
Chapter 386

Chapter 386

If he tried to bring up the last incident, Zich had planned to confidently beat the man down with logic and support that legitimized his actions.

“I’ve already received apologies for that matter. There’s no need for you to apologize even more.”

“Thank you very much.”

Zich stared at Max in surprise and turned to the other mercenaries. After cleaning up the place of battle to some degree, the mercenaries all looked in their direction. The mercenaries’ vice-captain was lowering his head, and he was the same vice-captain who had sent some of their companions to the gallows even if it was a well-deserved punishment.

Thus, Zich expected them to look at least displeased, but they stood calmly in their spots; it was as if they thought it was natural for their vice-captain to bow his head to Zich. This completely different side of the Wolf’s Canine that Zich had not seen before piqued his curiosity.

“To tell you the truth, I’m surprised,” Zich said. “I thought the Wolf’s Canine was a very self-centered and violent group, but seeing your group’s attitude, that doesn’t seem to be the case.”

“It’s understandable that you think that way because of the things you went through,” Max said bitterly.

“No, it’s not only because of that incident. I saw members of the Wolf’s Canine clashing with a group of merchants today while I was surveying the area too.”

“…Could you tell us that story in more detail please?” Max asked.

It wasn’t difficult. Zich told him the event he had witnessed today immediately, and as Max listened to him, his face darkened more and more.

“Those bastards…!” Max gritted his teeth. Then, he said, “We showed you an embarrassing side of us again. I apologize.”

“It’s fine. I wasn’t the receiver of their provocation this time.”

“Yes. If I meet this group of merchants, I have to apologize to them.”

It was truly strange. Even if people had different personalities, how could people in the same mercenary group have such starkly different temperaments? Zich snuck in a question.

“Sir Max, you are different from the other members of the Wolf’s Canine that I’ve met so far. Same for the people here. Is there a reason for that?”

Max let out a deep sigh. It seemed like he had a long story to tell, and Zich waited until he spoke.

“Those guys are the guys who came in later.”


“I know this might sound like an excuse, but originally, our mercenary group moved on strong footholds of trust and superior performance. It was to the point that other mercenaries mocked us for wanting to be knight wannabes. Yet, we didn’t care since we enjoyed the fact that we were different from other mercenaries.”

“Then, can I think that everyone here including Max are the original members of the Wolf’s Canine?’”

“Yes, that’s it!”

Max’s voice heightened in satisfaction that his points were passing to Zich clearly. “The guys you met are newbies who joined to enlarge our group! Even if it’s to strengthen our team, those guys lack basic manners and morals…!” Max said agitatedly and calmed himself down. “I’m sorry. I got too excited.”

“It’s fine.”

“Anyways, please don’t judge our group just because of those guys. They are not representative of the original Wolf’s Canine.”

Zich didn’t say what he was thinking, which was, ‘Whatever the past was, it’s different now.’ There was no need to badger Max. From what he’d seen until now, Max didn’t seem like a villain and wasn’t someone he needed to agitate. After conversing a bit more, Zich and his companions bid farewell to the mercenaries.

“What do you think?” Lyla asked. She didn’t even need to mention who she was talking about.

“If even the vice-captain talks like that, there must be intense internal conflicts within the group.”

“I wonder if that had a negative effect on you know, him.” Since their disciples were in their surroundings, Lyla spoke ambiguously. However, it wasn’t hard to tell that she was talking about Til.

“It’s a strong possibility.”

“Then, did that person clash with the head of the mercenaries?”

“That’s possible, but haven’t you seen Til?”

Lyla recalled the short time she saw Til and said, “I can’t say for sure since our meeting with him was very brief, but he seemed more like the guy named Max.”

“Then, I think it’s more reasonable to believe that it would be a completely different person who would cause disruption in the group.”

“How could a disruption arise when the captain and vice-captain are like-minded?”

“Well, they have 500 members. There ought to be conflicting opinions. Even if the top two people in command have the same opinion, they couldn’t possibly suppress all their members’ opinions. Additionally, if a person holding a similar status as the two instigates a conflict, it would be harder to repress it.”

Zich stared towards the direction leading to Pialu. From far away, he could see a faint image of Pialu’s castle walls. Below it, there were the camping grounds for the Wolf’s Canine.

“As I thought, I really have to visit them at least once.”

* * *

The evening that Zich made his decision, he visited the Wolf’s Canine camping site. When he revealed his identity, it wasn’t difficult for him to be introduced to Til. Zich glanced at the insides of the palace. Although they had prepared their camping ground below the castle walls, they set up their defenses quite well. Walls were set up in multiple places while tents were placed smartly to block the view of trespassers. Although the tents were made from clothes and broke easily as a result, it was better than nothing. Small details like this saved lives. However, not all areas of the camp were carefully structured.

‘This place is a bit sloppy,’ Zich thought. Tents and walls were stationed in this spot like the other areas, but it looked more carelessly done. It was better than nothing, but it seemed like the barriers in the place would save one life at most. While he was observing the camp, Zich soon realized the reason why. ‘The camp is divided into two sides.’

