
Chapter 776 Mind Invasion

They used their powers to possess and control the minds of the key individuals within the kingdom, infiltrating their thoughts and manipulating their actions.

With each passing day, they gathered more information and gained more control over the kingdom\'s key players. And as their power grew, so too did their confidence in their ability to bring down the Milea Kingdom.

The demons smiled to themselves, knowing that they were one step closer to achieving their ultimate goal. They knew that the kingdom would soon fall, and that they would be the ones to claim victory over the land that they had long coveted.


The demons stood in a circle, their hands clasped together as they focused their energy on the task at hand. The air around them crackled with dark energy as they chanted in a language that had not been heard in the mortal realm for centuries. Their eyes glowed red as they reached out with their minds to find the key individuals they needed to control.

As the chanting reached a crescendo, the demons suddenly stopped and opened their eyes. They had found their targets. The first was a trusted advisor to the king, a man who had the ear of the ruler and could sway him with his words. The demons reached out with their powers and began to probe his mind, searching for weaknesses and insecurities they could exploit.

The demons continued their work, their powers pulsing with an otherworldly energy as they delved deeper into the minds of their targets. They found a high-ranking general in the army, a man with years of experience and a strategic mind that could prove invaluable in their plans. The demons began to whisper to him, their voices soft and persuasive as they planted seeds of doubt and mistrust in his mind.

The general felt a sudden urge to question his loyalty to the king, to wonder if there were other paths he could take that would lead to his own glory and power. He tried to shake off the feeling, but it persisted, gnawing at his thoughts like a relentless parasite.

As the demons\' magic took hold of their minds, the trusted advisor and high-ranking general of the Milea Kingdom felt a sudden, jarring sensation. It was as if their thoughts were being pulled out of their minds, replaced by a foreign presence that they couldn\'t control.

eαglesnovel`c,om The advisor\'s eyes widened as he struggled to fight against the invasive force. "What...what is happening to me?" he muttered to himself, trying to shake off the feeling of being violated. "This can\'t be...this can\'t be happening!"

Meanwhile, the general\'s jaw clenched in anger and frustration. He could feel the demons\' presence in his mind, prodding and poking at his thoughts like a malevolent force. "Get out of my head!" he growled, his fists clenched tightly at his sides. "What do you want from me?"

Kaelan is a confident and decisive leader, but he can be stubborn at times. He is deeply committed to his duty to protect the kingdom and its people, and he will stop at nothing to ensure their safety.

The general, or also known as Kaelan. Kaelan is a confident and decisive leader, but he can be stubborn at times. He is deeply committed to his duty to protect the kingdom and its people, and he will stop at nothing to ensure their safety.

Kaelan comes from a long line of military leaders, and he has served the Milea Kingdom for over 20 years. He is known for his strategic mind and his ability to inspire his troops in the heat of battle. He has been married for 15 years and has three children, whom he loves dearly.

Kaelan\'s ultimate goal is to retire from the military and spend more time with his family. He hopes to leave behind a legacy of honorable service to his country.

But no matter how hard they tried to resist, the demons\' power was too strong. The advisor and general could feel their thoughts being warped and twisted, their emotions manipulated and controlled by an unseen force. They began to panic, their once clear and focused minds now clouded with a dark and unsettling presence.

"Why...why can\'t I control my own thoughts?" the advisor cried out, clutching his head in agony. "What are they doing to me?"

"Lirien, don\'t give up! We can\'t let these demons take control of us or our kingdom is done!" The general\'s face twisted in a mix of anger and fear. "This isn\'t possible...I won\'t let them take control of me!" he shouted, trying to force the demons out of his mind through sheer willpower alone.

Lirien, the advisor, didn\'t respond to the General\'s voice. Lirien is a trusted advisor to the king, and she has served in this position for over a decade. She comes from a family of scholars and diplomats, and she has always been interested in politics and governance. She is unmarried and has no children, but she has many close friends and allies in the court.

Lirien is a careful and thoughtful advisor, who always weighs the pros and cons of each decision before offering her counsel. She is well-respected in the court for her intelligence and her unwavering commitment to the kingdom\'s well-being.  Lirien\'s goal is to help the kingdom thrive and prosper, both internally and externally. She hopes to see the kingdom continue to expand and to forge new alliances with neighboring countries.

But it was no use. The demons had already taken root in their minds, and they were slowly but surely losing their grip on reality. Their thoughts became jumbled and confused, their emotions twisted and warped beyond recognition. They were no longer in control of their own minds, but were mere puppets in the hands of a malevolent force. And as they struggled to maintain their sanity, they couldn\'t help but wonder what the demons planned to do with them next.

As their consciousness began to blur and their minds became clouded with the demons\' magic, both Kaelan and Lirien were filled with regret and despair. They thought of their loved ones, their hopes, and their dreams, but they knew that they were powerless to resist the demons\' influence.

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