
Chapter 14

Chapter 14: Time- Part 2

“I’m not sure if we share the same facts so if you could brief me about it,” Alexander said coolly looking at the men who were seated in front of him.

“Lord Alexander, this is about the little girl who has been staying in your castle,” Kellen began to speak, “From what we have gathered she is a human you rescued a few months back from the ambush that occurred in the village that was situated between the border of south and west region. Is that right?”

“Yes, she was the sole survivor from the attack that took place,” the Valeria Lord answered promptly, “But did you know the outlaw vampires were released irresponsibly by Lord Norman’s men which led to the ambush of many families that lived there?”

“Is that so?” Lionel asked turning his grey eyes on Kellen who nodded like an obedient child. Alexander pushed a small button on his desk as they spoke, “Did they take action on it?”

“Sir, the matter was hushed with the lack of evidence of who had let the outlaws free. It was the time when the Head Council and you had gone to visit Lord Herbert,” Mathias spoke diligently and added, “We’ll look into the matter once we head back from here.”

“We aren’t here to speak about who attacked the village,” Lionel spoke getting the matter back on track, “It has come to our attention that the human girl was mistreated without giving any food for two days by the vampires who you are acquainted with and that is not all. You have marked the girl without her consent and that too in such a young age. Do you know the consequences of it?”

“If you are talking about punishment, the deed is already done. Being the Lord of the Valeria empire I’m aware of the laws that have been placed,” Alexander said leaning forward slightly, “And about the mark you’re talking about, what proof do you have that I have marked her?” he asked them.

“That will require for us to see the girls neck,” Lionel said firmly.

“Of course,” Alexander replied and at the same time, the door opened where Katie stood accompanied by a guard of the castle.

“Alex?” Katie’s small voice filled the room, going to where Alexander sat.

“This is the girl?” Kellen asked.

“No, I’ve replaced the actual human with another,” Alexander deadpanned and it took few seconds for the new council member that the Lord was being sarcastic.

“Hmm, the girl doesn’t bare the mark,” Lionel said looking at Katie’s neck carefully, “As she is a human and young, living with vampires isn’t safe. Therefore the head council decided that it would be better if the girl lived with her relatives who live in the Mythweald. We hope you can coordinate with us on this.”

“Relatives?” Alexander asked curiously.

“Her father’s brother lives there with his family and they had sent a letter to the council asking if anyone survived during the attack. I’m sure she’ll be safe there and have people to call as her family,” Lionel said, his eyes trained on the human and then back at Alexander’s calm collected expression. He wasn’t sure if the Valeria Lord would comply with his decision.

Seconds passed by before Alexander spoke, “When would you be taking her there?” he asked making the elder council member release his breath.

“We’ll be going today as soon as her things are packed,” Lionel said as he stood up from his seat with the others.

“Alright, I’ll ask someone to get it done right away,” Alexander said walking out with the others and asked Sylvia to help packing what ever Katie would require.

While Katie’s clothes and other things were getting packed, Alexander took Mathias along with him for a little talk.

“I have given the information to Head Reuben as you wanted me to regarding Lord Norman’s title to be taken down,” Mathias spoke in a low tone.

“How long is it going to take?” Alexander asked looking at Lionel speak with a fellow palace guard for information related to the marking. It made the Valeria Lord’s lips curl to the slightest.

“Perhaps a month?” Mathias responded pursing his lips.

“Your council works like a snail, did you know that?” Alexander questioned as they began walking to where the two council members stood, “She’s going to be safe, right?” he asked seriously.

“Who? The girl? Yes, I’ve made arrangements to make sure she stays safe. A thorough check was made on the family and I’m sure they’ll look after her well,” Mathias replied as he stepped down the stairs while Alexander stood at the top of it.

“I hope they do for their own good, and for yours,” Alexander said with a cheerful smile which made the council member smile back uneasily.

When Alexander went to check on Katie in her room he found her sitting on the floor with the wolf he had given her. Hearing the footsteps in the room she looked up to see Lord Alexander in the room. The rim of her eyes had slightly turned red in colour indicating that she had cried.

Walking towards her, he sat down to level his height with hers and heard her speak,

“I’m scared.”

“I know you don’t want to go but you need someone who is your family right now. You can send us letters if you want,” he assured her and saw her eyes sparkle with tears. He then saw her look at the wolf and he sighed softly. Unfortunately, even though he had gotten her the wolf, she would have to leave it here and go as the south empire wasn’t welcoming when it came to the wild creatures like wolves. Once she would leave the mansion he would ask the butler to put it as a safeguard in the horse-shed.

“Will you come to meet me?” She asked taking him off guard.

“Of course. Here,” Alexander said taking out the chain he wore with the cross in it and putting it around the girl’s neck, “If not now but later I will come to retrieve this. Take care of it for me until then,” were his promising words and she hugged him good bye before departing with the council members.

Elliot who was quiet all this time asked Alexander, “When you said to Katie that you would come to see her later was it in days or weeks context?”

“Years,” replied Alexander heading back inside the castle, “She needs to live a normal life right now. I’ve already sent someone there to keep an eye.”

“As expected,” murmured Elliot.

“Moreover, we have things to fix in the four empires. Having her here is going to be nothing but a distraction and I don’t want to drag her into it unnecessarily,” Alexander replied making Elliot nod in understanding.

Katherine looked at the castle through the back window sitting in the couch until the castle vanished behind the trees.

Arriving at her relative’s house she was greeted by her uncle Desmond Welcher and aunt Sally Welcher along with their thirteen-year-old son, Ralph.

Having lost his younger brother, Desmond and his family loved Katie like their own daughter. The income that was brought home was just enough to survive the week they had but it was a happy home, unlike the ones that cribbed even though they had enough to survive a year.

Days passed to weeks and weeks turned to years in the empire, seasons changing one after the other such that twelve years passed.

In that time, Alexander visited Katie once a year in the beginning for two consecutive years but stopped after that. She waited for him every year as he had promised the previous time when they had met that he would be back to get his chain.

But then time is a tricky thing, letting memories vaporize while leaving only its fragrance behind.

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