
Chapter 71

Emma could imagine Roger would be released from the chains that had made him a loser. He would stand up for himself and fight for his love in the right way. Likewise with Poppy who would be free from the snares of hell made by Donny.

Gozu looked very angry. He attacked Emma indiscriminately, while Emma continued to dodge him while occasionally attacking his weak spot with a high kick from behind. Now, Emma knew that the big man was very weak in the head, just like Emma’s earlier punch that could make him stagger.

It seemed, Gozu and Mezu’s habit when angry was throwing things like toddlers. Again, Gozu took whatever he could use to smack the rat that kept on running. Gozu looked at the large ornamental plant pot that was near the stairs and lifted it up as if it was as light as feather. With one tug, he managed to pull out the plants in it, then threw the big pot at the helmeted rat.

The big pot made of clay floated highly and lighting-fast across the centre of the room. Those two veined hands were really strong that made Emma gasp in awes. It looked like her father would be so happy if he got a bodyguard like these twins. But sadly, they both have stupid brains. They just had big muscles only.

The large bronze coloured pot floated straight at Emma. She immediately swift aside and..


Emma dodged down reflexively covering her head with both hands when she heard the loud sound of breaking glass right behind her. Emma looked back and just realized there was a big window behind her. The pot managed to break through the window and make a very large hole that made a cold wind rush in. Even as if it was no longer a window, but a hole in the wall.

Poppy just stood there in silence watching the two men protecting her, fighting to the death. She tried to work her brain, trying to fight her fear and helplessness. Then quietly, Poppy glanced at the door not far from beside her.


‘I have to be useful here,’ Thought the girl. Roger and his friends have done a lot to save Poppy. At least, she could help a little, to save herself.

As soon as everyone was caught off guard, Poppy quickly ran towards the door and went inside. She saw there was a wooden chair beside the door in the room, then used it to hold the door handle so that it could not be opened from the outside.

Kei, who had been dealing with Roger’s attack carelessly, immediately caught up to Poppy who quickly entered the server unit room. He rushed pressed the door handle, but the handle got stuck so the door couldn’t be opened.

“F*CK!! Gozu! Break this door open!!” Kei exclaimed.

But suddenly, a hand touched his shoulder, “Your bodyguard almost died in my friend’s hands,” Said Roger with a grin. Then, a fist aimed at his jaw. But with a palm, Kei easily held back the weak fist.

That’s right. Gozu finally lost his strength after kept chasing and got attacked by Emma. There was a lot of sweat dripping from his body. Even once in a while, it made Emma feel uncomfortable when she threw a punch at the man. Luckily, Emma was wearing her leather gloves. She just had to hit the right point one more time, then for sure, Emma would be able to overthrow the giant.

Kei gritted his teeth when he saw that his man was on the verge of defeat. He was wrong for having underestimated those two men. Now, he didn’t know what the bitch was doing in the server room. It’s probably, all the servers wouldn’t survive.

On the other hand, Poppy felt as if she were in a giant refrigerator. She didn’t expect the server room to be this cold. Inside the room, there were three strangely shaped metal cabinets with lots of wires that made a strange sound. Then, Poppy looked around. She took a chair behind a desk.

Poppy didn’t understand what it meant to destroy the server. Therefore, she thought of sticking to the word ‘Destroy’, and started hitting the machines with the leg of the chair. Poppy didn’t even think she might get electrocuted or maybe make something explode.

As long as she continued to beat the machines, Poppy thought about what she had been through. How she had been harassed by those men. How Donny had taken her feelings and turned her into a cash cow. How they had forced her to hurt her own family and give up her dream. How they had made her secretly take contraceptives and another pill so that her period was still delayed until this moment. And how.. they tortured Roger.


The metal door was finally successfully broken by Kei who had kicked Roger so that he flew far away. But the man was too late, because all the units and computers had been destroyed by Poppy. The girl also unplugged all cables connected to the wall socket. Now, the room looked like a crashed plane.

