
Chapter 775 Execution Of Plans


\'Stupid fuck...\' The second demon replied, "But we have one advantage over them. We can use our powers to infiltrate their network of spies and informants. Once we have access to their intelligence, we can exploit their weaknesses and vulnerabilities."

The third demon nodded in agreement, "Yes, we must be patient and gather as much information as possible. We cannot afford to rush into battle without a solid plan. We will continue to gather intelligence and report back to our leader."

The three demons turned to leave, disappearing into the shadows of the forest. Their mission was clear: to gather intelligence and plan the downfall of the Milea Kingdom.


As the demons carefully observed Milea Kingdom, they knew they had to get even closer to gather more information. With their powers of disguise, the scouting party of three transformed themselves into farmers and approached one of the kingdom\'s villages. The guards at the gate were easily deceived, and the party slipped inside.

They walked among the villagers, blending in and observing their daily routines. They noticed how they worked in the fields and gathered food, how they interacted with each other, and how they followed the rules of the kingdom. The demons listened in on their conversations, taking note of any gossip or rumors that could provide useful information.

As they made their way to the town hall and marketplace, the scouting party took note of the buildings\' locations and sizes. They observed how the town hall seemed to be the center of political power, with many officials coming and going. Meanwhile, the marketplace was bustling with activity, filled with various vendors and customers trading goods and services.

The demons also noticed the presence of guards patrolling the streets and keeping an eye on the people. They took note of their numbers and equipment, sizing up the strength of the kingdom\'s defense.

Throughout their infiltration, the demons maintained their disguise and acted as farmers, interacting with the villagers and keeping up the charade. However, they knew that their mission was of the utmost importance, and any slip-up could be disastrous. 

The demons disguised as traders had been wandering through the village for hours, blending in with the locals and listening to their conversations. They were looking for any information about the kingdom that could be useful to their conspiracy.

One of the demons, disguised as a merchant selling exotic spices, approached a group of villagers who were gathered around a well. They were discussing recent events in the kingdom, and the demon leaned in to listen.

"I heard that the king is planning to launch a new campaign against the neighboring kingdom," said one villager.

"Is that true?" asked another. "I heard that the king\'s advisors are against it, saying that the kingdom needs to focus on internal issues."

The demon made mental notes of the conversation, filing away the information for later use. They needed to know the kingdom\'s military movements and potential weaknesses, and this conversation gave them a glimpse into the kingdom\'s current state.

As the villagers dispersed, the demon pretended to check their wares before turning to their companions, who were disguised as cloth traders.

"Did you hear that?" asked the spice merchant. "The king is planning a new campaign against the neighboring kingdom, but his advisors are against it. This could be our opportunity to strike."

The cloth traders nodded in agreement. They had been gathering their own information, and they knew that the kingdom was vulnerable in some areas.

"I heard that there\'s been unrest in the eastern part of the kingdom," said one of the cloth traders. "The king\'s army is spread thin, and the rebels have been gaining ground."

The spice merchant raised an eyebrow. "That\'s good to know. We could use that information to our advantage."

They continued to walk through the village, chatting with the locals and gathering information. It was a slow and tedious process, but the demons knew that it was crucial to their plan. They needed to know the kingdom\'s weaknesses and vulnerabilities if they were going to succeed.

As they made their way back to their campsite on the outskirts of the village, the demons discussed their findings. They knew that they had to be careful not to arouse suspicion, but they were confident that they could use the information they had gathered to take down the Milea Kingdom.

"We need to report back to our superiors," said the spice merchant. "They\'ll be pleased with what we\'ve found."

The other demons nodded in agreement. They knew that their mission was just beginning, and that there was much more work to be done. But for now, they were satisfied with the information they had gathered, and they looked forward to the next phase of their plan.

As they finished their observations and slipped back out of the village, the demons reported back to their superiors, sharing the information they had gathered. The conspiracy to take down Milea Kingdom was well underway, and the demons knew that they had taken the first steps towards achieving their goal.


As the scouting party returned to the demon\'s stronghold, their superiors awaited them with eager anticipation. The demons listened intently as the scouts reported their findings, detailing the strengths and weaknesses of the Milea Kingdom\'s defenses.

"Excellent work," one of the superiors praised. "But we need more than just information. We need to gain control over the kingdom\'s key players."

The demons looked at each other, understanding the implications of what their superiors were suggesting.

"How do we do that?" one of the scouts asked, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

"We will use our abilities to possess and control the minds of several key individuals," the superior explained. "We will start with a trusted advisor to the king and a high-ranking general in the army. They will be our eyes and ears within the kingdom, and they will help us gather more information on the kingdom\'s defenses, plans, and weaknesses."

The scouts nodded in understanding, their expressions growing more serious as they realized the gravity of their mission.

"It won\'t be easy," another superior warned. "These individuals are not weak-minded fools. They are cunning and intelligent, and they will not give in easily. But with our powers combined, we can overcome any obstacle."

The demons murmured in agreement, their eyes burning with a fierce determination to carry out their superiors\' orders. They knew that success would not come easily, but they were willing to do whatever it took to bring the Milea Kingdom to its knees.

And so, the scouting party set out once more, their minds focused on the task at hand.

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