
Chapter 54

“What happened to you, Kayda?” Dean asks, confused.

“Well, obviously, I received my wings, dumbass,” Kayda said, annoyed, still glaring at me?

“I can see that, but why?” Dean asks.

“Reasons I can not say.” She said, taking her eyes of me looking at mom.

“I see,” Dean said, dropping the topic.

“Wow, Kayda, you look so cool now,” Amari said with stars in her eyes.

“I do, Don’t I, disciple,” Kayda said, sitting next to Amari.


“Hey, Kitsuna, your nose is bleeding.” Rachel said, bringing me back from my thoughts.

“Hmm, it seems so,” I said, touching my nose. Standing up, I rubbed all the blood away, and I said. “Weird, I think I didn’t have enough sleep last night.”

“You think.” Mom said, raising an eyebrow.

“Yeah, don’t worry, Stacy. I will go and catch more shut-eye then.” I said, walking to the door again. Stopping at the door, not looking back, I said. “Ooh and Kayda, your future spouse is one lucky person. I am actually jealous.”

“Wait for me.” Rachel said, also running out.

Walking down the hallway, I looked down at Rachel that was latched onto my arm.

“So why did you follow me?” I ask, looking at Rachel confused.

“Hmm, I don’t know. I just felt like it.” She said, smiling.

“I see. But can you please let go of my arm?” I said, a bit annoyed.

“Ooh, I am sorry,” She said, letting go.

“It’s fine.”

“So how will you make me a full angel.” She said with a bit of a demanding voice.

“Hmm, I will be using a technique I made in my past life,” I said, lying through my teeth.

“I see how long will it take,” She said with the same demanding voice.

“I can do it in a day, but if you want a 100% chance for it to work, it will take a month,” I said, looking at her with a raised eyebrow.

“That is good. You will be helping me out a lot.” She said with a nod making me even more confused.

“I am sorry, Rachel, but I need to go back. I forgot to ask Dean something,” I said before disappearing.

(Dining hall after Kitsuna left)

(Stacy POV)

Seeing Kitsuna just leave like that, I looked at Kayda. Seeing her look down, I said. “It kind of sounds like she was giving herself a compliment.” Making Kayda look at me wide eye.

“What do you mean?” Dean said, confused next to me.

“I mean, she is Kaydas future wife,” I said, making Dean’s jaw drop.

“How do you know that Mom,” Amari ask, tilting her head side ways.

“Wait, I thought I am not allowed to tell anyone about that?” Kayda said, confused.

“I said you couldn’t tell Kitsuna. But her sister and Dean should be fine.” I said, shrugging.

“Ooh then. Hello, future family in law. I am Kayda, Kitsunas soul mate.” Kayda said, smiling with a small bow.

“Hehe, I see, I see. Welcome future sister-in-law, please take care of me.” Amari said with a giant smile.

“Wait, wait a minute, you are saying that Kitsuna has already found her wife!?” Dean shouts in surprise.

“In a way, yes, but she is not allowed to know as Kayda made some mistakes and needs to pay for it,” I explain.

“I am not giving you my second daughter!? I already lost one.” Dean said, pointing at Kayda.

“HUH! You only know her for 2 days, and why do I need your permission to take my soul mate!?” Kayda shouted back.

“Shut up!?” I yelled, looking in at the side table. A second later, Kitsuna appeared there, looking at me.

“We need to talk, now,” Kitsuna said before disappearing again.

“You don’t think she heard us right,” Dean asked.

“No, she didn’t. This is about something else. And if I am right, it’s about her. Honestly, it scares me how much she is like me.” I said, facepalming.

“Her?” Dean said.

“You will understand,” I said before disappearing.

“Okay,” Dean said, also disappearing.

“Did they just leave us hanging?” Amari said, looking at Kayda.

“You don’t need to worry about it. They will tell you on a later date about this,” Kayda said, patting her head smiling.

