
Chapter 54 - Disgusting Behaviour

Chapter 54 - Disgusting Behaviour

"Hey Samur!" The door to my room burst open.

Umm, Noelle, have you ever heard of the social concept called \'manners\'?

Because frankly speaking, you just barging into my room like that is, for lack of a better term, disgusting behaviour.


Her repulsive conduct aside, let\'s find out what she\'s here for.

"You didn\'t show up for dinner, so I came to check on you."

Wait, it\'s this late already? And I haven\'t even started making my heart.

I could have completed it a long time ago if not for my shit body which has no Magic Calculation Area.

I mean, I have the structure of the magic formations required to create the heart inside my head, but the moment I try to visualise them and bring them to reality, my body just gives up.

It\'s like fitting a V12 Racing Engine into a Remote-Controlled Car; it has so much raw power (19,300 hp) but there\'s only so much that the car itself can handle. It won\'t travel faster than a normal car.

"Ah, I wasn\'t hungry. You don\'t need to worry." I shrugged and went back to my work.

I hope she doesn\'t get angry and scream something like \'I can\'t just not worry about you!\'.

"That won\'t do. A growing child needs to eat three square meals a day."

Wut? I\'m pretty sure I\'m radiating a \'Fuck off and leave me alone you faggot\' aura.

Looks like social cues aren\'t one of her strong suits. No wonder she just waltzes into my room like an unplanned pregnancy.

"Like I said, I\'m not hungry." I tried to calmly reason with her.

Though I doubt it\'ll work; the perks of having a 12-year-old body.

"No can do." She walked towards me.

Hmm, should I try emulating my rebellious phase?

"Noelle." My stern tone stopped her. "I\'m not hungry. Please try to understand, I cannot just leave this and go have dinner. If I do, I\'ll ruin all the hours I have spent on this."

Well, I actually CAN pause my work to take a break, but in doing so I\'ll break my rhythm (which is already on the verge of breaking because of Ms. Bargy McBarge here).

I have already started it, so I would like to see it to the end.

Besides, who doesn\'t like having a Dragon-Vampire Hybrid Heart??

I guess boring people who never get invited to parties because they\'re so boring.

"Alright, sheesh, no need to be so angry." Noelle surprisingly backed down.

"Thank you. Close the door on your way out."

Good grief, I really should have locked it before starting my work.

Hmm, but who\'s to say Noelle wouldn\'t have broken it down just to barge into my room? Because the courteous act of knocking on a door sounds too advanced for her.

I mean, what if I was naked and fapping in my bed? What would she have done then? Awkwardly close the door on her way out?

Huh, maybe I need to install some defence mechanisms on the door to avoid that situation.

"Don\'t forget to eat your food later." Noelle reminded me as she left.

And to my pleasant surprise, she didn\'t forget to close the door behind her either. Looks like I\'ll have to revaluate her behaviour.

Anyway, back to the heart.



Using the 769 magical formations that I had set up, I was successful in precisely controlling the cell division rate as well as the conversion of stem cells into the other types of cells. It was also providing it the \'frame\' for the cells to self-organise into a heart.

The process was mostly automated (no way in hell could my tiny brain handle all of that by itself), but I still had to monitor it to make sure that nothing would go wrong.

And in case it did go wrong, I had to be there to quickly contain the anomaly to prevent the loss of the entire organ.

Anyway, only about 20% of the heart has been formed.

There\'s still some time before I can use it.


"Hey brat!"

God-fucking-damn, I seriously need to- hmm? Brat?

It\'s not Noelle.

Oh, it\'s Arteria. Huh, I didn\'t know that she was Noelle 2.0.


Well, I can already imagine what she\'s here for.

"You were not there for breakfast." Her tone was calmer and seemed more \'negotiable\'.

"Well, I\'m not really hungry. I also need to finish this."

I can\'t leave; not at this stage.

"Just how long have you been working on this?" She scowled at me.

"I just started." I lied as naturally as I breathed.

"There are dark circles under your eyes." She sighed.

Looks like I wasn\'t able to lie as naturally as I breathed. Fuck.

"This thing is almost finished, so please keep it a secret from Noelle."

I doubt Noelle would ignore my pleas and just drag me out of here to feed me breakfast and make me sleep, but as long as there\'s a possibility, I can\'t risk it.

The heart is almost completed; I can\'t let anyone ruin it now.

"Just what are you even making?" She started walking towards me.

She couldn\'t see the heart as it was hidden by the equipment.

"Oh, that\'s just-"

"Holy shit what the hell is that?!" She exclaimed as she saw the almost fully formed heart floating above my table.

The heart was surrounded by several magical formations. Most of all, it was beating, though it didn\'t have any blood to pump.

"Just a little experiment." I smiled.

Let\'s hope she doesn\'t start spouting off bullshit about how this is wrong and all that.

"Oh my God this is…" Her eyes widened.

Goddamnit, that\'s exactly what she\'s going to do. I need to do something before she literally and metaphorically breaks my hearts in the name of justice.

Should I kill her? No wait, that\'s a bit too extreme. Also, that won\'t be the most tactical decision considering I\'m still planning to live here for a bit.

But between my heart I have worked so hard to create and a dodgy Vampire, the choice is hard.

"This is so awesome!" Her eyes gleamed.

What the fuck?

"You should have told me you were doing something so cool!" She patted my shoulder.

"Uh, I was going to surprise you." I chuckled.

Phew. Viva La my lying skills.

"You cheeky brat." She scoffed. "Never keep something like this a secret from me."

"I\'ll keep that in mind." I nodded.

Focusing on two things at once- one of which is literally the final stage of a lab grown organ- is hard. Especially because I have a shit for brains.

Maybe it\'s time to hire an assistant. And if it\'s an assistant I want, who would be better than someone who\'s so passionate?

I\'ll ask Arteria later if she wants to join the R&D Department to work under me.

Oh right, I\'m the Head of Department, not just a researcher. I need people to work under me.

Not that I actually need them as I can do everything by myself, but a department cannot exist without the lower-level workers.

"Do you need any help?" She asked, her tone a bit excited.

It\'s decided; I\'m definitely recruiting her.

"Nope, it\'s almost finished. Next time, maybe."

"Ah, I see." Her head drooped as her smile instantly vanished.

Why the fuck does she look like a puppy abandoned in rain? Gosh, I feel bad now.

But there really is nothing she could do for me- oh wait.

"Ah, there IS one thing I could use your help with."

"Really?" Her face brightened.

I didn\'t expect her to be this expressive, especially when we consider her cold demeanour when we first met.

But I guess everyone has a hidden side.

"Yup. But before that, how precise are you with your hands?"

"I can put three threads in a single needle hole. Why?"

Three threads in a single needle wtf? Nice.

"Because what you\'re about to do requires extreme precision."

Time to proceed to the next stage.

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