One side was thoroughly shielded with tents while the other side was carelessly put together. It was the same for the mercenaries wandering around the camp. The mercenaries on the side that had done a thorough job on their barricades were equipped and appeared like they were preparing for the next day’s mission; on the other hand, the mercenaries on the other side wandered around aimlessly like they had nothing planned for the next day.

However, compared to the last problem, the problems they saw before were miniscule in comparison. Even though Zich had observed them for a short time, he was able to clearly feel the atmosphere of the camp. There was a serious rift between these two fractions. It was not just to the extent that they didn’t get along; emotions close to antagonism passed between them. What would happen if the comrades they needed to trust their backs with were their enemies?

‘Even though their skills are pretty good, if there’s a sufficient motive, this group will easily collapse.’

Zich’s judgment of the Wolf’s Canine plummeted to the ground.

“It’s here.” The mercenary guiding them led Zich to a large tent. He felt several presences inside. The mercenary that guided them shouted loudly towards the tent, “Sir, Sir Zich, the Karuwiman Honorary Knight, has arrived!”

“Tell him to come in!” It was Til’s voice that they heard before.

The mercenary pointed towards the tent. “Please go in.”

Zich pulled up the drape covering the entrance of the tent and went in. The first person they saw was Til—he sat right across the entrance. He was holding his head with his hand as if he was dealing with a cumbersome problem. Zich’s visit was probably one of the troublesome problems he was stressing over. They had seen Max in the afternoon, and he sat next to Til. Across them was a person they had never seen before. Considering that the person was sitting with the captain and vice-captain, he was probably also someone of a high position in this mercenary group.

“Welcome.” Til got up from his seat and greeted Zich. Max and the other person also sat up.

“I apologize for visiting so late in the day.”

“No, not at all. May I ask why you are visiting us?” Even though Til was polite, his directness was characteristic of a mercenary.

Zich also felt more comfortable with this and said, “Perhaps, did you hear what happened today?” As he said this, Zich glanced at Max, and judging by how Til’s face darkened, it seemed as if he heard Max’s report.

“Are you talking about the conflict between our members and a group of merchants?”


“For showing you another disgraceful sight, I…”

Til was about to apologize, but his words were cut off by the new person next to him.

“I don’t think a Karuwiman Honorary Knight needs to intervene in this matter.”

“Hey!” Til quickly tried to stop the person next to him, but it seemed as if the person had no intention of taking back his words.

“Aren’t I right, Captain? A small fight like this is common among mercenaries. It wasn’t as if people drew their swords or anyone became disabled. So, this matter is something for us, the merchants we had a conflict with, and the mercenaries to solve together. It’s not a matter that requires a Karuwiman Honorary Knight’s intervention.”

Then, he said to Zich, “I’m not sure if a noble and holy Karuwiman Honorary Knight like you would find this incident extremely disgraceful, but it’s a very common occurrence in this field. Please respect our ways as well.” When he finished his speech, he met Zich’s eyes. He looked completely confident in his words.

“Who is this person?”

Til glared at Nick with a chilling gaze and replied, “…He’s the vice-captain, Nick.”

It seemed as if Nick was the other vice-captain in the Wolf’s Canine.

Zich nodded and said to Nick, “I understand, Mr. Nick. You said that what happened today was a matter between mercenaries, and it was not a place for me to intervene. You are correct. I also agree. It’s not a matter for me to intervene and blow up the situation. It’s not like I don’t know the ways of a mercenary at all.”

Nick looked as if he thought it was unexpected that Zich agreed with him.

However, Zich was not finished with his words. “However, it’s a different story if it’s about a mercenary group that recently tricked merchants and took their possessions after killing them.”

Til, Max, and Nick’s faces immediately contorted. This topic was not a welcoming subject for anyone in the Wolf’s Canine.

“Normally, when such a big event like that happens, even the roughest and reckless mercenaries are more careful about their behaviors for a while, but the mercenaries in the Wolf’s Canine immediately caused more trouble.”

Nick tried to speak again, but Zich stopped him by raising a hand. “Fine. If you don’t want me to intervene in mercenary matters, I won’t. Even for me, I don’t want to push my ideas of right and wrong like an old-fashioned person. Even though I received the title of a Karuwiman Honorary Knight, I’m still just an ‘honorary’ knight, and I’m not officially a holy knight. To a certain extent, I can accept behaviors that holy knights wouldn’t be able to accept.”

In reality, Zich had an awful personality that ordinary people wouldn’t even be able to follow, but he didn’t mention anything about this matter.

“However, even for me, I couldn’t stop thinking about the Wolf’s Canine’s actions this time. Even when normal mercenaries would be more careful, they outrightly cause trouble around their surroundings. Since this is an emergency situation, although most of their actions are being dismissed, I can’t help but be concerned that they might cross the line once again.”

Zich let out words like ice shards, but he suddenly smiled brightly. “Oh my, the atmosphere has become too heated. I also don’t have any intentions to tell people in the Wolf’s Canine to do this or that. Like Mr. Nick said, mercenaries have their own methods of doing things. I just came here to give you a careful warning. Please just be a bit more careful in the future. Do you understand me, Mr. Nick?”

“…I’ve understood very well,” Nick replied with an expressionless face.

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