
Chapter 111 One Year Of Madness (Part 6)

Suddenly, black-purple flames falling from the sky engulfed the whole area.


"A dragon?\'"Adam muttered, knowing that this was the worst outcome, and unfortunately, the group could no longer turn back as they were already crossing the open field with nowhere to hide.

Adam had already suspected that the monsters would notice their presence sooner or later, but it seemed like it happened sooner than he expected.


A huge wall of ice surrounded everyone, protecting them from the black-purple flames.

This was Liu\'s ability, and she acted as soon as she saw the black dragon who appeared suddenly from beyond the walls.

"We can\'t stop! We need to continue moving forward!" Adam said.

The dragon was bad news as it was a difficult opponent to fight against even for him. Moreover, the more they stayed in one place, the more monsters would appear, and there would be no end to it.

Knowing that the priority was not to fight monsters, everyone followed Adam\'s instructions and continued moving forward despite the appearance of the dragon.

However, this huge flying monster was not devoid of intelligence as to let its prey slip away from its grasp.



The dragon created a huge wall of flames between the group and the city\'s wall, trying to keep them from reaching the city.

And it didn\'t stop there...


...It continued to breathe fire until Adam and the others were surrounded by black-purple flames that could melt Stellarium from every side.

The dragon was a high-level monster, and it was not the kind of monster that Adam could kill with one hit unless he used all of his power, in other words, unless he used the power of the original Antimatter.

Of course, he had already used his power to attack the dragon with the darkmatter, but the monster\'s skin was tougher than anything he had seen before.

Besides, the dragon was moving around in the sky, so it was hard to land a decisive blow on it despite Adam\'s ability.

Despite that, Adam instructed the girls to not stop, and they were running straight at the wall of flames in front of them.

The girls followed Adam from behind, knowing that he was dependable and stronger, or else, someone like Zax would not be able to keep their calm in a situation like this one.

As for Blanca, she was somehow used to the fact that Adam didn\'t seem to panic no matter what kind of situation he was in, and for someone who went through a lot during her journey, she trusted her instinct and accepted that Adam was stronger than her. Still, she would also take advantage of him to survive, and there was nothing wrong with that.


It was Liu who used her power to overwhelm the flames, and in just a few seconds, several thick blocks of ice formed in the area, and the temperature in the atmosphere dropped dramatically.

Nonetheless, their problem didn\'t end there, instead, the situation worsened as two dragons appeared, looking like they were alerted by their peer\'s howl.


Like before, the dragons began to circle above Adam and the others, showering the ground with dark purple flames.

And because there were three of them this time, the temperature of the flames increased dramatically, and even even though Adam\'s power could nullify some of these flames, it couldn\'t do anything about the temperature which made it hard for them to breathe.

Moreover, as long as Adam used his power of nullification, Liu couldn\'t use her ability. That was why, Adam focused on opening a path for them to follow and left the flames to Liu, as her ability was effective.

Adam created four huge rectangular planks that moved around the group protecting everyone against the flames which went out of control, while Liu used her power to deal with the temperature.


The dragons appeared like they were cats playing with mice, trying to make it hard for Adam and the others to reach their destination.

The only positive thing about it was that the other monsters didn\'t dare to come closer to Adam and the girls, because their instinct told them that they would not survive if they did.

The temperature around the area continued at a very quick rate, and the ground looked like it was turning into magma, creating thick black smokes and a strong smell of burnt which affect everyone\'s breathing capabilities as they progressed.

In the end, Liu activated her domain and used almost half of her strength to control the temperature.

Nevertheless, the dragons didn\'t seem to be bothered by this, and as if they were taking Liu\'s action as a challenge, their flames took a more purple-like color, increasing their destructive power and their temperature.

This was something that made Adam\'s eyes widen. It was as these dragons began to adapt to this world and learned to control the primordial particles in the environment.

After all, the primordial particles might not give an instant boost like the corruption, it was more important in every other area.

\'This is not good, these monsters are evolving,\' Adam said, and even though he theorized about it, he never wished for such a thing to happen.

Like humans who absorbed corruption, the monsters also changed when they absorbed more primordial particles.

"Liu, preserve your strength for now, and wait until I tell you to launch your most powerful attack," Adam said, and even though Liu wasn\'t sure of what Adam had in mind, she nodded and did as he said.

After that Adam used his power to materialize the twenty meters wide black cube and made them crash against the wall.


The impact made the ground tremble and the wall crumbled down.

It seemed like there was no other way but to go all out to run away.

After that, the black moved above Adam\'s and the other, protecting them from the dragon\'s flames, and followed them inside the walls.

Even though Adam consumed a lot of strength by doing this, the dragons couldn\'t reach them, and instead, they began to charge at the black cube.

But every time they did so, the dragons took damage, and Adam also felt the weight of these three gigantic monsters.

However, their troubles didn\'t end there, because as soon they managed to keep the dragons away, countless monsters began to rush at them.

"Now, use your power, Liu!" Adam said, " And Blanca, make a hole on the ground that could lead us directly to the underground sewer, I will hold the dragons."

Liu and Blanca nodded at Adam\'s words and instantly began to take action.

Liu activated her domain and created a wall of ice around the group keeping the monsters from reaching them, but she also uses her power to freeze almost every monster within fifty meters around them.

Liu\'s eyes were glittering and her clothes began to freeze and looked like she was wearing a crystal dress. She felt her power increasing, even though she should be already at her limit.

She was discovering her new capabilities, and Adam was concerned about this, as no he didn\'t know how the fragments of the Tree of life affected other individuals.

As for Blanca, she began to use her power to make a hole in the ground by focusing her power on a single point.

Despite how it looked, the ground was sturdy and even for Blanca\'s power, it took some time to make a hole one it.


The dragon was not pleased to see the black cube so they began to shower it with flames, and when they saw that it didn\'t work, they landed down on the ground and began to look for Adam and the others, almost as if they were cats looking for mice.

However, Adam just moved the black cube in front of him and one of the dragons got crushed under it.


The monster struggled but Adam\'s power was not something that it could fight against as long as he used his full power. Apart from manipulating the shape of the black cube, he could also alter its density and mass.

,m The dragon\'s carapace began to corrode after coming in contact with the black cube, but Adam didn\'t want to destroy the ground as it would cause the monsters to follow them underground. It tried to breathe fire, but Liu\'s wall of ice didn\'t melt.

Seeing what was happening to their peers, the two other dragons immediately rose in the sky again, and as they did, Adam also lifted the black cube above the group again.

The dragon who was crushed under the black cube wasn\'t dead yet, but half of its body was damaged so it couldn\'t fly any longer.


As if crying in pain, it howled loudly, and Adam knew that this was not a good thing.

"Blanca, are you done?" He asked.

"Yes," Blanca answered.

"Okay, let\'s go!"

The dragon was not howling without any reason, it was alerting its boss about a potential challenge as monsters liked fighting against stronger opponents.

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