
Chapter 341 - 341 Divine Consciousness [II]

Mei’er said fiercely. “Dead wooden fish, tell me honestly, did you know about this cave long ago?”

Fei waved his hands again and again and said to Meier. “I just discovered the conscience of heaven and earth, and I will never lie to you!”

Ziyu came over and asked, “Fei, is there any treasure hidden on your body? Did you find this place through this treasure?”

Fatty was full of curiosity about all kinds of treasures! Encountering a rare treasure, even just looking at it, will make Fatty unable to sleep for three days! According to Fatty’s idea, Fei must have hidden some treasures that he didn’t tell everyone, so he thought he had to ask what it was!

Fei was helpless. Seeing that there were no outsiders around, he said to everyone, “Okay, I’ll confess! Actually, I never said it, because I was afraid you wouldn’t believe me. Then I’ll tell you now!”

Mei’er immediately said to Fei, “Wow, you still have a secret from us! Hurry up and be honest, or don’t blame us for being rude to you!”

After speaking, Chong Fei gestured with a pink fist!

Fei pretended to be frightened and said, “Yes! The heavens know it, and everything I’ve told you is true!”


Mei’er nodded and said, “Okay, then tell me more!”

Fei’s face turned straight, and he asked the crowd, “Let me ask you first, do you know what ‘spiritual consciousness’ is?”

Fatty blinked his small eyes twice and said to Fei, “God? Are you not a god?”

Fei suddenly dropped a big drop of sweat and said to Ziyu, “God consciousness! I’m talking about God! Consciousness! It’s not a divine envoy!”

Everyone’s brows were furrowed, and no one had ever heard such a word before, nor was it recorded in books!

After thinking about it for a long time, Fatty couldn’t help but ask: “Fei, what kind of treasure is this divine sense? Can you take it out and let us see it first?”

“Yes!” Everyone nodded in agreement.

Fei couldn’t help sighing, it seemed that he really played the piano to the cows, it would be better not to tell them if he had known it earlier! At this moment, Fei’s chest flashed, and Ting Yu flew out of the space. But knowing that Meier was by his side, Tingyu did not transform into a human form.

But Mei’er still exclaimed when she saw this, looking at the three pairs of wings behind Tingyu, she couldn’t help asking: “Tingyu, haven’t you improved your cultivation again?”

Seeng to the rain nodded and said to Mei’er, “Yes, since a few days ago, I have been promoted to the seventh level. Originally, I thought it would take hundreds of years to improve, but I didn’t expect to cultivate by the master’s side, and the spiritual power of heaven and earth would be so abundant. , so that the speed of my cultivation has increased so fast!”

Dassault also said: “Yes, I also found out that I have been cultivating with the gods for a while, and I also feel that the level is about to improve! If it is at the previous speed, I am afraid it will take decades!”

Everyone in Lu Wenfeng nodded, because everyone had tasted the benefits of practicing with Fei. The spiritual power of heaven and earth condensed by Fei during his practice is much more than the spiritual power of heaven and earth in Lingchen Cave, enough for everyone to share!

Fei smiled and said: “This is all the effect of Ziling Taihe Gong, but it is very difficult to find people who can practice this practice, otherwise it would be a treasure of our Ironwood Academy!”

Bu Yueyue said: “Even if you can’t learn it, you can still use it as a treasure of the town courtyard? What if you can meet one at some point!”

Everyone nodded in agreement. Fei said: “Alright, then I’ll transcribe a copy and put it in the academy as a treasure of the town!”

Ziyu man said: “You have so many treasures on your body, what kind of spiritual knowledge is that? Come out and let us see it!”

After hearing this, Fei felt dizzy. He smiled and said, “Let me tell you what divine consciousness is!”

“Actually, I’ve long heard about the master’s possession of spiritual consciousness. According to the records in our clan, ‘spiritual consciousness’ refers to the fact that if you continue to practice after reaching the ninth level of spiritual immortal, by chance, You will be able to cultivate spiritual consciousness and embark on the road to becoming a god! However, the probability of being able to cultivate spiritual consciousness is very low. Otherwise, wouldn’t the gods fly all over the sky?”

After everyone listened, they nodded first, then shook their heads, all of which were vaguely understood.

Lu Wenfeng couldn’t help but ask. “Patriarch Ting Yu, do you mean to say that consciousness is a kind of technique that can be cultivated after reaching the ninth level?”

Ting Yu nodded and said, “You can think so too! But what kind of cultivation technique is spiritual consciousness, and what is its effect, I have not personally experienced it, but I have only seen these introductions from my clan’s records!”

After everyone listened, they turned their attention to Fei. All eyes are full of ‘this is impossible’ look!

Fei quickly said. “Okay, okay! I admit, I am the reincarnation of a great god, okay? Besides, I have possessed divine consciousness since the first-level Spiritualist level!”

Everyone felt dizzy when they heard it, and shouted in unison. “Impossible!”

Mei’er said. “Isn’t Ting Yu saying that only the ninth-level spirit fairy can cultivate spiritual consciousness? How could you be able to cultivate it at the first-level spirit soil?”

Ziyu shook his head and sighed. “Hey, a monster, a monster! Fei, if you’re not a god, then you must be a monster!”

Lu Wenfeng asked, “Fei, can you describe the effect of this divine sense? Did you find this cave using your divine sense?”

Fei pondered for some time and responded. “Brother Lu is right, but how do you describe it? It’s like if you close your eyes, the surrounding scenery can still appear in your mind, and it’s clearer than what you can see with your eyes.”

After hearing this, everyone immediately thought about this feeling. Fatty closed his eyes and felt it for a long time, and said to them. “I close my eyes, except I can hear the sounds around me, but I can’t see anything!”

Bu Yueyue said angrily. “You don’t have a sense of consciousness, it’s strange that you can see it!”

Mei’er mysteriously approached Fei and said to Fei, “Then let me test it, Fei, close your eyes first.”

Seeing Fei closed his eyes, Mei’er raised her hand and threw out an object. After a while, he said to Fei: “Okay, open it! Can you use that divine sense to retrieve the magic crystal that I threw away?”

Fei stared into Mei’er’s eyes and asked suspiciously, “Mei’er, are you sure you threw a magic crystal?”

Mei’er smiled euphemistically and said to Fei, “Of course, it depends on whether you can get it back!”

Fei shook his head, lifted a large stone from the stone wall next to him, and said to Mei’er, “Since you think so, then I will give you another bigger magic crystal!”

Seeing this, Mei’er immediately shouted angrily. “Dead Fei, you big liar!” After that, he knocked the stone in Fei’s hand off the cliff with her palm.

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