(Kitsuna POV)

Reappearing in the dining hall, I looked at mom and Dean and said while pointing at them. “We need to talk, now.”

Disappearing again, I appeared on top of the roof.

“What is with this world and it’s propblems,” I said. Looking back, I saw Mom and Dean appear there looking at me.

“Tell me why Rachel is in this mansion,” I said with an emotionless voice.

“Well, I guess you figure that out already.” Mom said not surprised.

“Yeah, I mean, she sounded kind of demanding when I was alone with her just now. At first, I thought it was because she is desperate, but if I think about yesterday, how she acts around Amari, and when she is alone with me, she is like 2 different people. She also only acts touchy when other people are around me. Witch is really annoying. But thinking about it, she is most likely like that because Amari is the next heir to the house, and being good friends with a marquis house head is never bad. You two should know this already, right. So why is she still in the house? Is it because of the church? Or do you guys want to teach Amari about things like this?” I said, confused.

“Yes, in a way both. It’s more complicated than you think. You see, even if she is a half-breed, the church will still try and kidnapped her. They would then use her as there angel idol of some sort.” Dean explain.

“Yeah, Nah, I not buying that shit,” I said, completely annoyed at Dean.

“Really, Dean, couldn’t you make up a better lie.” Mom said.

“I am sorry.” Dean said looking down.

“Okay, it’s like this. The king hates the church.” Mom said.

“Then why is the church in the capital,” I said, starting to think. “So, the reason why she is in the house is because of the king. Does he want to use her to get rid of the church? But how? Does the church know about her? No, if they did, they would have already taken her away. Wait, the church is actually more a cult, isn’t it. So you guys want them to attack the capital and use her as a scapegoat in a way? In doing that the citizens will start to hate the church affectively getting them out. but why will the cult attack the capital.”

“I see what you mean. She is a lot like you, dear,” Dean said.

“Umu, you got most of it right. We thought about using you as a reason why they attack us. but with you making Rachel a full angel will make it easier for us.”

“Using me? And when were you planning to tell me about that?” I said, annoyed.

“When we started with proper planning and a date when it will happen.”

“I see that makes sense. I am, after all, only 13,” I said, nodding but still annoyed.

“So you don’t mind we using you as bait?” Dean said, confused.

“Yeah, it’s fine. I want to know about it, though.” I said, shrugging.

“Okay, we will talk with the king about it,” he said with a nod.

“But how long have you guys started planning this.”

“The day we found her.”

“That long, wait, this isn’t your final goal, is it,” I said, already knowing the answer.

“No, it’s not. This is just the first step.”

“You want to kill the god of light, don’t you. If it is like that, I really don’t mind being used as bait.” I said.

“Haha, you really are like me back in the day. Thank you.” Mom says, hugging me.

“Don’t worry, Stacy,” I said with a grin.

“What is this with Stacy all of a sudden again.”

“Well, you lost the privilege to be called mom last night after you let the commander stab me in the chest.”

“Wha... Stacy, How could you let that happen.” Dean shouted.

“But...” She let me go and turned towards Dean.


Smirking, I took strainers out from my storage. There are many types of restrainers, and the ones I have block mana and skills. They are also heavy when activated, which makes them the best for speed-type prisoners. I was planning on using them on myself for training, but they would be good for some revenge as well. Walking towards Mom’s back, I indicated for Dean to stay quiet and started to put them on her limbs.

Over the 3 years of living with her, I figure out if the topic has something to do about Dean. She lets down her guard completely. And I have used that many times to get my revenge on her. Or mostly prank her, but it’s the same thing at the end of the day.

“Astalavista baby,” I said, activating the restrainers at full and started running away.

“What!? Kitsuna, come back here, now.” Mom shouted, seeing me run away. Feeling the restrainers on her, she looked back to Dean, only to see that he disappeared as well. “GRRRR”

“Haha, come and catch me, S-T-A-C-Y,” I shouted, looking at Mom, who was running after me.

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