
Chapter 56 Main Goal

Number One has decided to finish with the third Heavenly Feather in just one day but he definitely overestimated the capabilities of his Soul. He only managed to Dual-cultivate twice in a row before he was forced to take a rest.

It was only a break for Number One\'s Soul though as Nami didn\'t give his body a moment of solitude. She enjoyed connecting with him so much that their rest was filled with various positions she loved to explore. Number One couldn\'t even count how many times he reached his limits but they didn\'t even sleep and only stopped when the sun rose beyond the horizon.

"We did it, baby…" Nami muttered with heavy breathing and collapsed on top of Number One\'s chest with not an ounce of energy left. "I\'m dead now…"

Nami didn\'t have passive Regeneration like Number One so she had to work with her own stamina that already depleted multiple times that night. She still carried a satisfied smile on her face as if was the best night of her life.

"You can eat the last one," Number One commented as he pressed another Body Revitalizing Pill into her lips and Nami ate it despite being against it. He has been feeding her pills for the whole night which kept her energized for more action.

"You don\'t need to waste your pills on me… We could have sold them on the market later," Nami suggested with a sigh but she still climbed to his lips to thank him. "We have used up all my Green Soul Crystals already so we need to get more if we want to Dual-cultivate again. Anything below green wouldn\'t affect us much."

"Don\'t worry, I can always make more Pills if I want," Number One assured while hugging Nami with his eyes closed. Her naked body was so comfy and soft that he doubted he would ever get tired of caressing her curves.

"I can feel you inside me when you rub my butt so intensely…" Nami pointed out casually but Number One stopped her before she started acting up again.

"We have been doing it all day and night. I think that\'s enough for a single session, don\'t you think?" Number One questioned as he pulled out and smacked her butt for goodbye. "Let\'s wash up and sleep."

The plan to beat all the records in the Dungeon Mode failed as the first week was already over, but Number One wasn\'t that worried. Future was unpredictable so he could only adapt to whatever life was throwing at him. He no longer needed additional Contribution Points from the rankings so that idea dropped in priority.

"It\'s all your fault," Nami complained while snuggling into his neck to leave a few last love marks. "I would be too tired to move a long time ago if you didn\'t refresh my body with your pills. Let me help you clean at least before we rest."

Number One imagined a wholesome shower but Nami only slid down his body before he felt her tongue lick him once again. He knew he couldn\'t stop her once she started so he gave up trying and checked his hand tattoo instead.

Three black feathers created an asymmetrical picture and Number One couldn\'t help but imagine the fourth one right next to them. He already got used to having this tattoo and liked it more with each day.

"Isn\'t that a bit too easy to create them? How come no one from your family has ever completed this Soul Art. We already have three and it shouldn\'t be that long before we hit four," Number One wondered out loud. "I can\'t believe no partners survived together for more than a few months."

"They did, but their progress was much slower than ours," Nami replied as she looked up in the middle of her fun time. "I already confirmed after today that your body must have some kind of regeneration ability. You didn\'t eat any pills yet you are not affected by the side effects of Dual-cultivation. We did it so many times and you are still good."

Number One paused as he matched her gaze. "There are other side effects? I thought it was just the pain from our Souls expanding."

His passive Regeneration would be exposed to Nami sooner or later so he didn\'t even mind that she found out on her own.

"I would tell you about it before but you didn\'t even complain about your body hurting so I just skipped it," Nami explained as she pulled him out of the bed to follow her into the shower. "All of our partners needed a long rest between each Dual-cultivation session since the Heavenly Feathers would put them in a weakened state. I already knew you were special after our first time."

Nami noticed the slight frown on Number One\'s face and added, "Don\'t get me wrong. That\'s not the reason why I chose you. If I wasn\'t sure I want to be with you, I wouldn\'t pick you as my Cultivation Partner. It was just a welcome bonus honestly. I would be happy with you even if you were normal."

Number One held Nami by her waist and pulled her closer. He didn\'t like how another human could affect his emotions but it was inevitable. He trusted her enough to share a bed and make love so it wasn\'t strange to treat her as his own woman.

"My body is indeed unique. My Soul Talent couldn\'t be worse as I can\'t even master a single Soul Art, but in exchange, I have passive Regeneration which heals my body from any injuries," Number One revealed after a short consideration. "That was how I survived your sister\'s attack. As long as I have enough Soul Energy, I can recover even if she pierces my heart."

Nami\'s eyes widened at that information and reached out to rub his chest which didn\'t have a single scar. "But it is still going to hurt, right? I\'m sorry I couldn\'t protect you…"

"How can you be this cute?" Number One commented with a smile and hugged her head into his chest. "Don\'t worry, I already died multiple times. I\'m already used to pain."

Number One treated it like it was nothing but Nami trembled and hugged him tightly as if she was about to lose him. She sniffed while her tears mixed with the steaming water and it took her a moment to calm down. "I didn\'t expect you suffered so much… My poor baby…"

It was hard to describe but it did feel good to know someone finally cared about him. Number One was all alone for more than ten years and those feelings were rare for him.

"So you don\'t have any Legendary Healing Pills from your Master. It was all your Regeneration," Nami guessed after getting better and Number One only snickered.

"The only thing I received from that man is emotional damage and scars on my heart that won\'t ever heal," Number One replied while recalling the first time he met that man.

The whole village was burned down with dead bodies all around him. His parents, his siblings, and dear friends. He was the only one who survived the massacre and was soon discovered by two figures in masks.

"Should I kill him too?" A young girl questioned that man as they stared down from the sky and he nodded. What came next was a flying Soul Sword that pierced Number One\'s chest and pinned him to the ground.

Number One was happy that he could join his family but the death he was waiting for didn\'t come. The hole in his chest suddenly regenerated and the immense pain was gone within seconds. He was just as surprised as the man in the sky who quickly flew down to check on him.

"What\'s your name boy?" The masked man asked but he didn\'t wait for the answer. "Doesn\'t matter. From now on, you are called Number One because I will make you the strongest Soul Artist in the world."

From that moment, Number One\'s main goal was to kill the man who kidnapped him after destroying everything he loved. Running away with a Legendary Soul Artifact was just the start of his journey and he wouldn\'t give up until that man ended up dead.

"So that\'s what happened. I\'m sorry I mentioned him…" Nami muttered after listening patiently to Number One\'s thoughts and leaned up for a loving kiss. "I\'m here for you until the very end. You are no longer alone."

"I\'m happy to hear that but I can\'t expect anyone to help me fight that man," Number One replied while letting go of her with a sigh. "I will become the number one Soul Artist he wanted me to be and then I will kill him with my own hands."

Nami didn\'t argue with his decision and only went out of the shower while extending her hand with a gentle smile. "Let\'s work hard then. I will support you until your final battle."

"I guess you are not scared of death," Number One commented as he took her hand. "Your life will be in danger the longer you stay with me."

"If I die then it was meant to be," Nami said with a shrug and they began dressing each other up. "Let\'s grab breakfast first. We didn\'t eat since yesterday."

The plan for the next days was simple and consisted of securing more high-quality Soul Crystals for their Dual-cultivation while continuing the grind in the Soul Training Room. He was still yet to maximize the effects of his golden bowl and wanted to store as much golden liquid as possible. He knew it could be used to enhance his pills in the future which was the best possible outcome.

Too bad, his plan crumbled as soon as they opened the door and heard a commotion. All students of the top class were gathered in the corridor and discussed one topic.

"Huh…? An outside trip?"

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