
Chapter 737 Lucius, The Old Primogenitor

"Fein would be surprised by your improvement. Next, show me the new moves and application you thought of. New ways you thought of to use you destruction powers aside from destruction bullet you showed me." Lucius said with a faint smile.

Sofia nodded, excitement coursing through her veins as she prepared to demonstrate her new techniques. She closed her eyes, focused her energy, and inhaled deeply.

As she exhaled, a wave of destructive energy emanated from her body and surged towards a nearby mountain range. Lucius watched with a mixture of pride and caution as the energy hit the mountainside, causing a loud rumble as rocks and debris tumbled down the slope.

eαglesnᴏνel The sound echoed through the surrounding swamp, and Sofia opened her eyes to see the mountain reduced to a pile of rubble. She smiled at her father, who nodded in approval.

"Excellent, Sofia. You have definitely mastered the destructive bullet technique, and now you have shown me a new application of your powers. But, remember, with great power comes great responsibility. You must be careful not to cause unintended harm," Lucius cautioned.

Sofia nodded and took a deep breath, closing her eyes again to focus on her next technique. This time, she attempted to create a whirlwind of destruction energy, but her control was not quite precise enough. The energy spiraled out of control, causing trees to topple and water to surge out of the swamp.

Lucius immediately stepped in, using his own powers to contain the energy and prevent further destruction. He turned to Sofia, his expression stern.

"You need to be more careful, Sofia. You have a long way to go before you can fully control your powers," he admonished.

Sofia hung her head in disappointment, but she knew her father was right. She took a deep breath and tried again, this time focusing more intently on her control. With a flick of her wrist, she sent a thin beam of energy towards a tree, causing it to disintegrate.

Lucius nodded in approval. "Good, very good. Keep practicing, and you will continue to improve."

Sofia beamed with pride, happy to have pleased her father. The sun began to set over the swamp, casting a golden glow over the trees and water. The two continued their training until darkness fell, the only sound in the swamp the crackling of their energy as they practiced their destructive powers.

Sofia looked at the ceiling of her tent thinking about Fein, his boyfriend. \'Next time we meet, Fein would definitely shocked...\' They just finished training and were about to sleep.

Sofia couldn\'t wait to show Fein the new things she had learned from her father. She smiled as she thought about how proud he would be of her. She lay down on her bedroll and closed her eyes, still replaying the training in her mind.

As she drifted off to sleep, she couldn\'t help but feel a bit anxious about their next meeting. It had been a while since they had seen each other, and she missed him dearly. She wondered what he had been up to, and if he had made any progress in his own training.

But for now, she was content with the knowledge that she had impressed her father with her newfound skills. She fell into a peaceful slumber, dreaming of the possibilities that lay ahead.

Lucius sat beside Sofia\'s bed, watching his daughter sleep soundly. A small smile crept up on his face as he gazed at her pale skin and crimson eyes. He remembered how she used to be a timid child, afraid of the slightest noise or movement. But now, she had grown into a strong and powerful young woman. He was proud of her.

As he looked at her, he couldn\'t help but think about the passage of time. It seemed like only yesterday when she was born, and now she was already so grown up. He let out a deep sigh, lost in his thoughts.

\'Time flies, doesn\'t it?\' Lucius said to himself, almost in a whisper. \'It seems like only yesterday when she was a child, and now she\'s already a young woman with so much potential.\'

He shook his head and chuckled softly. \'I guess it\'s true what they say, time waits for no one. It just keeps ticking away, and before you know it, years have gone by in the blink of an eye.\'

Lucius turned to look at Sofia once again, his smile returning to his face. He was grateful for the time he had spent with her, watching her grow and mature into the powerful young woman she was today.

"Time flies like an arrow, and it\'s easy to lose track of it," he said to himself in a low voice. "We often think of time as something that passes us by, but in reality, we are the ones moving through time. It\'s a river that we are constantly flowing with, never able to go back to the same moment twice."

He paused for a moment, lost in thought. "It\'s the same just like from thousands of years before. Time takes on an even deeper meaning. We have seen centuries come and go, watched different eras rise and fall. And yet, in the grand scheme of things, our lives are still but a mere blip in the timeline of the universe."

Lucius\'s eyes grew distant, as though he was seeing something far beyond the confines of the tent. "Sometimes I wonder, what does it all mean? What is the purpose of our existence in this ever-moving river of time? Perhaps it\'s not for us to know. Perhaps the very act of living, of experiencing the flow of time, is enough."

He shook his head, coming back to the present moment. "But enough of that," he said, with a small smile. "I\'m proud of you, Sofia. You have come a long way since we first started training together."

Lucius reached out to brush a lock of hair away from Sofia\'s forehead. "Sleep well, my daughter," he whispered, before settling down to rest beside her.

He knew that she had a bright future ahead of her, and he couldn\'t wait to see what she would accomplish.

With that, Lucius leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes, content to watch his daughter sleep for a little while longer.

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