
Chapter 738 Become The Greatest Swordsman

Fein and Voli were preparing to leave the South and go on an adventure to the Central Plains. Fein had a lot to do before their departure, so he began to arrange things. First, he told the members of the Dark Knights to continue doing missions as usual. He made sure to leave detailed instructions on what they should do while he was gone.

Fein sat at the round table in the Dark Knight\'s headquarters, surrounded by his closest comrades. His eyes were filled with nostalgia, as he knew this would be the last time he\'d see them for a while. He raised his glass to make a toast, "To the Dark Knights, may we continue to keep the peace in the South."

The rest of the knights echoed his words, raising their own glasses in unison. Fein couldn\'t help but feel a sense of pride for the team he had worked so hard to build. He knew he could trust them to continue on with their duties while he was gone.

"Hey, sis, I\'m going on a journey with Voli," Fein said.

Fey\'s expression turned serious. "Be careful, brother. You know how dangerous the Central Plains can be. Promise me you\'ll come back."

Fein gave his sister a reassuring smile. "Of course, I\'ll be back soon."

Melissa, their mother, was also worried about Fein\'s safety. "Are you sure you want to go, Fein? It\'s dangerous out there. What if something happens to you?"

Fein hugged his mother tightly. "Don\'t worry, Mom. I\'ll be fine. I have Voli with me, and we\'ll take care of each other."

As Fein said this, he was greeted with a warm embrace from his sister and mother. "I can\'t believe you\'re leaving so soon," his mother said with tears in her eyes.

Fein smiled, "I won\'t be gone forever, mother. I just need to explore and see the world. I promise I\'ll come back and visit."

"Come back safe..." Fey muttered.

eαglesnᴏνel They spent the rest of the day together, reminiscing about old times and making new memories.

As the sun began to set, Fein made his way to the local tavern where his friends were waiting for him. They drank and laughed, making the most out of the time they had left together.

Fein\'s best friend, Michael, was the first to speak. "I can\'t believe you\'re leaving, Fein. Who\'s going to keep me company when you\'re gone?"

Fein chuckled. "Don\'t worry, Michael. I\'ll come back and keep you company."

Brick Norty, Fein\'s scientific partner, raised his glass. "To Fein, the adventurer! May you find all the answers you seek!"

"I can\'t believe we\'re actually doing this," Voli said with a grin. "Going on an adventure to the Central Plains!"

Fein raised his glass, "To new adventures and making the most out of life!"

"This is a new wine isn\'t it? It\'s taste was quite mellow and kinda rich than traditional wines." Fein took a sip of his drink, closed his eyes, and savored the taste.

"Fein, how do you always do that? Guess the ingredients just by tasting it?" Michael asked, clearly impressed.

Fein opened his eyes and grinned. "It\'s easy. This drink is made from fermented berries, mixed with honey and a dash of cinnamon. It\'s called Berry Honey Cider, and it originates from the Western Plains."

Michael\'s jaw dropped, while Brick and Kidd stared at Fein in awe. Even Voli seemed to be impressed, as he looked up from his bowl of nuts.

Fein took another sip and continued, "And this beer is brewed with malted barley and hops, and it has a slightly bitter taste. It\'s called Hopper\'s Brew, and it\'s a local specialty in this town."

Brick shook his head in disbelief. "How can you remember all of that?"

"It\'s just a matter of paying attention to details," Fein replied with a shrug. "The name of the drink often reflects its origin, and the taste is determined by the ingredients used in its creation."

Kidd chimed in, "But what about this wine, Fein?"

Fein took a sip of the wine and closed his eyes, contemplating. "This is a vintage wine, at least a hundred years old. It\'s made from grapes that were grown in the Northern Mountains, and it\'s been aged in oak barrels. It\'s called Oakheart Wine."

Michael, Brick, and Kidd exchanged a look of disbelief. "How do you know all of that?" Michael asked, still in awe.

Fein chuckled. "I read a lot of books and traveled to a lot of places. I\'ve tried different types of alcohol, and I pay attention to their taste and history."

Voli huffed, unimpressed. "I don\'t see how this is useful information," he said, reaching for another handful of nuts.

Fein grinned. "It\'s not, but it\'s still fun to know, right?"

The group laughed, impressed and entertained by Fein\'s knowledge of alcohol

They drank until the early hours of the morning, until they were too tired to stay awake any longer. As Fein made his way back to his own home, he couldn\'t help but feel grateful for the people in his life.

Tomorrow, he and Voli would embark on a new journey. A journey filled with excitement, danger, and uncertainty. After all, the South cannot always rely on him alone. Even without his presence... They need to learn how to fend off for themselves. 


Fein closed the door to his room, leaving his friends behind in the bar. His mind was focused on his upcoming journey to the Northern Plains and the challenges that awaited him. He knew that it was time to prove himself as the world\'s greatest swordsman, and he was ready to do whatever it takes to achieve that goal.

Fein sat down on his bed, his mind buzzing with excitement and anticipation. He pulled out a notebook and pen and began making a list of all the things he would need for his journey. His sword, of course, was at the top of the list, along with a sharpening stone and some spare parts. He would also need to bring enough food and water to sustain himself during the long journey.

As he made his list, his thoughts drifted to his plans for the future. He had always been a skilled swordsman, but now he had reached a level beyond anything he had ever imagined. He had trained tirelessly for years, mastering every technique and perfecting his form until he had achieved an unmatched level of skill.

Now, he was ready to put that skill to the test. He would travel to the Central Plains, where he knew the greatest swordsmen in the world gathered to compete. He would challenge them all, one by one, until he had defeated them all and proven himself as the world\'s greatest swordsman.

Fein smiled to himself as he imagined the look on his friends\' faces when he returned victorious. He knew that they believed in him and his abilities, but he also knew that they had never seen him fight at his full potential.

With a deep sigh, Fein closed his notebook and leaned back on his bed. He closed his eyes and let his mind drift, imagining the battles that awaited him and the glory that would come with victory.

As the night wore on, Fein continued to plan and prepare, his mind focused on his goal. He knew that he had the skills and talent to achieve greatness, and he was ready to make his mark on the world, show what a level 51 swordsmanship could do.

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