
Chapter 9 - Zho Rong's Training

"Wtf! This is porn" Du Chan noticed immediately.

"Who would think there is something like this...hehe this is awesome!" Du Chan was happily watching the moving pictures, it was like he was watching TV.

Suddenly the other guy came inside the room and took that book away from him. And he put his head on the ground.

"How dare you take that book without permission?" Du Chan got so angry because it\'s been a long time since he watch stuff like that. And how did this bandit dare take the book from his hands.

"Sir...no, I mean young master! Please don\'t read this book. This a cultivation technique and it is not good for you to read it because you\'re too young. This book contains qi which manipulates people who read it"

That guy kept his head down while explaining this to Du Chan.

"Huh? Can you explain a bit more?"

Du Chan understood that he was still too young to read that, but he couldn\'t understand how it could manipulate people?

"Our big bro used to work in Yang Yin sect as a janitor. He was a normal person without any cultivation, but one day he found a storage bag and inside it he found this book, a dagger and one low-grade spirit stone.

"When he started reading this book, his personality changed. He was always kind and good, but after reading this book he became cruel, odd and thirsty for power. He was thrown out by that sect because he tried to rape a lady. Honestly he was lucky that they didn\'t kill him"

The bandit seemed sad at the mention of this but continued.

"Then big bro returned to our village after the incident. He, my third brother and I were very close since childhood. First, he came to us and said that he wanted to get strong me and my third brother was shocked why suddenly he acted like that but agreed to support him. The next day he brought 6 other members and said that we will make a team to rob. Big bro gave this book to everyone to read and when they did, they became totally different people"

"Huh? Then what about you, how did you not change and remain the same?" Du Chan asked curiously.

"This….." his face turned red.

"Fast" Du Chan showed he was annoyed when he saw him blush.

"This…because I\'m gay" he said embarrassingly.

Du Chan was stunned and his expression changed.

"Cough, cough! Continue. What\'s your name?"

"I don\'t have a name. Everyone calls me the second brother but the young master called me only second" the second brother said.

"Okay…." Du Chan bore a strange expression.

"Then I will continue. After their personalities changed, they began robbing people but didn\'t kill anyone before. But after some tries, people started to oppose and fight back. And big bro ordered us to kill them. And if there were any women, they would use her for the cultivation….this is what has happened during the last 5 years..."

The second brother stopped speaking and looked at Du Chan.

He was very angry at that moment.

"So you guys have been doing this for the last 5 years, huh...how many people have you killed and raped… I shouldn\'t have killed you guys so fast" he clenched his teeth and thought if he was any weaker, then his aunt would also have been used for their \'Cultivation\'.

"That\'s all because of this book…" second brother was frightened but before he finished his words, Du Chan kicked him in his stomach. He clashed with the wall and broke into a nearby room. He coughed a mouthful of blood.

Du Chan entered after him through the broken wall and got even angrier from what he saw. There were 5 girls tied to a wall, naked and dead.

"Young...master, please listen to me…I\'m not like those guys…please spare my life" the second brother resorted to begging.

"Huh?" Du Chan took a deep breath and calmed down. He left that room by lifting the second brother, came back to the big bro room and sat down on the same chair. He placed the second brother on the ground.

Both were silent. No one spoke any words. Then the second brother started anew the conversation.

"I know the young master is angry. I could have stopped them but I didn\'t. They no longer had any emotions. I only followed them because I loved big bro"

"Tch. Stop talking" Du Chan said, feeling the conversation was turning for the worst.

The second brother smiled.

"I don\'t know if young master knows this or not, but people who are geniuses should not have sex…

"Huh? What are you talking about" Du Chan interrupted his speech.

"...before reaching the blood condensation realm. If anyone has sex before breakthrough, their blood can\'t be purified by the qi anymore"

"I don\'t understand a single thing you\'re talking about, talk clearly" Du Chan requested. He doesn\'t remember talking about this with the sect master. \'Why didn\'t sect master say anything about this\' he thought.

The second brother sat down.

"I only heard this. I don\'t know if it\'s true or not, but having sex before the blood condensation realm will reduce the chances to reach the Houtian realm. If it\'s after the blood condensation realm, then there\'s no problem. I only know this, if young master wants to know more, then you can only know after joining a sect"

"Hmm" Du Chan started to think but stopped after some time.

"Ok then I will take my leave" he said that and picked his dagger. He sliced the second brother\'s head off. He didn\'t have any intentions of leaving him alive anyway. After killing him, he searched for the storage bag and found it.

It was small only the size of his fist but when he opened it, it was like a small room was within it.

"Wow, this thing is good" Du Chan was happy to find this.

Then he filled half of the bag with gold. He was surprised at how many gold coins they had stored in the 5 years of robbery.

He then took that book from the dead bandit and kept it in the bag for safe keeping. After storing what he needed, he went back to the house and dug 5 holes for the dead women. And went back to that room where they were. He went to them and cut the ropes with which they were tied, brought their dead bodies outside and buried them.

He made his way back to the cart in the forest. He reached it in an hour. Then, he took the cart away from those corpses since he thought the smell of blood would attract other beasts. So he hurriedly moved from that location and threw the driver back on his seat.

Du Chan entered the cart and slept. After some hours, Gu Auntie woke up and saw Du Chan was sleeping and looked for the driver, but he was sleeping in his seat too. She was relieved and woke up the driver. She didn\'t think about how they fell asleep because everyone was safe and sound at the end of the day.

