
Chapter 715: The protagonist in the protagonist

Lu Chen\'s words not only fit his own deeds, but also contain deep connotations, have considerable social philosophical meaning, and are easy to understand and have the charm of aphorisms.

The greater the ability of oneself, the greater the responsibility that should be assumed, but in this world, there are many people who are empty and have a strong ability or strength, but they are selfish and self-sufficient.

In contrast, Lu Chen’s courage and responsibility are truly admirable.

He would not know the danger at that time, and could not ignore the power of the bullets. However, in such a dangerous situation, he resolutely rushed to Wolf Cook, who was out of control...

In addition to the ability, the most important thing is that Lu Chen has the will to take responsibility for the ability to match!

"Recalling the situation at the time, I am afraid of it..."

"But if you let time go back, I think my choice won\'t change!"

"Stoping Mr. Wolf Cook\'s irrational behavior is not just to save everyone on the ud725 flight, but also to save myself!"

"If I let me evaluate my own behavior, then I think I did it."

"Thank you!"

When Lu Chen’s voice fell, thunderous applause sounded in the big conference room of the New York City Hall. Many reporters stood up and applauded his wonderful answer, and even gave a thumbs up.

The reporters who are qualified to sit here are all from well-known media in the United States. They are not easily convinced. However, for the admiration of Lu Chen, they have abandoned all stereotypes and prejudices and sent them the most enthusiastic and sincere. applause.

This scene was faithfully recorded by the on-site camera, transmitted back to the TV station in real time, and then transmitted to the TV sets of thousands of households through wired and wireless networks.

In fact, the words "the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility", Lu Chen is not the first time to say that the last time he said the same thing is still in Hangzhou, it was also a reporter\'s inquiry, also because of his heroic behavior.

Lu Chen’s veteran fans are certainly no strangers to this sentence, but the American people have not heard of it. Therefore, through the spread of media reporters, they are quickly known and regarded as true maxims.

Later, the Hollywood Lions in the United States, when filming the movie "Flying over the Pacific" based on the ud725 flight incident, used this sentence as the subject of the film.

Of course, this is all after.

The press conference is still going on, and the interviews of journalists are more enthusiastic.

As a matter of course, they basically used valuable questioning opportunities on Lu Chen’s body, and they all left the officials of the f, faa and New York City government to the side.

However, these officials did not care, but they were so happy and happy to watch Lu Chen communicate with reporters.

A reporter asked: "Mr. Lu Chen, may you ask if you are coming to the United States to travel or seek career development?"

According to the news on the Internet, the reporters at the scene knew that Lu Chen was not an ordinary person, but a big star in the Chinese entertainment industry. He had made movies and TVs on the album, and he had a very high popularity in the country.

They are naturally very interested in this, guessing whether Lu Chen came to the United States to intend to develop in Hollywood.

This kind of speculation is not a fancier\'s dream, because Hollywood is the dream factory of the world movie, the dream place of the world\'s actors, and there are many stars who used to come to China to play Hollywood.

There are very few successful people.

Lu Chen is different. After experiencing the ud725 flight event, he has been familiar with the vast majority of American people. It is equivalent to holding a VIP ticket into Hollywood and is qualified to knock on the door of any American film company.

Needless to say, the ud725 flight event alone is capable of shooting a blockbuster.

Lu Chen himself is the best protagonist!

In the opinion of the reporters, Lu Chen only needs a little bit of thought. Even if he is traveling, he can say that he is looking for opportunities to cooperate with Hollywood. After that, there are definitely a lot of film companies who come to the door to give him this. opportunity.

Lucky Chinese kid!

Many reporters put a label on Lu Chen in their hearts.

However, Lu Chen’s answer was beyond the expectations of everyone.

"I came to the United States for the first time. The purpose of this trip is mainly to participate in commercial negotiations, because the crowdfunding network that I own shares is preparing for listing on the NASDAQ."

Lu Chen is not a fool, how can he not know the reporters\' thoughts, but now he really does not care much about Hollywood, which everyone is eager to take, and took the opportunity to make an advertisement for crowdfunding network.

Is this ad worth at least a few million dollars?

The reporter who asked the question was embarrassed and asked in disbelief: "Are you a shareholder of Crowdfunding?"

The crowdfunding network first appeared in China, but after accepting Li Mushi, it quickly pushed the crowdfunding network to the world, established branches in the United States and Europe, and vigorously promoted the network crowdfunding model.

With its uniqueness and convenience, this new network fundraising model has been quickly sought after by netizens and micro-entrepreneurs. The market potential is favored by investors, so it can be listed on NASDAQ so quickly.

This reporter just contacted and participated in the network crowdfunding, has a certain understanding of the US crowdfunding network, so it will be very surprised, I did not expect Lu Chen actually is the shareholder of crowdfunding network!

In addition to him, the reporters who were there knew that the crowdfunding network was really not a minority. Everyone was equally astonished and could not help but raise their ears to listen to Lu Chen’s answer.

Lu Chen replied: "Yes, I personally hold 10% of the founder shares of Crowdfunding."

Since I have advertised for the crowdfunding network, I will simply play bigger. He is not afraid to expose the details. Since the crowdfunding network is listed, the shareholder information is open to all investors and cannot be concealed.

"Founder shares?"

The reporter was shocked: "You are the founder of crowdfunding network?"

Lu Chen smiled and nodded.

It’s too Hollywood, it’s too Hollywood!

Lu Chen comes from the "mysterious" Eastern China, tall and handsome, handsome and handsome. He is a well-known movie star of the country, and has a superb skill and timidity. He has just become a hero in the eyes of the American people...

In addition to skin color, he is already a template for the protagonist of Hollywood. Now he is still the founding shareholder of an endless Internet company that is going to be listed. It is the protagonist in the protagonist!

The reporters suddenly found out that they could write too much after they went back!

What else?

Lu Chen is simply a treasure trove of deep burial. The more excavated, the more treasures are revealed.

Almost all reporters raised their hands again! ——

The first one is sent, and in a few hours, 2017 is the first year. I wish you all a happy new year.

There is still one more before the New Year! (To be continued.)

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