
Chapter 16 Breaking

It is not uncommon on the continent of Creocia to hear brutal threats such as \'I will kill you and use your skull as a mug to drink your blood;\' necromancers, in particular, like to use such threats to terrify their enemies.

Aber never liked such threats, but he didn\'t hate them either; what he could never imagine is that one day he would face an enemy that would actually drink his blood.

"This can\'t be happening..." He mutters to himself as Klaus keeps him hostage like a broken doll, forcing him to watch the vampire drink his blood. "This is madness... you monster!!"

"Ya, ya, ya... I\'ve heard that a thousand times." Klaus mocks as Abner\'s blood drips from his mouth. "But damn, people\'s blood in this world is much better than in mine!"

"..." Abner just wants to die already because that torture is driving him crazy.

Klaus licks the blood around his mouth as he seems to savor that; then, he shakes his head at Abner. "It\'s not so bad, but I\'m sure it would be better if you were a beautiful woman and not an old bastard."

"..." Abner can\'t say anything; meanwhile, Irina pouts and looks at Klaus with an upset expression. She doesn\'t like the idea of him drinking another woman\'s blood at all; in fact, that makes her really mad.

"Alright, let\'s get this over with." Klaus doesn\'t want to waste time with Abner, so he rips off the old necromancer\'s other arm and drinks more of his blood, before ripping off his head as well.

It would be easier to suck Abner\'s blood straight from his neck, but Klaus doesn\'t want to touch the old necromancer\'s skin with the same lips he kisses Irina. But the Sect Master is a different case; he already plans to drain every drop of that woman\'s blood with his fangs, slowly and painfully.

Abner dies with a terrified look on his face, and Klaus tosses his head to the floor after drinking some more blood. Now that one necromancer is gone, he turns his attention to another.

"No, no, no... you don\'t have to do this!!" Jared begs as he avoids moving because every movement causes him so much pain. The once arrogant young master is now in a mess as his guts ooze out through the bar in his belly.

Klaus shakes his head as he walks over to his cage again. "I remember saying those same words when you were cutting Irina\'s wings off."

"That was a mistake!!" Jared regrets very much taking on that task now. If he could go back in time, he would probably go as far away from the Bronze Skull Sect as possible.

"I don\'t understand why people like you like to hurt pure and good girls like her so much..." Klaus looks at Irina, and he doesn\'t understand how anyone could want to harm her.

"I... I\'ll never do something like that again, I promise!!" Jared keeps trying to beg.

Klaus ignores Jared\'s pleas and pulls another bar out of his broken cage, making the young master piss himself again. "You know, I\'ve killed innocents before, and I\'m not proud of it..."

Irina can feel the regret and sadness in Klaus\' voice, but then that murderous gleam returns to his eyes as he looks at Jared. "But people like you… oh, I love torturing and killing trash like you."

Jared sees Klaus walking toward him with another reinforced metal bar and can guess what the vampire\'s intentions are. And since begging didn\'t work, he has to try another approach.

"Step back, monster!!" Jared returns to speak arrogantly. "Do you know who I am?! The Sect Master is my aunt; if you kill me, she won\'t let you escape!!"

"Oh, is she?" Klaus laugh. "If that\'s the case, I\'m sorry to have to inform you, but she doesn\'t like you. After all, she set the stage, and I\'m just doing the show."

"What??" Klaus seems sure the Sect Master already expected that outcome, but Jared can\'t believe his aunt would do that to him.

Since using the Sect Master\'s name didn\'t work either, he tries another one. "Wait, wait! I am the son of the great Supreme Master of necromancers!! My father commands legions of necromancers that can command thousands of undead soldiers; do you really want to make him your enemy??!?"


Klaus ignores Jared\'s words and spikes another metal bad into his body, piercing his ribs and making the young master spit up a lot of blood.

"Look at her!" Klaus grabs Jared by the hair and makes him look at Irina. "Do you see that beautiful and perfect lady? She is my only ally in this world; every other person alive is already my enemy."

"Hey!!" Irina disagrees. "You can take my family off your death blacklist! Also, my friends... you better not mess with my people, they\'ve already suffered a lot. And there are many humans on this continent; you won\'t run out of food anyway."

Klaus is definitely not going to argue with Irina right now, so he turns his attention back to Jared and moves the bars in his body, causing the young master a lot of pain. "You heard her... so, what about your father; is he human?"

"..." Jared can only cry now.

"Yeah, that\'s what I thought." Klaus comments as he walks back to the cage to pick up another metal bar and ram it into Jared\'s body.

With each new bar impaled on his body, Jared cries and begs more, but Klaus doesn\'t stop. The vampire tries to avoid destroying the necromancer\'s vital organs and finds it much easier to keep someone with cultivation alive under torture than the people from Earth.

Klaus could spend days torturing Jared for what he\'s done to Irina, but the vampire can hear Zadok and Eli trying to open the chamber door from the outside, so he doesn\'t plan on wasting much more time on that.

"AHH!!" As he finishes breaking Jared, Irina lets out a loud moan of pain.

"Irina?!?" Klaus gets very worried about the fairy and quickly runs to her side. She seemed to be regenerating quickly, so he doesn\'t understand what could be wrong.

"My back... it hurts!" She arches her back due to the pain and quickly finds that very odd as she should have lost all movement after the damage in her spine.

Klaus quickly checks her back and notices her wounds reopening, making way for two new pairs of glowing wings. He expected his blood to regenerate her wings but seeing that happens brings comfort to his heart.

"It\'s your wings; they\'re growing again." He breaks the good news to Irina.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!?" She can\'t believe that. She is very impressed by the power of Klaus\' blood, but a fairy regenerating wings never happened before.

"Do you think I would joke about something like that?" He sarcastically asks as he smiles at her. "For real, your wings are coming back."

"Hahahaha..." She laughs in happiness but then screams in pain. "Bloody hell, it hurts so much!!"

Klaus doesn\'t know what to do; Irina is overjoyed that her wings are growing back, but he hates to see her in pain. The only way to help her now is to make her wings finish growing as quickly as possible, that is, to give her more of his blood.

But as his own blood supply is low, he goes back to Jared, who is barely alive. "It\'s a shame we can\'t go on, but you were just a pawn in someone else\'s game... the one who can\'t die quickly is that woman..."

"Y-y-yo..." Jared tries to say something, but he\'s already so broken, physically and mentally. Even when done fast, Klaus\' methods are always very efficient.


Klaus pierces Jared\'s chest with his hand and rips out the necromancer\'s heart before drinking its blood. Then he goes back to Irina and caresses her face. "You\'re going to have to drink more of my blood."

Even though she\'s in a lot of pain, Irina still smiles at Klaus. "You just want a justification to kiss me again!"

He gently holds her chin and makes her look into his eyes. "When I want to kiss you again, I\'ll just kiss you, my dear."

Irina would like to enjoy that moment with Klaus, but the pain of her growing wings really spoils the mood. "No bloody kiss?"

Klaus really wants to kiss Irina, but he needs to help her first. "You\'d better drink straight from my neck so your wings can grow faster."

"How am I going to-" She starts to ask, but Klaus interrupts her by cutting his thumb and sticking it inside Irina\'s mouth. She gets shocked and looks at him with a questioning expression, wondering if that is some weird fetish.

"Wait..." Klaus spreads his blood on Irina\'s teeth and presses her canines, making them magically grow, just like his. "Oh, it\'s here; I knew it!"

[Holy shit, do I have fangs now?!?] Irina is shocked again. That kind of transformation would be scary for anyone, but she\'s actually quite excited about the fangs as it makes her feel closer to Klaus.

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