 30p

Makes it easier to raise the Tier.

?Appraisal 50p

You can use Item Appraisal and Monster Appraisal with no limitations.

?Parallel World Language 0p ▼

You will be able to speak and write the common language of the area you are teleported to.


“There’s even less changes than I expected, but…there really are some that are gone, huh.” (Nanami)

Charm and Affection of Spirits; these two special powers which were problematic in the 1st group are gone.

Celica-chan predicted that Super Concentration would be gone since it was unpopular, but it is still there. It seems like it doesn’t have much to do with what’s popular or not.

The amount of points you can get for not taking isekai language has decreased quite a lot.

The first time it was +20 points, but this time, even when I choose ‘None’, it only gives 10 Points. Well, this must be because the isekai translation has already progressed to a good degree after all. Celica-chan can even do everyday talk in Ringpill language.

I don’t know if it is to compensate, but it seems like you can take Complete Isekai Translation. The isekai language doesn’t show much use in other regions, so it is a power that allows you to speak with anyone anywhere. So it is a power that allows anyone to become like Celica-chan, huh.

I don’t know how effective this will be in the isekai, but it might become a necessary power for the ones that love travelling.


?Parallel World Language 0p ▽

-None +10p

-Parallel World Complete Translation 30p


The complete translation is 30 points. It is pretty expensive, but if it can translate everything including the minor languages, it might be quite the important power. You can speak to people of a variety of nations on your own. In that case, you could say it could become a superpower that doesn’t exist anywhere in that world.

That said, I won’t be touching anything related to language.

“There’s new powers too.” (Nanami)

The ones added this time around are: [Detect Spirit Energy], [Short Rest], [EXP Acquisition Up], and [Appraisal]. Well, it doesn’t look like I need to take any of them, but I should at least keep them in mind.

I think Detect Spirit Energy is pals with Detect Presence, but there’s obviously no Spirit Energy on Earth, so it is probably like a new sense getting sharper.

It does sound great, but I don’t know what it is. However, the living beings of that world apparently all have Spirit Energy. There’s even the chance it is more useful than Detect Presence.

Even so, I don’t need that.

Celica-chan and Karen-chan should be confirming that eventually.

Next is Short Rest.

This one is out of the question.

I like sleeping, and in that world where there’s not even games, there’s currently nothing I would like to do that I would go as far as reducing my sleep time for it.

Next, EXP acquisition UP.

It needs a lot of points, but in a world where your monstrosification advances the more monsters you defeat and become a devil, this power might be cheat-like.

However, you will have to live a life of defeating a whole ton of monsters, or this will end up being a waste of a treasure. It is a power I am interested in, but it is most likely 1.2 times or 1.5 times at most. If it is just that much, it would be better to just get stronger and hunt the amount to compensate.

The last one is Appraisal.

Being able to appraise everything is a classic in OP isekai protagonists, but Chosen can appraise with 1 Crystal to begin with. 50 points is 1,500 appraisals. As long as you are not in quite the special job, you wouldn’t be breaking even.

“…Now then, let’s have a look at everything.” (Nanami)

I close the Special Powers entry and open the Resistance one.

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