
Chapter 366: Chicken Feather

Wu Fu started to work after getting up early in the morning, steaming steamed rolls, steaming bean buns, chopping firewood and clearing snow, and he didn\'t finish his work until noon, and he was not idle at all.

"Ma\'am, would you like to wash up?"

A few days ago, there was no one at home. Wu Fu went back to the village and looked at his parents and brother and sister-in-law. They were very sorry for betraying her.

Wu Fu has a big heart and doesn\'t feel wronged at all. Instead, she follows the new owner\'s house, eats and drinks well, and is free. She does chores every day, and sometimes she goes to the market for a walk when she has free time.

On the contrary, she felt that life at home was hard, and her parents could not eat meat.


Last night, Wufu helped Li Haitang scrub his body and put on a new undershirt.

The past two days have been tossing too hard, and when she got up, her waist was sore and her legs hurt.

At that time, I was busy fleeing for my life, and I didn\'t notice it at all. When I got home, I relaxed and immediately relaxed.

It\'s winter again, time flies so fast.

"How is the city recently? Food is still so expensive?"

The two countries did not run away from the war. In winter, the barbarian\'s physical strength has the upper hand. This war is destined to be extremely hard.

"Yeah, there are a lot of prostitutes in the city, and there are people from the south who heard the news and came to buy people."

In the village of Wufu, there are some who are sold. They work until dark every day, don\'t have enough food, don\'t wear warm clothes, and have to be beaten. In comparison, she is very lucky.

People in the village said to her that stupid people have stupid blessings, but it\'s not true!

She just knew that food and clothing are all from the master\'s family, and she has to do work to repay the master\'s kindness.

"Or, I\'ll eat less in the future."

Wufu was worried. The rice and noodles had been multiplied more than ten times, and every family could not eat a dry meal. Before it was too late, the smell of porridge was wafting.

When it was cold and the people could not find work, they went to nearby villages to cut firewood, pick up branches, and accumulate firewood for the winter.

The family bought charcoal, and Wu Fu was reluctant to light the fire, so she went with her a few times. With great strength, she dragged the tree trunks that others didn\'t want, brought them back, and chopped them with an ax in the yard. The firewood room was almost full.

"Eat as much as you can, the family is not short of yours."

Li Haitang has a hundred acres of land under his name, and the grain he gets is enough to eat, and he can save some of it.

These days, the yield per mu is at most a few hundred catties. I don\'t know whether it is the problem of grain seeds or poor water and soil. The yield is too low.

"Oh, by the way, and your letter, I put them away."

When Wu Fu thought about it, he turned his head and ran away. Li Haitang shook his head when he saw this. This girl is so heartless and innocent.

After a while, Wu Fu came in with two envelopes.

Li Haitang opened it and read it carefully.

The first letter was from Chunniang, who lived in the guest room of Li Haitang\'s house in Lucheng.

Lucheng was not affected by the war in the border towns. The people had food and clothing, and lived a happy life. The only thing was that the price of food had also risen a bit.

She lives at home and is very stable. She wrote a letter asking Li Haitang to go to Lucheng to have a baby as soon as possible.

The barbarian may not always enter the city through the tunnel to kill again, especially when she is pregnant, she can\'t stand a little change, so she must be careful not to take her body seriously.

Li Haitang covered her mouth, if Chunniang knew that she had lived in Manzi for a few days, and even sneaked into the city lord\'s mansion to be a dancer, her jaw would probably drop to the ground.

A large part of the letter is to introduce Xiaowazi, and talk about her experience of being pregnant in October.

Li Haitang is a genius doctor. After all, he has no experience, so Chunniang is worried.

Now the people are living a tight life, and there are fewer people who come to the yard to deliver things to the genius doctor, but they often stand at the door for a while, and sometimes they will go to the medical hall to intercept the doctor Zhao Baoshan, just to express their gratitude.

It made Zhao Baoshan dizzy, but a little happy, thinking that doctors must preserve a conscience.

"Madam, what would you like to eat? There are frozen fish and bacon at home."

Wu Fu rubbed his hands, it\'s better to drink some warm soup when it\'s cold.

"Go to the market and see what else is left. At this time, there may not be any left."

Li Haitang looked at the sky, if there were big bones at the pork stall, he would buy bones stewed with sauerkraut, if not, he would buy an old hen and stew small mushrooms.

Her appetite changed again, and she lost interest in hot and sour things.

"Then I\'m going!"

There is meat to eat again, it is still fresh, and Wu Fu is full of joy.

Li Haitang was amused by her, sometimes life is so simple, eating a delicious meal makes people feel happy, but she seems to be asking for more and more.

The next letter was written by Zhang Ruyi, still in her original style, lamenting, accusing, how Li Haitang abandoned her and so on, she was arguing with Lu Er on the Zhuangzi.

One day, Miss Zhang got interested and bought a guqin, playing it to the chickens and ducks in the village.

At the end of the song, there were chicken feathers and duck feathers all over the place. The chickens and ducks were extremely manic. They felt threatened and kept shaking their wings. She forced the ducks to almost climb the tree.

Then, the temperature dropped suddenly, and several chickens and ducks froze to death in one day.

Without fur, you won’t keep warm!

Zhang Ruyi was also very proud, saying that there was no bloodshed when killing the chicken. If she had been treated as a meat ticket at the gate of the city at that time, she could have played a song in time, and the murderer would have knelt down and begged for mercy.

Lu Er\'s fool satirizes that he doesn\'t need to play, he writes poems directly, and just by writing poems, he can instantly kill everything.

Just after reading the letter, there was movement at the gate of the courtyard. Ji Qiu, in blue clothes and tassels, came to the door together, carrying a lot of oil paper bags for food.

"Lanyi, are you completely healed?"

Seeing the appearance of the blue clothes, Li Haitang was no longer crazy, it was clear that he knew people.

"Well, I\'m not afraid when I see red things now."

Lan Yi has a ruddy complexion, wearing a water-blue jacket, and looks like a shy little daughter-in-law. The tassels on the side are tightly covered, only two black holes are exposed, which are reserved for the eyes to see the way.

"It\'s cold outside, come in and enjoy the fire!"

Li Haitang was very happy to see his friend, and hurriedly made hot tea for him.

"I come, I come, I make tea, and our lady praises it."

After getting married, even with Ji Qiu taking care of her, sometimes Lan Yi can\'t change her role and always scrambles to be a buddy.

"Liu Su, python wine has no side effects, right?"

Especially after hearing what Liniang said, Li Haitang felt that this thing was a bit evil.


Tassel twitched her eyes. She had just entered the door and was about to answer such a sharp question. Of course, there were side effects. After all, her body was highly poisoned, so it would be nice if she survived.

Thinking of the one lying on the bed convulsing, Liusu couldn\'t help laughing until his stomach ached. She helped to detoxify and save his life, just for the sake of Haitang\'s face, and also to help him heal the golden gun so that it won\'t fall down, can you give me some powder?

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