
Chapter 240

“She got her transmitter and hit a button on it,” The rogues are spreading out. They seek to find new entrances into the capital. She said into the mouthpiece and waited for a response.

“With all due respect, Mrs Chase, we’ve got our forces spread quite thin keeping them at bay as it is already. The battle is not looking good. Many of the hunters on the battlefield are starting to get tired already,” the hunter on the other side of the phone call spoke up.

Without putting up a fight, the woman retrieved her phone from her pocket and made a phone call, “Where are you right now?”

“Oh, come on, Ms Evelyn. You can’t be that cold to me. You didn’t even greet me,” the male voice on the other side of the phone call spoke up.

“I don’t have time for your antics, Anthony. I asked for your help because you of all people understand the dangers of fighting an army this overwhelming without a plan,” she said to him.

“Yes, I do... and I know the consequences of sending your strongest men ahead instead of using them to protect the many,” he said in a more serious tone.

“That wasn’t an option in this case. The rogues just keep coming... Thorrin thought it would be better if he cut the snake at its head. You know how headstrong he can be,” the woman replied.

“Yes, I do... In any case, you’re in luck...” the man said to her. The sound of a plane reached her ears the moment he said this... In the distance, a large plane was flying heading for the castle.


“I knew I could count on you, Anthony. Keep away from the main battle. That’s the least of your worries. The rogues are trying to surround the castle. It’s like the first group was used as a decoy to get the hunters busy. Our defences have been severely weakened,” she said to him.

“Understood, Evelyn. We’ll do what we can to reinforce the palace’s defences. It would help if you could get some archers to shift their attention from the main battle. After all, they can’t do much there anymore anyway,” Anthony spoke up.

“Okay then...” she replied, turning off the phone she was using to relay the message through the transmitter in her other hand. Watching their reinforcements leap out of the plane and take their positions around the palace, parachuting expertly to their perfect positions, she felt as though she was a tad bit safer. What caused her more worry though... was the powerful rogues that ran with these groups.


Anthony landed on the opposite side of the palace, far from the actual fighting and began to detach the parachute from his body. Just as he was taking his chute off, he heard the sound of a growl ahead... He’d been sure there was nothing on this side of the capital. The Great Sirius river, the part of it that crossed the Lycaon capital, cut through the entire city. Anthony decided to land on the bridge and hold his ground, keeping the rogues from getting through to the castle without risking arrows to their sorry hides. “Looks like they figured it out before we could do any real damage. I really don’t get how they are always so fast to detect our plans.”

The hunter froze at the voice that reached his ears. It sounded like that of a child, “Oh, quiet Benji. Does the word stealth just pass through one ear to the other? Honestly, it’s like your brain is a hollow tube that contains nothing but games at the back of it.”

“You’re no fun, Samson. I wonder why the master chose to put me with you and not Amanda. She would have humoured me a lot more than you do. It’s just not fair,” the childish voice came again. This time, a man and a child came out from the back of a building bickering like children. Before the hunter could tell them off, rogues began to file out of the buildings surrounding the two of them. It was only then that the man noticed the colour of their eyes.

The man and the boy both possessed red eyes, ‘Just great... I had to choose the one place they would all want to go. Away from the action. Looking to the right, he saw that he’d landed with only two other hunters. Against the large mass of rogues before them, they had one hell of a chore to go through. “Looks like I’ve got my work cut out for me,” Anthony chuckled.

“Not really...” the child’s voice came again, but much closer than he’d remember it. Opening his eyes, he was just in time to see the boy soaring through the air with both legs outstretched and aiming at his head. The hunter raised his hands just in time to protect himself. Expecting the weight of a child, he braced himself. However, when the child’s feet landed on his arms, the force wouldn’t stop increasing.

The two of them went crushing across the bridge with the boy on top of the hunter, using him like a human skateboard, “Oh my, had he really underestimated me that much?” the boy exclaimed, leaping away from the man on the ground. Anthony got up from his position on the ground and withdrew a knife from his jacket, getting ready to fight the little pest before him.

“Oh, you should have done that before I’d hit you the first time. Take a look,” the boy said to the man, pointing to something on the man’s body. Anthony brought down his hands and only then noticed a deep bite mark on his forearm bleeding profusely. The boy was next to him while the man was distracted, delivering a surprisingly powerful punch to his gut. Black spots began to fill the man’s vision as he crumpled to the ground.

“I really messed up this time, didn’t I?” the hunter chuckled, “I can’t believe I was beaten by a child.”

“Oh, that’s not just any child. His methods might be childish, but you didn’t stand a chance against him. Another void spoke up from farther away, “If I were you, I would take a nice long nap.”

With a kick and a powerful hit to the back of the head, Anthony was knocked out. The other hunters that had landed next to him seemed to be in a much similar condition, no doubt by the other alpha that they had met. The rogues rushed past the bridge passing the two alphas as they walked past it. “I can’t even keep count of the number of hunters we’ve bitten into now. Their blood tastes so much like the power of the goddess. Our master’s plan was pure genius. Our army will not only crush the other, but it will grow more powerful and larger.

“You can’t begin to doubt the king’s judgement. Of course, he knew what he was talking about when he gave us those orders,” Samson shrugged.

“Oh come on... You know the plan was perfect just as much as I do,” the child said, leaping up to match the height of his peer.

“Yes, I know of the rogue king’s brilliance. It’s like no other... As long as we follow him, we shall bring about the end of the human race just like it should have been centuries ago,” Samson confirmed.

“That’s more like it, Samson-y,” the boy cheered, “Although, I was hoping the hunters would be a little bit more powerful than what we’ve so far faced. It’s not fair that the powerful ones rushed on to face the king.”

“Those were just mere idiots trying their best to meet their graves at such young ages. We have nothing to worry about,” Samson replied, “And do not call me, Samson-y.” Just as he said it, the two of them went silent as the air was filled with the sound of whizzing arrows. The rogues that had gone ahead of them began to drop dead faster than they thought they would last. “They call for reinforcements quite fast. Let’s try to keep our numbers a little bit respectable so that we have enough pawns by the time we get to the king, shall we?”

“I agree with you...” the boy replied as the two of them launched forward to get the archers under control. The archers tried to shoot them, but all their attempts were thwarted as the two abominations snapped their arrows without wasting much time.

The rogue alphas would then bite into each archer they found before knocking them out. They moved far too fast for the archers to react in time. Being archers, close combat was not among their talents and they were taken out by the quick and nimble alphas. Both their strength and agility were impossible for them to match in their situations. It only took a matter of moments for the archers to be taken out.

“To the castle?” Samson asked, wiping the blood from his lips.

“After you, Sir Samson the strong,” the boy said bowing to let the man past. Samson looked at the palace from atop the roof they stood on.

“It’s far too easy. Well, that’s what they get for being too weak. You know they might have stood a chance if they had kept the other werewolves in the capital. The ones they call civilians... yeah, those ones... Would have made for a bigger army for the king?” the man said, sliding down the slanting roof and leaping to the ground, landing elegantly and continuing their march to the palace.

“I know, right. We would have far more wolves to fight that way,” the child responded, “Shall I inform the king of our progress?”

“No, not just yet. Let’s get to the palace entrance first. It’s not that far anyway,” Samson replied.

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