
Chapter 218: Chase (3)

Chapter 218: Chase (3)

“I forgot that you were a child.” He took the weapon from her hand.

“I am not a child.” Her voice seemed to got a degree colder.

But Adrian ignored her as he nonchalantly drove the knife into the male’s throat. The man abruptly opened his eyes as his whole body twitched.

Adrian took out the toothlike weapon, the man’s hot blood splattered on the woman’s face. The man’s struggling movement, gasps and the sticky hot feeling on her face prompted her to wake up.

The first thing she saw was her husband gasping for bed as he held his throat. Blood was gushing out from the gaps of his fingers. His whole body was squirming. She wanted the scene to be a nightmare, but the hot and wet feeling on her skin said no. 

She realised that someone was standing behind her husband. She turned up. It was a figure clad in hood. She wanted to scream, but before she could- Adrian stabbed her throat.

Now the couple were in same condition. Blood spewed out from their neck while tears streamed down from their eyes.

And after a few seconds, the pair died at the same time. Their blood besmirched the pillows, sheet and the blanket. It was impossible to separate which droplet of blood was whose.

He cleared the blood from the weapon and handed it back to Irene. “Are we hiding?”


“Do you want them to find us?”


“If you stabbed his lung, would he have screamed?”


“You know where I am going, don’t you?”


“Good. Let’s go to the next room.”

He went to the wall opposite the one he just corroded. He touched the wall and the same thing happened- a black circle appeared which leaked out a dark liquid. The dark liquid corroded the wall and formed an entrance to the other side.

Adrian charged into the room and released his demonic aura. There was one young man in the room. He was sitting on the bed and reading a book. He was just about to scream from the sudden disappearance of the portion of the wall and the entrance of an unknown individual. But something pressed onto him rendering him unable to move a muscle or make a sound.

Adrian only gave Irene a glance before moving onto the next wall.

Irene nodded and walked to the young man, the sabre-tooth weapon in her hand. She pierced the young man’s throat, just as she was taught, with an indifferent expression.

The youth’s body trembled while blood trickled from the wound, his eyes still open. She took out the knife. Blood sprayed onto the book.

He finally closed his eyes and slumped down on the bed.

Irene gave the body one last glance before ambling towards her tutor.

Adrian kept his eyes on what his student did while he worked on the next wall. It was already halfway corroded. The next room would be the last and there was a window at the other side- thief escape route.

The liquid did its job and created an entrance for him. Unlike the last two rooms, this room was totally dark.

There was a couple lying on the bed, soundly sleeping.

“We don’t have time for this one. Let’s go.” He snatched the knife away from her and put it back into the orb, He paced up and went to the window just ahead of them. 

He opened the window and jumped down. He landed softly on another alley.

Irene followed. Adrian caught her.

“I can run now.” She said.

“I don’t need you to run. I need you to fight.” His senses scanned the surrounding. Soldiers would come into this alley in a minute or two. He jumped to the next resident, which also seemed to belong to a Baron and sneaked to the other side.

With his <Absence> essence on, even level 9s would find it hard to detect him, let alone these low level guards.

Soon, he reached the other side. Now, a whole noble estate separated him and the surrounded inn. The perimeter would soon cover the residence as well. So, he wasted no time and began to run South- away from the Citadel, where they would be safe at.

The Inn was now completely surrounded by the neighbouring baron’s forces. Moreover, the original task force had already recovered and joined the fray.

The old man finally got the courage to barge into the inn. After all, the ones they were chasing killed a level 9 and a few level 8s.

The grey haired old man joined as well. The oldest of the trip remained outside, his senses peaked.

The employees receive the duo. Even the inn owner stepped forward. He was a round man with a moustache. He was aware of the noble forces surrounding his place. Sweat drenched his skin.

“Welcome! Viscount Tapez and Viscount Raler.” The round man bowed, albeit slightly.

“Our Viscount days are over.” The grey haired old man looked around. The inn was extremely extravagant to say the least. Only the richest in the Empire could afford to stay in it. But it still looked lively. A lot of nobles from the outside cities had come to tour the capital.

“There’s a fugitive in your place. We need to conduct a search.” The man whose hair retained most of the colour was looking up, at the corner room to his left.

“A… a fugitive?!” The owner flinched. But he internally sighed in relief. They were not to raid his business after all.

“Sure, but-“

“The Sentries will soon be joining.”

“Sentries?!” He took a step back. “But-“

“We don’t have time. Let’s go.” The old men took the stairs and got to the second floor. 

Both of them stood outside the room. The grey haired man looked at his younger companion. “Are you sure they are here?”

“I have seen it with my own eyes. They jumped into this room.”

The grey haired man nodded. He circulated his magical energy to the maximum and blasted the door open.

The room- was empty.

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