
Chapter 51 Area Of Expertise

\'Soul Vision?\' Number One repeated in his mind as he observed Luna\'s eyes. He has seen it a few times in the past but never really knew what it was.

\'It\'s a Soul Art that allows you to sharpen your sight. You can\'t see Luna\'s Shadow Steps right now but it wouldn\'t be the problem with Soul Vision. You can use it to see her attack sooner and dodge or counter in time,\' Nami explained and smiled at the good news, \'I actually already decided to master Soul Vision Art for the third feather. We just need to cultivate more to make it.\'

Number one\'s eyes brightened and he showed his approval by rubbing her waist. He still remembered the time when he faced Luna and he couldn\'t even see when she attacked with her Soul Sword.

"Is that so surprising?" Luna questioned Liss\' reaction. "That\'s the most basic Soul Art one can learn. To think a member of the Disciplinary Guard doesn\'t know one. That must be embarrassing."

Liss was still sitting on the floor as if waiting for her healing pill to heal her back but she stood up at Luna\'s comment. "It\'s embarrassing to think that close combat is everything. That\'s actually the weakest of my skills."

Luna frowned as she dashed to strike Liss again but She changed her tactic. She gave up on attacking and started running away while oozing a strange purple mist from her palms. "Deal with that, bitch!"

The mist quickly filled the training room but Luna wasn\'t bothered at all. She ran straight into the smoke screen and Number One lost vision of them. All the spectators heard were heavy grunts and Liss\' cries of pain as Luna attacked mercilessly.

Even if Darius seemed to dislike his ex, he still couldn\'t let any of the girls die. He rushed towards the training room in order to stop the duel but Number One reached the door first and stopped him. "It\'s alright, let the battle finish on its own. It won\'t last that long."

"I will be the one blamed if they kill each other," Darius commented but then the cries ended and Luna jumped out of the mist. She started coughing madly and fell on the floor with her body trembling.

Luna didn\'t have any injuries on her body but it was clear that something was affecting her. She was trying to move and crawl away from the mist but her body didn\'t seem to react.

The purple mist slowly dispersed and everyone could finally see the other party. Liss was in horrible shape as her black uniform was full of cuts and she bled from every part of her body. She was also on the ground but then she looked up hatefully and struggled to get up.

"How will your sword help you when you can\'t even move?" Liss questioned as she dragged herself towards Luna with a Soul Sword in her hand. "Can\'t get up, huh? What happened?"

Luna\'s face turned pale and her gaze fell on Number One. She was clearly looking for help but he would enter even if she didn\'t want him to. The duel has stepped into his area of expertise so he had to interfere.

"You can open the door," Number One ordered Darius who was already holding his badge near the panel and he walked inside casually.

"Get out! The duel is not over!" Liss shouted angrily but Number One ignored her complaints as he crouched next to Luna. He already withdrew one of the Body Revitalizing Pills into his hand and covered Luna\'s lips to hide it.

Luna looked up into his eyes and her small tongue began licking his palm to get the pill into her mouth. It was ticklish so Number One pulled away as soon as she ate the pill and finally picked her up. "The fight is over. You lost."

"How is that my loss?! I\'m still standing and look at her! You even have to carry her away!" Liss complained. "This is my win!"

"How about you look at your body first?" Number One pointed out with a roll of his eyes. "If it was a life and death battle, Luna wouldn\'t hold back and she would kill you without a doubt. Just cause you used a Paralyzing Mist Pill doesn\'t mean you win the duel."

Liss was taken aback at Number One\'s words but she only shrugged, "So what if I used a pill? I\'m an Alchemist so I can use all the pills I create. It is one of my strengths and pills are not forbidden in a duel."

"You can only use the pills you created yourself but you didn\'t create this pill," Number One corrected while gazing at her sharply. "I can also ask my Master for Pills and blow up this Academy. Does that make me strong?"

The answer in the outside world would be yes since a strong background was your strength but when it came to duels, it was clearly unfair. How can one test your battle skills if all you had was outside help?

Liss\' gaze darkened and she still argued, "How do you know I didn\'t make it? You don\'t know anything about me."

The other four seniors also arrived at the scene and Red Devil called out confidently, "Blank accusations! Sister Liss is the best young Alchemist in the main Academy! If she says she made the pills then that means she made them!"

"I guess it won\'t be an issue to quickly fact-check you about the pill\'s creation process, right?" Number One questioned casually while Luna held onto him weakly. Her strength was coming back thanks to his healing pill but it would be a while till she can recover fully.

"Tsk, as if you know anything. Fact check me all you want," Liss called back with a snicker but she regretted it right after Number One started talking.

"Alright, you should know all the ingredients used to create this pill. How about you tell me how to extract the dye from the Purple Lily that is used to give the mist its color," Number One asked calmly.

Liss was instantly stuck but she still answered. "You naturally use the mortar to grind it into a paste before it can be used."

Number One only rolled his eyes and began heading towards the exit. "The Purple Lily is not even used in this pill and you would know that if you made the pill. Case closed."

Everyone in the room got stuck and looked at Liss for answers. Her face alone was enough of an answer they were looking for. She was clearly wrong as she didn\'t even argue back.

"The Duel is over. Luna is the winner of the rematch," Darius announced, causing the whole crowd of students to cheer. They would naturally prefer that Luna would win since she represented them.

Number One carried Luna to Nami and returned back to the training room while gazing at the four male seniors. "Now it\'s our turn. Get in."

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