
Chapter 41

“Thanks for your patronage!?” Luna shout from the desk. Waving back, we left the store.

Standing outside, I wanted to ask what we are going to do, but Zagan talked first.

“To the adventure guild,” Zagan said, pumping his fist in the air.

“Okay, lead the way,” I said, following behind everyone.

“Sis, are you wearing a bra now?” Amari asks all of a sudden.

“Yes, it’s the first time I actually need to wear one. Why?” I said, looking at her confused.

“Really? How does it feel?” Amari said, looking at me.


“Comfy,” I said, trying to hide my embarrassment at the question. Looking at Amari, I looked at her boobs and saw she was the same as Moms’, small. Smiling at her, I made it like I was adjusting my own boobs.

“Hey, don’t show off!” Amari said, turning away, pouting.

“Wait, this is your first time wearing one. I had to wear one from when I was 10 years old.” Rachel said, depressed, looking at her own.

‘Wait, how did I not notice those!?’ I shouted in my mind looking at Rachels D-Cups. The longer I looked at it, the more depressed I got.

“You fiend.” Looking at her with a deadpan look, both Amari and I said at the same time, making her surprised. Looking at Amari, our eyes met, we had a mental conversation. Nodding at each other, we looked back at Rachel and grinned.

(5 minutes later)

“Haha, all done,” I said, dusting my hands off.

“We did a great job,” Amari said, giving me a high five.

“To think my old clothes will still be useful.” I laughed, seeing Rachel blushing face. In the last 5 minutes, Amari and I have changed Rachel from a well-dressed girl to a human burrito. Because Rachel was smaller than me before my evolution, we could fit 10 clothes to hide her giant breast and most of her body. All though we had to cut some holes for her wings in the shirts and hoodies.

“Poor Rachel,” Zagan said, shaking his head. Getting a glimpse of his smile, I knew he also loved the site himself.

“Can you guys take them off, please? It’s getting hot in here.” Rachel said, moving closer to us. Looking at her stuck in a T pose and moving like a penguin. Seeing her move around like that, I had to look away in order to hold in my laughter. I was not the only one Amari and Zagan had to do the same.

After we calmed down, we helped Rachel to take everything off. In the form of me touching the clothes and store them away. She did ask to keep one of the hoodies that I denied, though.

“Now that that’s over with can we move to our destination,” Zagan said.

“Yeah, yeah. Let’s finish this and get some food.” I said, putting my hands into my pocket.

“Didn’t you eat anything this morning?” Zagan asks, confused.

“Hello, you woke me up,” I said, looking at Zagan like he was dumb.

“Ooh, yeah, we did that.” He said awkwardly.

“Whatever, the faster we do this, the better,” I said, gesturing for him to move.

“Sniff, sniff. Ooh, that smells good.” After a while of walking, I started smelling a meaty aroma in the air. Ignoring the conversation going on, I followed the sent. Not looking where I was going, I hit someone knocking them over.

“Ooh, I am sorry. I didn’t see you there.” I said, looking down at the person I just walked over. I was about to help her up when I saw a familiar glare and a fan I knew very well being brought up into the air. Looking at the person again, I saw that it was the granny from this morning that destroyed her fan over my head.

Panicking, I used my top speed with Flash Step to get onto the closest building. Looking back, I saw the granny look at me, surprised. Ignoring her, I dashed away from her at full speed on the roofs.

Running for a while, I came to a stop above an alleyway. Looking back, I didn’t see anyone following me. Sighing, I jumped down to an alley and walked out into the street.

“Haah, hopefully, she won’t find me here. I really don’t want to buy her another fan,” I said with a sigh. Walking up the street looking around, the realization hit me. Face palming, I sighed again and muttered. “I am an idiot.”

Spinning on the spot, I looked for anything I could recognize. “Nope, I have no idea where I am. Hah, I’m lost.”

Sighing in depression, I started to walk south, hoping to get closer to the center. Walking for a while, I suddenly heard a lot of shouting. heading in the direction where all the yelling was coming from, coming to a stop in front of a 2 story building with a sign on it saying ‘Jimmy’s barbeque.’ Smiling, I started walking towards the restaurant, saying. “I will get some food. Then I start looking for them again.”

‘It sounds more like a bar.’ I thought, opening the door.


Hearing the bell, everyone inside went silent and looked at the door to see the new arrival.

“Huh, what a cool bell,” I said, looking at the silver dragon bell on the door frame. Looking away from the bell, I saw that everyone was staring at me. “Yeah, I am not that imported that all of you need to stare at me,” I said, closing the door behind me.

“I haven’t seen your face around these parts before.” One of the waitresses said, walking towards me.

“Un, I am new to the capital and thought about going out for a bite,” I said, looking at her. She had blue eyes with long blond hair and had a maid outfit on.

“Is that so. Lucky for you, you have chosen the best barbeque shop in the capital.” She said, smiling.

“Is that so?” I said, still keeping my emotionless face. “Can I have a seat for one, please?”

“First or second floor,” she asks.

“The second floor, please,” I said, looking at how busy this place was.?She nodded and guided me upstairs. Luckily there was at least one free table for me upstairs.

Sitting down at the table, I order some food.

“Are you sure you will be able to finish all of this?” She said look at me with a shocked face when she heard I wanted 10 plates of meat. Not answering her, I adjusted my scarf, showing my smile and one of my canines. “Aah, that makes sense. It will be right up.” She said, smiling, and walked away.

A couple of years ago, Rebecca and I went out to the city to eat or, more as she dragged me out by force, but that isn’t important. I asked her if people won’t be discussed seeing my teeth.

“There might not be a lot of people like you, but there is. If one of you likes to eat out at a restaurant, the customers might be disgusted, but the restaurant itself won’t. They see people like you more like a money bag. the reason is quite simple people like you eat a lot.” She explained, surprising me.

When I heard her explanation, I wanted to cry. Knowing that I need to pay a lot of money to fill myself. Being more abnormal, I eat a lot more than normal, even for people like me. But at least they won’t show me a way because of my looks.

Hearing plates being put on the table, I came out of my thoughts and looked at the same waitresses putting dishes down full of meat on my table with a senior guy in a chef outfit.

“That was fast,” I said, smiling at them.

“Of course, we don’t want you to go hungry.” The Chef said.

“Haha, true true,” I said, laughing, looking through the dishes, I saw that there were a lot of offcuts and tuff meat in between. “I see you guys went and found some peculiar meat for me.”

“Cough, yes, we don’t have a lot of A-rank meat left.” The Chef said worriedly.

“Don’t worry about it. I like this sort of meat more anyways, but can I ask for something special?” I said, waving my hand.

“Yes, anything, ma’am,” He said, nodding.

“Can you make me some bones that were boiled in a meat sauce for a while? Not too long, just like 10 minutes.” Receiving their confused gazes, I continued. “Don’t worry. I will pay you for it.”

Hearing they would get money for it, they didn’t ask anything and went away.

“Hearing about money, and they just never ask,” I said, chuckling. Looking down at the dishes, I said, “Thanks for the food.”

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