
Chapter 160 Best Defense Is Offense

Asselin\'s face brightened with relief and he extended his hand. Ikaris stared at it pensively, then shook it. The nobleman then raised his cup of tea and exclaimed,

"To our alliance! Even if it\'s not alcohol, we can still toast."

Ikaris glanced at his own still-steaming cup and grumbled, "Never mind, a handshake is enough."

Then he looked into the blonde\'s eyes and resting his chin on his clasped hands, he asked seriously, "Now that you\'ve promised me a Healer from your clan, who do you intend to recommend and when can I expect him? Since I have the day off, I thought I would move up my plans from this weekend to this afternoon. There may be some injuries and a competent Healer would be welcome."

Danchun, Malia and the others displayed surprised expressions upon hearing his words. From his voice, he sounded very serious.

"I\'ll explain on the way back." Ikaris apologized while nodding to them.

"No matter how dangerous it is, I\'m coming." Malia stated flatly.

"... As you wish. I wasn\'t planning to stop you." Ikaris accepted the offer with a straight face.

Seeing the little game between the two, Asselin was heartbroken, but understanding that his rival and ally was not joking, he went straight to the point,

"If you are not afraid to visit my territory, you can choose it yourself. If not, I can go and pick one for you right now. One of my cousins lost his parents during their exodus from Hadrakin and is angry at my father for failing to protect them. I\'m sure he\'ll be glad to be rid of us and a change of scenery will do him a world of good."

Ikaris groaned." Is he even emotionally stable? I don\'t want a depressed, fussy Healer."

"Don\'t worry. We\'re not exactly best friends, but I\'ll vouch for him."

"Very well... I trust you this time." The youngster decided to give him a chance.

They finished their hot drinks, then made their way back together. Ikaris took advantage of the walk to brief his comrades on what Liam had reported to him the day before. Needless to say, they were all alarmed.

"A Skeleton before autumn has even begun? That\'s troublesome. You weren\'t lying. Your Cutthroat Island may be even more dangerous than my Orchard Basin. It seems we\'re both unlucky, haha..." Asselin laughed bitterly as he stroked his chin, proving once more that he was very well informed about the peculiarities of the Warring Lands.

"If it\'s just a few Skeletons, we have nothing to worry about." Malia waved her small fist around confidently, exposing her canines unknowingly with a toothy grin.

Seeing the stiff and much less eager faces of Ellie, Kellam, and Taguchi, Ikaris sighed, "I\'ll only take a few volunteers with me. Protect the village in my absence."

Seeing that Danchun was about to say something, he added more firmly, "That goes for you too, Danchun. Even though your martial arts can surely defeat an ordinary skeleton, there\'s no guarantee that\'s all we\'ll encounter. We are dealing with a Tartarus Gate. If these weak Skeletons were the only threat, they wouldn\'t have such a bad reputation."

The young woman gave up on what she wanted to say and declared instead, "I won\'t be a liability for long. Very soon I will be fighting by your side."

"I don\'t doubt it." Ikaris didn\'t dare contradict her.

Moments later, their group entered the compound of House Morgunis\' mansion. Ramiro was informed of their presence and was startled to see them again so soon. Upon learning the reason, he was downright agitated.

"What?! Iannaril has been giving you lessons?" He shouted before snapping out of it with sudden enlightenment flashing across his face. "I now understand better what my Lord meant. With Iannaril, you are in good hands."

While Ramiro gossiped with them in front of their Portals, Asselin went off to find that much-praised cousin. When Ikaris explained to the manager of House Morgunis that he needed to recruit a Healer for his territory, the latter banged his fist against his palm, remembering something,

" Ah, you reminded me. I told Anaphiel about your priest problem and she said she\'d send you one at the end of the day. She must have thought you\'d finish class much later."

Ikaris was overjoyed. Why was everyone being so generous with him? And it was still Anaphiel who was helping him? He had a strange conviction that it was only Anaphiel and not House Morgunis to whom he was indebted.

That said, with the blood samples she had offered him the day before, he no longer saw any reason to refuse her help. More or less, it wouldn\'t make much difference.

Ten minutes later, Asselin\'s Portal was activated again and the blond man came out accompanied by another young man of 21 or 22 years. Presumably the Healer he wanted to recommend to him.

The man was as blond as Asselin and their features were somewhat similar but the resemblance ended there. This one was a little taller, but also more lanky and ungainly as if he rarely exercised. He wasn\'t ugly, but his hair was unkempt, as was his 15-day-old stubble. He also had a persistent countenance between apathy and contempt, as if he was in his rebellious phase or on the contrary jaded by absolutely everything.

"Meet Kailu Solostar." Asselin smiled as he put his arm around his cousin\'s neck to make him bow. "A 2nd cousin on my father\'s side. His grandfather and mine were brothers."

Kailu grunted in confirmation. Raising his head, he stared at them in turn, pausing at Malia, Ellie, and Danchun, then asked without a hint of respect, "Which Lord shall I serve? You dragged me here but I don\'t think I said yes."

"The dark-haired guy who stares at me like I\'m trying to rip him off." Asselin retorted as he slapped the back of his brash cousin\'s head. "Stop embarrassing me, it\'s for you that I\'m doing this!"

"Ugh... Fine."

Kailu turned to his designated Lord and after sizing up the man for a while he made an exaggerated bow and whispered in an obsequious manner, "Kailu Solostar, at your service."

"Sigh..." Asselin facepalmed, but he had already given up. " I entrust you with this idiot. Don\'t worry, I didn\'t lie to you. His character is lacking, but he\'s competent."

"Well, time will tell soon enough. If your Healer is defective, I want compensation." Ikaris stopped entertaining him and made it clear to the blond man that it was time for them to part ways.

He thought he might have to convince this Kailu, but it turned out that he was more than willing to go with them. As soon as his Transportation Portal opened, he was the first to jump in, as if he was afraid that his cousin Asselin would change his mind at the last minute.

When only Ikaris and Asselin were left, Asselin grabbed his shoulder and said gravely, "Take care of him. He\'s really a good person, despite his pig-like temper. When I was younger, he often stood up for me and was also the one who taught me my first spells. It pains me to admit it, but he is probably more talented than I am."

Ikaris was taken aback by this revelation. Asselin was already a First Class Apprentice Sorcerer. He was this close to becoming a full-fledged Sorcerer. His cousin was at least as talented, but three or four years older. Maybe even older because Nephilims of Sylph aged more slowly.

In that case... he was at least a Sorcerer. Asselin had been sincere.

"I don\'t discriminate." Ikaris reassured him as he stepped into his Portal. "As long as my people do their job and respect the law I have no reason to pick on him. If I really had something to blame him for, to the point where I could no longer tolerate his company, I\'d send him back to you."


A few seconds later, Ikaris emerged from the other side of the gate. Kailu looked as if he regretted coming as he gazed at the rows of tents and the few thatched cottages, but he had no intention of leaving.

"You should have asked my cousin for a few Creators too." Their first Healer criticized shamelessly. "Asselin created his village at the same time as you, but a stone castle and rampart already protect his territory. Without it, the Magical Beasts that attacked us would have caused far more deaths."

"Yeah, as you can see our defenses are crap." Ikaris huffed as he walked over to Liam, "That\'s why in my case the best defense is still offense."

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