
Chapter 555 555

“I appreciate all help that we can get. I will fill you in on the situation in a few minutes and we can start making longer-term plans.” Cixelcid greeted Nila.

“No need, we can hear each other’s thoughts and there is a Watcher standing right behind you.” The Wave Rider pointed out.

“I need to sleep, I am missing important things now.” Cixelcid sighed.

“Go, sleep, there will still be chaos out here when you wake up, and we can get things organized in the meantime.” The Watcher instructed, already planning how to organize everything.

If he just moved all the supplies to a warehouse, they could be inventoried and pulled out as needed. The sorting of the wall guards wasn’t going to be hard, but they would have to increase the amount of food that they were importing, since their population spiked, and they were going to be using all of the areas that weren’t already planted as fields to house fighters who had just arrived, as well as any refugees that might have been missed.

The scouts were coming back as well, so they would need to organize a push out into the woods to make a path for them to reach the walls safely. Most stealth and shadow abilities didn’t work well in the open grassland around the city.

That was the easy part though, the monsters were about to attack again, so if he just ordered everyone to head to the shoreline and follow that in they could make it almost to the city hidden and not come too close to where the beasts were gathered to fight.

[We have new people coming back with the scouting group. More of the Dragonkin ones like that Jin who I saw in Long Fang Valley the other day.] One of the scouts told the Watcher in a private message.

That was unexpected, but they could work with that. [Refugees? Where did you find them?]

The scout’s message was almost instant. [They came through one of the portals. I think they were just curious, and they didn’t attack so we are bringing them with us. They can return home when they have done whatever it was they were trying to do. None of them speak common right now, and I don’t speak dragon.]

Draconic was an odd language, and the System didn’t translate it unless it was written. So, in essence, the new arrivals were just roaring at a very confused group of scouts and making hand gestures until they got a general agreement on what they were going to do.

“The scouts are almost back, and they have more random people from the portals. I need a team to head out into the field and engage the Beasts so that they aren’t attacked on their way back.” The Watcher called, and the Orcs cheered.

“Well, that’s one group, anyone else?” The Watcher laughed.

“Shift three of the Guards is about to come on duty, we will join the fight.” A voice from the crowd agreed.

That should be enough to at least keep the beasts busy, even if it wasn’t enough to really clear them out or push them back. It wasn’t like they could clear an entire continent from a coastal city anyhow, they just had to keep the immediate vicinity safe, the way that the Watchers on the Farm did.

That brought another point to mind. He wasn’t the first of Cain’s assistants to do a full clear of Mythic Beasts around a stronghold. That meant that there was a time to beat, and a standard of safety to meet. The watcher had to study what the Echoes had done and improve on it if he wanted to steal Victor’s point of pride.

Victor thought that was hilarious. He had put a lot of preparation into his plant to clear the area around the farm, and even though he had to do a full circle and not just half like Port Nefheim would have to, he was certain that he would be able to hold onto his title as the first and fastest to clear a safe space in the awakened zone.

Other than time spent on location, the two were evenly matched in skills and power, at half of Cain’s maximum, so that wouldn’t be the deciding factor. Victor even had Lou, whereas the Watcher had his clone.

So, the Watcher started making plans while he sent his summons out to help the advance.

His preferred use of the [Versatility spell was to increase his [Supporters] to Mythic, so that Kone and all her summons would appear at Mythic quality. She was everyone’s go-to supporter since Cain had set her up to both heal and tank.

Kone herself thought that it was hilarious that she was appearing all over the world, and people would tell stories of her mighty feats, but most of them weren’t even her, but a clone of her that one of Cain’s Summons had called.

If Cain himself had called her clone, the stories would be about him, but if they were about her, then it was because the Watchers had hidden in the crowd, or watched the battle from a distance.

With two dozen copies of her, which made forty-eight copies of Su, and almost five hundred Mythic Snapping Turtles, the battle outside the city was almost guaranteed to go their way, but the Snapping Turtle Kin were too slow to catch a lot of the beasts, so they would circle around the tanks and go for the others, making the whole battlefield a huge ongoing battle.

Even Victor was impressed at the level of chaos. It certainly wasn’t the most efficient battle that he had seen, but as far as distracting a force of unknown size for an indefinite period of time while their allies tried to return to the city safely, it was incredible.

He still didn’t think that the Watcher had it in him to beat Victor’s own record though.

“There they are, all twenty scouts, plus another five people accompanying them. No, wait, I count seven. There are two humans desperately chasing them and screaming something.” Neffie called to the guards on the wall.

“Send out a rescue force, we can’t have them getting killed by a crazy human this close to home.” One of the guards called, and Vala took to the air.

“I will go deal with the idiots. They look desperate, not dangerous, they likely realized that the group knows where safety is, but they can’t see the city from their position because of the hill in the middle.” The Demon yelled as she flew away.

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