
Chapter 114

“The city of Bandin. It looks a lot like Armillian. Especially the wall and the name aren’t perfect.” I said, walking through the city gates with Kayda next to me.

“I guess it’s a bad name, and why would the city look different from Armillian?” Kayda asked, looking up at me, confused.

“Because it’s a different city, and I presume a different noble is running it. So why do they want to do the same as the others when it comes to the architecture.” I said, shrugging, looking at dozens of copycat buildings.

‘It’s like these buildings were copied and paste exactly the same distance from each other. It’s fucken boring.’ I thought, sighing to myself.

“Hmm, I never thought about that,” Kayda said, also looking at the buildings.

“Never? On Earth, we had dozens or thousands of cities, and over 90% of them were different in a lot of ways. That is the reason why tourism was such a big thing there.” I explain with a nostalgic smile.

“But we do have tourism here,” Kayda commented with a raised eyebrow.


“Yes, but it is more nature orientated than anything else. It wasn’t like that on earth, but it is more focused on nature and dungeons here. Let’s take Tokyo, for example. It was a city where you go to have fun and see the city itself. Here you will go to the Dead Forest to see what it’s all about, maybe even try and level up there if you can.” I explain energetically.

“Ooh, but the dead forest is restricted for the public,” Kayda said, looking at me with a neutral expression.

“I know that I just used it as an example. There is no way the Draig family would allow someone to take resources from that place.”

“It’s a deadly forest that’s used as a border, and that Draig family needs to look after it. So, I don’t think it’s because of that.” Kayda said, tilting her head at me.

“True, but that’s a surface reason. If that was the only reason, then why couldn’t Hugo level up there without any interruptions?” I ask, looking at

“Because he was a furry dip shit,” Kayda said innocently.

“Again, true, but that’s not the main reason,” I said with a deflated expression.

“If you put it like that, then it makes sense.”

“I thought you would know this. Especially being in the black ops yourself.”

“I don’t go to the dead forest out of missions. So, I don’t know all the procedures when it comes to that.” Kayda said, shrugging.

“What a waste. No wonder your still so far from my mother’s level.” I said, looking at her a

“I might be, but we are basically on the same level strength-wise,” Kayda said defensively.

“That might be so, but you are sage while she is a close-range fighter.”

“And what does that have to do with anything?”

“Hmm, not much it’s just more where you guys will be more useful. for example, who would be more useful in an open field surrounded by dozens of enemies?”

“Me, because I can make an area affect the spell.”

“Yes, but then who would be more useful if you were in a cave trapped by enemies.”

“Stacy, because it is a fight.”

“See, that’s why I said it was a waste for you not using the dead forest.”

“But my research?” Kayda whined.

“Aah, you do have that, don’t you,” I said, laughing awkwardly.

“Poo, how mean of you. To forget about one of the most important things in my life,” Kayda said, looking away, pouting.

“Ha-ha, sorry, sorry, here is some demon rock you can research,” I said, taking a small demon rock out of my storage.

“...You have tons of this. Can’t you give something rarer,” Kayda said, looking at the demon rock in my hands.

“Kayda, don’t be greedy now, or else I will take everything back. Including my money.” I said, narrowing my eyes at her.

“Your no fun, you know that. I was only joking, and it doesn’t matter when we get...” Kayda said, snatching the demon rock out of my hands.

“You sound like an obsessed girl again. It’s a total turn-off.” I comment before she could finish.

“Aah, was I always like that?”

“Don’t know, I only know you for a month,” I said, sighing while looking at her weirdly.

“Hmm,” Kayda hummed to herself, falling into thought.

‘It is weird that is she is like that, not that I mind it. I was told by Sensei that I am slow when it comes to a lot of things.’ I thought while looking around.

“Did you hear the church in Bandin was destroyed?”

“What another one. Tsk, that’s the 5th one this month.”

“They weren’t even built that long ago.”

“Hmm, there was a church in Bandin?” I hummed, hearing the gossip around us.

Looking towards the people that were talking, I saw two people sitting outside a restaurant while talking to the waiter.

‘I guess there might be a pillar there.’ I thought, walking up to them while dragging Kayda with me.

“Good afternoon, sorry to bother you guys, but I couldn’t help but overheard that there was a church in Bandin that has been destroyed,” I said, taking all three of their attention.

“...Y-Yes,” The one sitting to my right stuttered, getting a bit pale.

“Can you please give me directions?” I said, smiling at them.

“Aha, it’s... in... in the... far south...” The other one

“Hmm, why are you guys so stutter.”

“Hehe, it’s probably because of how you are carrying your friend there.” The waiter said, snickering.

“Hmm,” Looking back at Kayda behind me, I realized I grabbed her by the back of the neck. The baffling thing is she is still in her thoughts and didn’t realize I did it.

“That’s not it, Linda. Do you not know who this is?” The one guy said, pointing at me.

“Do we know each other?” I said, tilting my head at him.

“We haven’t met personally, but I have heard about you. You’re the demon fox that turns guys into a girl for fun.” The other guy said, joining in to point at me.

“HUH!? What the fuck!? Where did you hear something like that!” I shouted, surprised to bring Kayda out of her thoughts.

“Huh? Nova, why are you holding me like this, and why did you shout like that?” Kayda asked, pulling my hand away from her neck.

“We heard what you did to Hugo Boei and the Duke.”

“Oh, so you are the demon fox that saved Sarayo?” The waiter said with a tilted head.

“Huh, how do you guys know about things like that,” Kayda said, looking between the waiter and me.

“Sarayo told us about it.”

“And who is Sarayo?” I said, confused.

“She was a slave under the one furry.”

“Huh, I see. Anyways, what are the directions to the church?” I said, looking at the guys again only to realize they are gone.

“Huh, they ran away.” Kayda and the waiter said at the same time.

“I guess I would also if I were them,” I commented, making both of them look at me weirdly.

“Would you have?” the waiter said, baffled.

“Only if they deserved it,” I said, shrugging before adding. “Well, the explanation sits on you now, miss waiter,” I said, looking at the waiter.

“OH, that’s easy...”


“Hey Kayda, how are we supposed to meet up with Miss Grandie?”

“don’t know.”

“Do we need to go to the black market again?”

“No, definitely not. We will see tonight if they make contact.”

“Okay, anyway, we are close to the pillar.”

“So, there is one, and how do you know that.”

“Hmm, the killing intent in the air gives it away,” I said, looking in the direction where the killing intent was come from.

“Oh, makes sense,” Kayda said to bring her hands up.

“You didn’t notice it until I told you, didn’t you,” I said, giving her a deadpan look.

“Nooo... Maybe. Fine, yes, I was so in thought about why I always bring up us being together the entire time, okay.” Kayda said, looking away, pouting again.


“Sigh, don’t overthink about it. I don’t really mind it too much. Well, if you do that every 5 min, then I might get annoyed.” I said, rubbing her head.

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