The day passed by, Du Chan and Gu Auntie reached the orphanage finally.

Zhu Rong saw that they came back and arrived to them shouting.

"Auntie and Brother Chan have returned!!"

All the children came out and ran towards Auntie but only Zhu Rong ran towards Du Chan. He hugged Du Chan and started to cry.

"What happened brother, why were you like that. I thought I may not play with you again!" Zhu Rong said while crying.

"I\'m okay now" Du Chan consoled him.

After talking for a while, they entered the orphanage. Du Chan returned to his room and jumped on his bed.

"Ha ha. Killing is not that bad. Who would have thought I would kill 9 people…but I don\'t feel any guilty, they deserved it!"

Looking at the roof, he talked to himself.

"Well. I have money now. What should I do with it...?"

He thought and decided to buy some nice clothes in the end.

He took some bronze and silver coins from the storage bag and went to a tailoring shop.

He didn\'t buy any clothes but took his body\'s measurements. He instructed the tailor to make some nice t-shirts and shorts. The tailor was shocked as he had never seen this type of clothing. But he got excited and told him that he will finish it as fast as he could.

Du Chan never thought that clothes were cheap. It took 5 bronze coins for 5 t-shirts and 5 shorts, that\'s all.

[Money is not that easy to earn for a worker. 5 bronze coins are equal to a full day\'s work...but Du Chan was rich compared to the people in this village]

After 3 days, the clothes were ready. Du Chan came back to the tailoring shop that day.

"Kid…no, sir. Can I sell this type of clothes in my shop?" the shop owner asked Du Chan.

"Huh? Sur-" Du Chan stopped talking and thought if he could make money even from them.

\'Even if I\'m rich, that\'s not my money. I didn\'t earn a single coin. I will earn myself from this\'

"Okay, sure. But I have even more ideas and I can give them to you…If you offer me 50% of what you sell that is" Du Chan said.

"....." The shop owner was silent. "50 is very high…." Before he finished, Du Chan told them about the shirts, tie and some fashion and luxury clothes designs. After listening to Du Chan\'s ideas the shop owner held his hands.

"Please. I want to sell these clothes in my shop. 50% is okay for me after all"

Du Chan smiled.

After completing the necessary paper works, Du Chan started to wear those t-shirts and shorts and walked on the roads for publicity.

"Mama. See that kid? He is wearing weird clothes but it looks good….I want to wear those clothes too" a kid started to argue with his mom.

"Mummy I like those clothes, I want them too" another kid started asking…

Du Chan rounded the whole market, and more public places and entered the clothes shop where those clothes sell.

.... Kids and teens were attracted to it and started to buy those clothes in that shop.

After finishing his business, he returned to the orphanage. Seeing the clothes Du Chan was wearing, all the kids were shocked, even Auntie.

"Xiao Chan, what are those strange clothes?" Auntie asked.

"These are the new fashion clothes right now!" Du Chan answered.

"Then where did you get money to buy them?" Auntie asked.

"I-I I\'m working in that clothes shop" Du Chan replied with a smile.

Gu Auntie smiled and gave him a bonk on his head.

"Okay, eat your food"

"Ahh ouch. Okay..." Even though it was not painful, he acted so.

His Auntie didn\'t know that he was already in Body Training first stage.

After eating his lunch, he returned to the mountains, hunted a boar and made a dish. His cooking skills had improved a lot. After finishing, he slept on a tree.

The evening, he returned to the orphanage and played with Zho Rong. He and the fatty played for some time, but Zho Rong was very bad at games and always fell on the ground. He even cried sometimes.

Du Chan got an idea about Zho Rong. In the morning, he took him to that clothes shop and made some clothes matching his size. He and the fatty wore them and started to walk in the public places again. Zho Rong felt very embarrassed at first, but seeing his brother Chan walking without shame, He followed him and did the same. He raised his head with a proud smile on his face and walked around. They returned to the orphanage before lunchtime and after eating lunch he took Zho Rong with him to the mountains. He hunted 2 rabbits. Fatty was shocked to see his brother Chan killing the cute rabbits without any expression. Seeing the fatty\'s shocked expression, Du Chan laughed.

"I killed many \'animals\' so it\'s not a big deal for me"

"Brother Chan is somewhat scary" fatty said while gulping his saliva.

"Haha, okay eat this" the rabbits were cooked very well. He gave one to fatty and ate one himself.

"Brother….I can\'t eat the whole rabbit, my stomach is already full" fatty said sadly.

"Just eat it even if you vomit afterwards. You should eat that now" Du Chan said seriously.

Fatty\'s mouth had already started drooling because he only ate meat twice in his lifetime (8 years).

"If brother says so then it\'s okay"

"Yummy….brother\'s cooking is very good"

Du Chan smiled and started eating. Both finished.

"Okay, come with me" Du Chan stood up and started walking into the middle of the mountains.

"Wait for me brother Chan" fatty stood up and ran behind him.

After entering the middle of the mountains, Du Chan looked for the best place to sleep and both of them slept there.

After sleeping for an hour, he woke up and cultivated.

2 hours passed. He stopped cultivating and woke up fatty.

"Fatty wake up" Du Chan budged him.

"Hmm let me sleep for some more time…" fatty said lazily

Du Chan smiled and slapped his butt.

"AHH" fatty woke up and started rubbing his butt "Brother Chan…" he said with watery eyes.

"From today onwards, you will strengthen your body" Du Chan said with devilish smile.

"Huh?..." Fatty looked at that scary smile he got scared.


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