
Chapter 188 - Burning Witches

Chapter 188 - Burning Witches


The Empress Luna


"I don\'t know if there is a difference between being picked and being forced," Luna replied carefully, without traces of tears, fainting, and panic. "Do you recognize them, Your Highness?"

There was a disconcerting pause that made Luna held her breath in anticipation.

Luna kept her eyes wide as she slowly blinked, observing the King of Hell with utmost intent, regarding every nuance of his movement.

She could only rely on bodily cues when she couldn\'t see his facial expressions.

Luna considered it a victory when the Demon King tilted his head, and it was barely a degree.

She swallowed hard as they watched each other.

He had slightly rested his palm on his knee as he sat on the throne with his proper posture—like there was a stick up on his ass.

The King of Hell couldn\'t read her mind, so it was alright.

She was shocked when the Archdemon of Lust chuckled softly at the side.

Luna knew it was him if his shiny silver hair was enough evidence.

She turned her head and narrowed her eyes at Luxen\'s direction.

Can the Archdemon read her mind?

No one else had reacted, so it was safe to assume that perhaps, it was the blood bond that had accidentally projected her thoughts to one of her husbands.

She was about to breathe a sigh of relief when the Demon King had said loud and abrupt like it was an order, "You can\'t even answer a simple question, girl."

"You have low comprehension, Your Highness." Attempting to appear subdued as Luna gave a little bow, Luna replied with a challenge. "Perhaps, this was a case of mistaken identity, so I wouldn\'t be able to answer such a simple question."

"You can only answer a word." The old Demon King intoned a cool admonition, "A \'yes\' or \'no\' would have sufficed."

Luna gave a sarcastic nod as if she understood—but not really.

"What do you think I am doing here in front of you if it\'s not me?"

Then, she continued to mock the Demon King to test his limits because Luna had to know how important she was and what role she would play in this game of their pathetic plans to dominate the Upper Realms.

How could she assist them in their unholy mission?

"I don\'t really talk to strangers, Your Highness."

Four glowing spheres had appeared behind the Demon King, and they formed the corners of a square while they perfectly blended in the golden backdrop where he was seated behind two Doric columns.

Now that Luna thought about it, she became more aware of why the Demon King hadn\'t hurt her eyes as much as the room did.

He had dressed in dark green robes adorned with stars and crescents.

She also noticed a golden medallion with an inverted star resting on his chest.

The Demon King didn\'t respond except for the firestorm blazing around her but thank the goddess.

It wasn\'t near enough to burn her alive!

Luna pinched her lips together as she clenched her jaw, refusing to be cowered by such a pathetic show of intimidation.

If the Demon King wanted to kill her, then so be it.

Perhaps, she could prove that her speculations were right, and these Archdemons will keep her alive because of the \'grand plan\' Lilith had talked about.

She could talk about whatever she wanted even with absolute disrespect.

These masks these Archdemons have been wearing…

Luna assumed this was a mere performance for these entitled royalties.

"Hmm. You are one disrespectful bitch like what Lilith had warned me about." The Demon King whispered in dire tones, which felt like a subtle threat.

They didn\'t kill her yet from her rudeness, so she could consider that an achievement.

Luna could not see his face since he had worn a mask but based on his voice, he must be wearing a somber expression.

"I am the woman your sons should be warned about. A lady that parents should be worried about. You should keep your sons away from me." Anger had tightened her features, but Luna still went along with it and owned the derogatory remark instead.

She regarded them coldly, "Would that answer be sufficient enough?"

There was a cool disdain in the Queen\'s voice as Luna heard her for the first time.

"I\'m not sure if Lust and Gluttony had picked their candidate well to access the portals for every Realm."

Luna didn\'t even notice that the Queen was actually there when she had remained so still except for the occasional cawing of the phoenix on her left horn.

"I am forced, Your Highness." Luna enunciated every word as she gritted her teeth, "Do I have to repeat that all the time?"

She gasped when she heard the Queen released a loud, long whistle.

Three demonic servants flew towards her vertical coffin and surrounded her like vultures, waiting for her soul to be destroyed in this eternal fire which didn\'t even touch and hurt her in the first place.

Now the firestorms had crept closer at her feet, burning her legs.

Gasping for air, Luna let out a spine chilling scream as the demonic minions quickly grasped her arms, their cold skeletal hands passing through the barriers and covering her face.

Shrouding her in total darkness, her entire body tremored as the blazing fires tormented her.

"Let go of me." Screaming despite her bone-seated fears, Luna defended herself, struggling fiercely to be free from the glass they had caged her in.

She fought and kicked at the demons in an attempt to gain her freedom as the scorching hot flames licked her legs into black soot.

Being a vampire had its uses because her burnt skin had healed fast.

Luna could feel the demonic runes engraved on her skin, igniting her insides differently—giving her strength.

Later on, as she realized that the more she burned in flames, the more Luna got used to the agony until it was gone.

It wasn\'t that she was numb, and her soul was dead.

With rasping breaths, Luna knew she was now impervious to the flames of Hell.

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