Seeing that, Kei then let out a long sigh. He glanced briefly at Poppy who was staring at him in fear. Of course, the girl thought he was going to kill her. But Kei never wanted to get his hands dirty with something like that. According to him, all the machines have been destroyed now. Why he should prolong the problem?

Kei took out his cell phone from his pocket and called someone, “The server units were destroyed by intruders. Clean this all up.” he said, then hung up the phone.

Then, he walked out of the room again. He saw Gozu who was already kneeling on the floor while panting with a battered face. Then, he looked to the man in the black helmet who had also reached his limit, although he was still able to try to stand up straight.

Poppy left the room before Roger could finish his steps towards the server room. Poppy’s face brightened as she looked at the man with tears in her eyes, “The server has been destroyed,” said Poppy happily.

Roger and Emma looked at each other. They both smiled happily because that meant they had won. What they were fighting for finally got paid.

At the same time, Emma closed the fight by kicking Gozu’s chest so hard, causing him to fall on his back, “K.O” she muttered.

“I hope you lose a lot,” Emma said with her arms folded in front of her chest to Kei who was in the middle of them.

Instead of showing an angry face, Kei smiled slightly as he raised his palms in front of his chest. A sign that he had given up that made Emma smile even more.

‘Turns out he’s not that cowardly.’ Emma thought.

But suddenly, Kei swiftly glanced back, followed by a kick that aimed at Poppy who happened to be standing by the window. Emma did not have enough time to thwart the unexpected attack. But there was one person who saved Poppy.

Roger who saw Kei’s glance at Poppy, immediately knew that the damned man would harm her. Then, without further thoughts, Roger quickly ran and pushed Poppy from her stand. That way, Kei’s powerful kick hit Roger’s body instead.


The sound of the broken glass from the window frame that shattered again because it got hit by Roger’s body, seemed to be the most terrible sound Emma and Poppy had ever heard.

Kei’s kick managed to make Roger’s body bounce through the large window. Roger fell out the window from the sixth floor.

“ROGER!!! NO!!” Poppy shouted by going straight to the window.

Emma immediately threw a kick at Kei’s jaw, until the man instantly fell unconscious. After that, Emma dashed down very quickly like a ninja, leaving everything on the top floor. Emma knew, the Hell Gate headquarters building didn’t have a balcony at all. Without even having to look, Emma already knew that Roger must have fallen straight to the ground.


Poppy’s smile was the source of Roger’s happiness. He didn’t mind if he had to lose everything, as long as he could still see that smile.

Roger felt a very hard kick on his arm and the right side of his body. The kick sent him bouncing into the vast and cold air. With that, he felt flying for the first.. and maybe.. last time.

Everything seemed to be slowing down. The sky, which had been dark before, had now begun to shine. Ah.. their fight really lasted until morning. The colour of the sky was stunning, although the snowflakes still fell.

Roger felt very happy that he had managed to save the jewel of his heart from the snares of the evil demons. He had managed to express his feelings to the girl he loved, though not in a romantic way. He also knew that the girl he loved so much still kept the picture of them in her wallet. Roger smiled. His life was full of that simple happiness.

It all started at the park, some years ago..


Roger was a very cheerful boy. Even though he had very busy parents, there were his grandmother and grandfather who took care of him with love.

Actually, Roger’s presence in the world was not the wishes of his own father and mother. They were a couple who were crazy about work and money. The case was simple. The father forgot to wear a protector when having sex with the mother after they attended an office party and drank until they were drunk. Because of that accident, they got a son.

Because of Roger, his parents were forced to get married because they felt ashamed of their business colleagues’ gossip. Roger’s presence made the money-crazy couple feel troubled. Because in truth, they really didn’t want to have children who would interfere with their careers, especially the mother’s.

Even when Roger was not yet reached six months old, he had been abandoned by his mother for a business trip abroad. Since then, Roger had always been cared for by his grandparents with the help of a nanny.

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