
Chapter 158 - Revenge

Dan-Han didn\'t know how far the hospital was until now. They had been driving for so long but it seemed like the longer they drove the further it was from the hospital. He looked at the girl in his arms and he felt like shedding tears for her. Although she let go of his arm, her mouth was now covered with his shirt, and she didn\'t want to let go. He had a pensive look on his face all through the drive when it took so long for them to get there. He called Jae-Hyun and informed him about his arrival.

When they finally arrived at the hospital, Jae-Hyun and some nurses were already waiting at the entrance of the hospital. When the chairman of the board calls they were all bound to obey even Jae-Hyun. Dan-Han immediately placed her on the stretcher, and let them wheel her in.


"Here" He passed the bottle of the drug Eun-sun had consumed to Jae-Hyun, and his eyes went up in shock when he saw what Dan-Han had given him.

"The whole bottle?" Jae-Hyun asked in shock and disbelief, while Dan-Han nodded.

Jae-Hyun frowned deeply, before hurrying off to see the patient while Dan-Han followed suit. He plunged himself on one of the chairs in the waiting area as he worried about her and thought about the state he had met her. What if he had arrived later by foolishly waiting in front of her apartment, feeling angry and jealous? Why had he waited so long before calling her in the first place? Why didn\'t he just follow the cab she had entered when he saw earlier tonight. If he had, she wouldn\'t have suffered this much. He berated himself for being so stupid.

This incident reminded him of what had happened years ago. His hands balled into a fist as he thought about everything.

He picked up his phone and immediately dialed Tae-Ho\'s number.


"Find every detail about him and send it over now. I\'ll be at the base in an hour" He ordered before ending the call, not waiting for a reply.

The last half an hour Dan-Han waited for Jae-Hyun to come to give him some information had been the worst half-hour of his life.

Why was everybody making him wait today? The waiting was frustrating.

Dan-Han jerked to his feet the moment he saw Jae-Hyun stepping out of the emergency area.

"How is she?" He hurriedly asked the moment he approached Jae-Hyun. The look of concern and worry on his face was too evident that even Jae-Hyun was surprised by it. For the first time, he was seeing the aloof Lee Dan-Han looking concerned for someone.

"She\'s fine. We\'ve got the drugs out of her system. She resting now"

"Will she be okay?" That was the most important question on his mind. He\'d kill everyone including that supposed mother of hers if she as much as have an adverse effect from the drug.

Placing a comforting hand on his shoulder, Jae-Hyun said, "Relax, she\'ll be fine. You brought her just at the nick of time, or else we might have had a different situation at hand" Consuming the usual dose of the drug was enough to cause certain damage, then imagine what the whole bottle could do. His statement made Dan-Han\'s hands balled into a fist.

Jae-Hyun was curious to know who would such thing to a girl, must especially the one Dan-Han fancied. He had recognized her as the girl at the club which Dan-Han and In-Ha had taken a liken to. Thinking about that he wondered what would happen between the two friends when they find out they were falling for the same girl.

"Who gave her that drug?" Jae-Hyun inquisitively asked. His question made Dan-Han\'s eyes darken and that was enough to tell him he shouldn\'t be asking about dead people or soon-to-be-dead people.

"Take me to her" Was all Dan-Han replied. He didn\'t want to hear or say anything else until he sees that she was indeed okay. Jae-Hyun nodded his head and led him to the private room where Eun-sun was admitted.

"She\'s sleeping, for now. I\'ll be back when she\'s awake" Jae-Hyun informed him before walking out of the room.

Dan-Han remained rooted to the spot, his eyes locked on the petite body lying helplessly on the bed with an infusion line attached to her hand. His heart hurt in places he didn\'t know he could hurt when he saw his tenacious girl looking so vulnerable.

He took slow and steady steps towards the bed and stood by her side. He felt a pang on his chest when he noticed how pale and frail she looked while she slept. He gently used his finger to remove the hair on her face and carefully brushed them backward, his movements were gentle so he wouldn\'t disturb her.

His eyes fell on her perfectly lined brows, her small pointed nose, and her small lips that looked parched. She looked beautiful and peaceful while she slept even though the reason why she was asleep wasn\'t normal. His phone vibrated at that same time, he brought it out and saw a message from Tae-Ho. It was the report of the assignment he had assigned to him.

Dan-Han\'s mood dampened when he saw the detail of the message. He messaged Jae-Hyun to bring a nurse to wait on Eun-sun, just in case she wakes up before he returned. Dan-Han placed a soft kiss between and brows and brushed her soft hair backward,

"I\'ll be back" he muttered softly before leaving the room.

With a grim look, Dan-Han strolled out of the hospital and headed to the base.

There was only one thing on his mind and that was to get revenge for what had been done to her. There was no way he\'d let them go.


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I love you all. God bless you all richly.


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