
Chapter 221 - The Twelve Palace Masters

After Meiyi, Meihui, Rina and Jiayi were settled, Ruolan brought Seth to a simple but good room on the second floor, letting him stay a bit far from any of the other girls. This were secret "protective" measures Yushui had told them to adopt.

"Sigh... Why are you doing this with me, Ruolan? I thought you were a righteous person, but now I\'m starting to think I was wrong."

"Hm? What am I doing with you? I\'m bringing you to one of the best rooms in our palace... Maybe it is not enough for Young Master Seth?" Ruolan asked calmly, making sure to not show the internal smile she currently had.

"Come on... You know about it... You could\'ve at least let me stay on the same room as Rina."

"What are you talking about? It is improper for a woman and a man to stay in the same room."

Seth had the urge to say, \'Not when they are a couple.\' But in the end, he decided to stay silent and respect their decision.

"I know you and Rina are probably together, but these were my Master instructions. So please, bear with it."

\'Hm? When did Palace Master Yushui instruct her? Sigh... This is bullshit! That woman... Is she currently on my side or not?\'

Ruolan departed after finishing her job, leaving Seth alone inside his room. Since he had nothing to do, he decided to concentrate on his cultivation, trying to understand a bit more of the things he was studying at the moment.

At the first floor, all the girls decided to invade Rina\'s room, crowding it with beautiful women and making the whole room smell like sweet flowers. Jiang Yi, Jiayi, Xiurong and even Ruolan were there. Only Meihui wasn\'t present, since she was taking care of her daughter. The situation she was in, required complete attention in order for her to remain clean and healthy.

"Rina, please tell us... How far did you go with Senior Brother Seth already?" Jiayi was totally worked up, trying to gauge how far Rina had gone with Seth on their relationship.

"How far? What are you talking about?" Rina asked a bit embarrassed. She never had friends to discuss things like this before, so this entire situation was something new for her.

"Eh? Come on... Don\'t be shy. You know what I am talking about. Have you kissed him already? Like what he did with Senior Sister Caizhi, back in the Elven Territory."

Everyone gazed attentively at Rina, curious about that.

"Wh-Why do you want to know about it?"

"Because that\'s what friends do right? We share experiences and stories."

Rina got happy inwardly by hearing Jiayi\'s words.

\'Eh? Friends? Could it be this is how people make friends?\'

"I-I... I\'ve kissed him." Rina got red in embarrassment, but she managed to say it. While in Seth\'s company, she could be much bolder than that; but she lost all that boldness when she was not with him.

"Eh?! You\'ve already kissed him?! How does it feel?" Xiurong asked, surprising the other girls.

They though a valiant woman like her was not interested in that kind of topic, but they were wrong. Little did they know that mercenary and pirate women were the most proactive ones. Amazons were just a little step behind those two groups.

"I don\'t know how to express this... It\'s good, really good. And every time we do it, it feels a bit better."

"Wait... Have you done it more than once?" Jiayi asked while shocked. Even Ruolan had the urge to try it after hearing Rina\'s story.

The conversation kept on, with Rina describing some of her experiences together with him.

All this while, Jiang Yi was calmly listening to them, feeling like she was in the midst of a bunch of innocent lambs. She was the only one that wasn\'t too much surprised by the things they were talking, because she had classes with a female teacher hired by her mother to teach her the ways of the human relationship.

She was indeed interested on hearing Rina\'s stories, but she felt they were too normal. Actually, the definition of normal for her, was what other people could consider as wild. What could be expected from a woman that tried to make Seth her private toy, at the first time they met.

At a certain point, she told the girls she was sleepy and that she would actually go to her room, leaving Rina\'s room while the others kept talking.

But instead of going to her room, she went up the stairs, hidden from everyone.




Eleventh Palace Master Yushui arrived at the meeting hall, where there were already five people waiting.

"Eleventh Palace Master! You\'re here." Hua Jing excitedly shouted after seeing Yushui had arrived. Outside her sisters and the Lake Goddess, Palace Master Yushui was one of the people she respected the most inside the sect.

Beside Hua Jing, the Fourth Palace Master Hua Qing and the Fifth Palace Master Hua Ning were already there too.

"I came. I have to thank you for helping me organizing this important meeting."

"It is nothing Palace Master Yushui." Hua Ning said in a mild tone.

"Where are the others?"

"Well... The First and Second Palace Masters have already arrived." While Hua Qing was saying, Yushui looked at the two distant figures of the First and Second Palace Masters.

They were already in their designated seats, waiting for everything to begin. Palace Master Yushui nodded towards them and they nodded back.

Both of them were Mana Control initial-stage cultivators and the weakest among all Palace Masters, but their ages were still low as well.

At that moment, two more people arrived side by side at the meeting hall. Both of them were important individuals inside the sect as well. The one at the left side was the Eighth Palace Master Jingzhu. She walked peacefully, while one of her hands always traced the green bamboo swords that accompanied her up and down, left and right.

At the right side, the figure of a woman with a Lily flower attached to her hair, walked beside Palace Master Jingzhu. She was the Ninth Palace Master Baihe. A woman that loved the sweet smell of flowers.

They were already at the Profound Mana initial-stage Realm of cultivation, a realm of power few people living at this continent had reached.

All these women were important figures inside the Glazed Lake, standing at their position for many years and training many disciples. Despite their youthful appearance, resembling women at their late twenties or early thirties, their age was much higher, what only made them more experienced and valued by the sect.

"Palace Master Yushui. I heard you had something important to tell us."

"Indeed, Palace Master Baihe. Soon, after all the other Palace Masters arrive, I will tell you all."

Baihe and Jingzhu nodded and greeted the Hua sisters, going directly to their seats after that.

Suddenly, everyone heard the steps of three more people approaching. Palace Master Yushui frowned, since she knew who was about to arrive.

"Tch. I hope you didn\'t call us here for nothing, Palace Master Yushui." A short haired woman entered the meeting hall, while being followed by two more women. She seemed to act as the leader of that particular group of three.

Even though all the people present were from the same sect and fought for the same things, palace Maser Yushui and this particular woman, were not in good terms.

However, their disagreements were always with words and never in a fight. Both of them were Profound Mana middle-stage cultivators, and a fight between them would result in a massive destruction, what none of them really wanted.

"Don\'t worry, Tenth Palace Master Shanhu. I wouldn\'t dare to call all of you here for naught."

"Tch... I hope so." Shanhu felt like Yushui was purposely calling her by the title, trying to tell her she was the Tenth while Yushui herself was the Eleventh.

Behind her, the figure of the Sixth and Seventh Palace Masters marked the arrival of eleven women. Eleven really strong women that were like pillars supporting this Higher Ground.

The only one still missing was the Twelfth Palace Master. As for the Lake Goddess; She was in a private training session with her disciples and all the Palace Masters knew she would not come.

At times like these, the final word laid on the hands of the Twelfth palace Master, someone stronger than all the others.

After Shanhu and the women that accompanied her sat down, the Hua sisters took their seats as well. There were less than five minutes for the agreed time to start the meeting, but all of them were certain the last person would arrive in time, since they knew she was a person that valued time more than anything.

That abnormal value she put in time, was what actually made her not only be the strongest among all the palace Master, but the youngest of them all as well.

A petite form suddenly entered the meeting hall, signaling the last member had finally arrived.

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